I have a semantics question. Should "Spending - last 7 days" be a heading? (I made it an h2 in my solution). But if it were a component in an actual page it doesn't seem that important to be an h2. Any other feedback or best practice recommendations would be appreciated.
@iamenochleeAll comments
- @lemmoorSubmitted about 2 years ago@iamenochleePosted about 2 years ago
This challenge does not really define any hierarchy for semantic text, so you do not need to worry about what heading tag you should use, congrats on your solution, keep coding!
1 - @RoneeeySubmitted about 2 years ago
I have two parts I am struggling with...
On a mobile device (phone) there seems to be a bit of extra space left or right of the content as you can move the the screen left or right ever so slightly. Any idea what could be causing this?
I did not complete the bonus challenge of developing a functional burger menu but I did want the burger menu icon to display on mobile devices which I managed to do. However I am not able to combine it with the top nav to make both elements sticky so the navigation always appears at the top of the screen on mobile devices. What is the best way to hide and show elements such as the burger menu?
@iamenochleePosted about 2 years ago1)add to the body { width: 100vw; overflow-x: hidden} 2)There are several ways to toggle the navbar with knowledge of javascript. You can go all in using javascript just like this, make sure the navbar has a display of none in the css limited to mobile media query,
//grabing the elements, const toggler = document.querySelector(".menu-toggler"); const navBar = document.querySelector(".list--container"); const body = document.body; const icon = toggler.querySelector("img"); //opening navbar and closing navbar /*creating custom function to handle the click*/ const handleOpen = (el) => { el.style.display = "block"; icon.src = "./assets/images/icon-menu-close.svg"; icon.alt = "Close Navigation Menu"; body.style.overflow = "hidden"; }; const handleClose = (el) => { el.style.display = "none"; icon.alt = "Open Navigation menu"; body.style.overflowY= "scroll"; icon.src = "./assets/images/icon-menu.svg"; }; toggler.addEventListener("click", () => { if (navBar.style.display === "block") { handleClose(navBar); } else if (navBar.style.display ==="none"){ handleOpen(navBar); } }); /*closing the navbar on click outside*/ navBar.tabIndex = 0 document.addEventListener("click", () => { if ( navBar !== document.activeElement && body.getBoundingClientRect().width < 720 ) { if (document.activeElement !== toggler) { handleClose(navBar); } } });
if you prefer a css approach you will have to add and remove a class of "open" to it when the button is clicked, the use that class to handle the display in the css.
Keep Coding,
EDIT: cleaned up the function
EDIT2: While that works it has a bug, you have to click twice to open the navbar at first , here is a new solution
//custom functions function handleClose(el) { el.classList.remove("open"); } function handleIcon() { if (toggler.classList.contains("open")) { icon.src = "./public/assets/images/icon-menu-close.svg"; icon.alt = "Close Navigation Menu"; } else if (!toggler.classList.contains("open")) { icon.src = "./public/assets/images/icon-menu.svg"; icon.alt = "Open Navigation Menu"; } } //toggling navBar toggler.addEventListener("click", () => { toggler.classList.toggle("open"); navEl.classList.toggle("open"); handleIcon(); }); //closing on click outside navEl.tabIndex = 0; document.body.addEventListener("click", () => { if (document.activeElement !== toggler) { if ( navEl !== document.activeElement && document.body.getBoundingClientRect().width < 720 ) { toggler.classList.remove("open"); handleClose(navEl); handleIcon(); } } }); css .open{ display: block}
Marked as helpful0 -
- @AlexskqSubmitted about 2 years ago
Hey everyone, I completed this challenge. Can you please check it out and let me know some feedbacks and advices to improve my code.
@iamenochleePosted about 2 years agoYour media-query kicks in late, leaving your solution to stretch all the way to 1500px, reduce this to 900px, also add this style.
@media screen (min-width: 500px) and (max-width: 900px) { .container { padding: 10em; } button { margin-bottom: 1em; }
I see you made use of semantic elements and relative unit, good job, you should also start approaching layout from a mobile-first approach. Keep Coding
Marked as helpful1 - @deefx8331Submitted about 2 years ago
how to make this better please?\
@iamenochleePosted about 2 years agoHey there, congratulations on your Challenge, Your solution seems to have a vertical scrollbars, well you can correct this, by using this styles
body{ margin: 0; width: 100%; overflow-x: hidden; } header{ width: 75%; } .pattern{ left: 69em }
But this is not an efficient way, a much better way is to add the pattern as a background-image to the body for just tablet to desktop screen-sizes, since its not needed on mobile, or perhaps reposition outside the viewport for mobile, then position it top, right, i will link an article on working with two or more background image, also an article on css resets. Keep coding!.
0 - @ssembatya-dennisSubmitted about 2 years ago
Hello everyone, This my second CSS solution using CSS Grid for my layout. I'm still learning Grid and I will highly appreciate any advise on how I can polish up my code and make my solution optimal. Thanks and wish you all happy coding.
@iamenochleePosted about 2 years agoI see you are using grids, your layout breaks between 550px and 900px, ideally a tablet screen, first i think you should redefined the grid-template-column at this particular sizes to repeat(2, 1fr), since you are using tailwind that should be yourmediaquery:grid-col-2`, you can then reste it back to three at large screen sizes, while from 900px to 1200px, increase the width of the container, so the grid has more space. You can create custom media query in tailwind, check out the docs. Do well to check your website on responsive mode in your browser. i hope this helps, Happy coding, Great work!.
Marked as helpful1 - @migsilva89Submitted about 2 years ago
Hi, community,
One more project, done!
This one was built with:
- Semantic HTML5 markup;
- TailiwndCSS;
- Javascript;
- Clipboard.js
Tips or advice on how to improve are very welcome, thank you all!
@iamenochleePosted about 2 years agoLooks good!, i noticed some few stuff, first i think you should disable the button or give a notification while the link is being shortened, makes for awareness, closing the mobile nav on click outside, also at 1600px screen width your block-padding for the page is very little, you might want to keep the same padding it had at 1440px. Happy Coding!
Marked as helpful0 - @CarlTeclancingSubmitted about 2 years ago
i need help on how to host react apps on github pages someone help me please😢
@iamenochleePosted about 2 years agoNot familiar with using github pages for react deployment, but , You can use vercel, just connect you git account and you are good to go. Well ofcourse make sure you build the project. If i couldn't convince you, well here is an article on your question Github Pages. I believe you will have to add github pages as a package dependency
Marked as helpful0 - @juancaorgSubmitted about 2 years ago
I struggled a little bit on how to style the radio buttons and on how I should implement the "thanks card" dynamically, ngl.
Not specific questions, unless you know of a better way on how to hide and unhide the thanks card easily 😅
Pretty satisfied with this solution, tho 😄
@iamenochleePosted about 2 years agoHey there, there's certainly no no one way of solving, i would have taken this same approach on this challenge, great job, keep coding.
1 - @Evgeniya-AlekseyenkoSubmitted about 2 years ago
Hello everyone!) Tell me, please, how best to make up a site from the beginning - mobile resolution or desktop? And what is more relevant to use - CSS grid or flexbox?
@iamenochleePosted about 2 years agoNice, congratulations on your matching solution. It's standard practice to make use of mobile first approach. As for grid or flexbox it depends on the layout you are trying to achieve, there are no rules or conditions to use them, just use what will deliver the best results. Keep Coding
0 - @livinglifemeaningSubmitted about 2 years ago
I was admittedly very lazy with this one because I wasn't feeling very motivated. I will come back and do better. I have some questions though for this project and generally:
- How did you guys do the curved sections? What I tried is awful for screen size responsiveness.
- What are these HTML errors I'm getting coming from?
- Why do my screenshots come out with whitespace at the bottom?
@iamenochleePosted about 2 years agoYou did well, your website looks great on mobile, the html errors are wrong practice you made use of, its nice to go through them and make necessary changes, your screenshot has a whitespace because your solution doesn't have the same height with the exercise it's not a big deal, since you don't have access to the design files. Keep Coding.
Marked as helpful1 - @Tomi-AjaxSubmitted about 2 years ago
What did I find difficult while building the project?
- I found swapping images according to screen size hard difficult.
- Using the right units in CSS was quite difficult
- Adding google font to my HTML file.
@iamenochleePosted about 2 years agoyou did a great job here, we all face such difficulties at first, as you engage in more exercise, it all be bygone, i notice some few stuffs;
- your image isn't quite fitting in the container, this is due to the padding in the article text, just a quick fix, apply
.image{ height: 100%; background-size: cover } note its not a good practice to apply both height and width on images, but since this is 100%, you can get away with it. 2. You don't have to apply border-radius to the image also, remove the border-radius from the image, apply it only to the article container. .article{ border-radius: 10px; overflow: hidden; } overflow hidden will enforce the border-radius on all edges congratulations on your first solution here, go through the solution reports and fix the issues. keep coding mate.
Marked as helpful0 - @d3bu6m3Submitted about 2 years ago
I used two different approach to achieve the dropdown on the navigation bar, On Desktop I used CSS:hover effect while on mobile I used Javascript Click event.
Feedbacks are welcome and appreciated, Thank you!
@iamenochleePosted about 2 years agoHey there, congratulations on your solution, its actually an onclick even for desktop also, you should also make sure when outside of the dropdown is clicked it closes, you might also want to align the dropdown icon and the text properly, also from 500px to 750px, your layout breaks, the image expecially, you can use a media query to fix this, i'd advice you start making use of clamp for fontsizes, it makes for responsive text.