Roman Filenko
@rfilenkoAll comments
- @adedotxnSubmitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hey, good job here, but I see a lot of small issues. To debug some of them use rule - * {outline: 1px solid orange;}. This will help to fix overflow problem. A few points for future projects:
- don't set defined heigth on containers;
- preferable don't use id's for styling;
- img { max-width: 100%;} will make all images responsive;
- it's better to set max-width on wrapping containers instead of just width.
- use flexbox or css gris for layout, don't use position;
- for spacing inside use padding.
Try to fix some issues first, good luck😉
Cheers, Roman
2 - @TiasstiassSubmitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hey, you can use grid instead😉, cos currentrly gap for flexbox isn't supported in Safari yet. Or use negative margin/padding for placing items inside flex container.
Cheers, Roman
0 - @gacburSubmitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hey, try to fix console error - Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. Probably this is the issue here
1 - @mohamed1maghraby-divSubmitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hey, great work. Looks nice, but I have a few notes:
- semantic html can be a little better
- try to avoid deep nesting in css, like body .page .container .card-body h2, it's hard to overwrite and maintain styles.
Cheers, Roman
1 - @monicamclaughlanSubmitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hey Monica, nice try, but there some issues you can easily fix. First, add your your pattern images as background-image with css, this will fix positioning and overflow issues. And work on previous feedback.
Cheers, Roman
0 - @tmeidSubmitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hey, good job. Have a few tips for you:
- .intro > ul > li > span > span - don't use some many selectors to target elements in css, usually one class is enough;
- not sure what the issue is with the stars - would probably just use imgs or spans in a list (img as background).
- you can try mobile-first approach on next project.
Also you can look into sass or css variables. 😉 Cheers, Roman
1 - @mrjayy5Submitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hey Miguel, great work on this one, clean, nice code and responsive as well. Found few smaller issues:
- add some transition for menu links(hover effect, add focus states as well);
- hiding overlay by default, adding transition to it on a show;
- slider buttons can be buttons;
- grid properties can be written with shorthand like grid-template-column: 3/4 or using grid area to make it simpler.
Hope this was helpful. Have a good one, Roman
0 - @Nicolas-Rodriguez-ChSubmitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hey Nocolas, nice work. Some other suggestions how to improve:
- wriite more semantic html tags (footer should be footer tag, a list of icons - also list of links, etc);
- add desktop version using mediaqueries;
- hover on burger menu isn't a proper way to show a menu - make it on click, just few lines in js;
- in .insurance__text section - with z-index: -5 you can't really click a link;
Keep practicing, Roman
0 - @RomainDessonSubmitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hey Romain, good work, but your solution need some improvements. First, I suggest to not position .between block absolutely - you can define negative margin to push it down and add some z-index to make on top of the footer. You can check my solution - I've made similar, a dark challenge and apply some of my techniques from there (grid, hover effects, html structure). Good luck with coding😉
Cheers, Roman
0 - @grace-snowSubmitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hi Grace, congrats, clean and nice code, almost perfect to me 😉
Cheers, Roman
2 - @ArtemPonomarenkoSubmitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hi Artem, you did a great job, mobile looks ok, just a few edits will help with issues you encoutered. You're right about hard-coded values and funky ones like padding-top: -49.589%" - try to avoid them, so my suggestions:
- first, set box-sizing: border-box for all elements with * selector;
- don't use fixed values, on containers, for example set max-width, like 1200px;
- for images it's ok to set width and height, additionally object-fit will help to preserve proper picture proportions.
Usually, it's better to start with mobile-first approach and then add needed changes with wider viewport width.
Hope this was helpful😉. Good luck with edits.
Cheers, Roman
2 - @marawanmohamed9876Submitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hey, what issue are you implying to ? Here some fixed and improvements you can do:
- don't use id's for styling;
- it's better not to set margin, padding in %;
- set max-width instead of just width on some containers.
Cheers, Roman
1 - P@dwhensonSubmitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hey Dave, good work on this one. You can improve further by optimizing you js code - define variable only once on the top, use one function with if statement inside to not dublicate your code. Also you can wrap the whole code inside self executing function😉
And work on feedback about styles.
Cheers, Roman
1 - @lucasfveraSubmitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hi Lucas, to make all flex-items same size define flex:1 shorthand property. Check this article for details - But would rather change techniques - make .card-profile-container as css grid container and layout all elements inside the .card-profile box with flexbox😉
Have a good day, Roman
1 - P@dwhensonSubmitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hey Dave, nice work, just a few minor touches left:). To fix your issues:
- for image to be fullpage set {height: 100%; object-fit: cover;), that should do the trick. Also check if all grid properties are applied;
- form: make it as flex container, and just position button to the right {right: 0, disable funky left value};
- add some transition for btn on hover effect.
Overall, would advice to use Firefox, devtools are very usefull, specially when debugging flex or gird problems, give it a try😉 Cheers, Roman
2 - @TheLiberalSubmitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hi Błażej, good job, but with a few corrections can be a lot better. I was wondering about choices you made, so here a few tips for improvement:
- please don't use !important, id's you already mentioned;
- add max-width to .container and center it;
- fix img distorted proportions(max-width: 100% for all imgs, object-fit:contain as option for big one image);
- why social icons have absolute position?
- what the purpose of address in footer? Hope this was helpful feedback for you, have a good day.
Keep practicing, Roman
2 - @ArtemPonomarenkoSubmitted over 4 years ago@rfilenkoPosted over 4 years ago
Hi Artem, great work on this one. As for screenshot - it probably because puppeteer (would guess in this case) creates screenshot before yor styles kickoff. Have a few notes though:
- tags could be more semantic;
- progressbar is rather hard to style, add vendor prefixes to make it crossbrowser;
- some strange values like height: 201px; width: 918px; margin-bottom: 34.2px; - a bit lack of consistency here, but you probably used all values from sketch file;
Cheers, Roman