Judge Micko S. Silvestre
@mickoymouseAll solutions
- Submitted about 2 months ago
Advice Generator via Remix
#react#remix#tailwind-css#semantic-ui- HTML
- JS
- Submitted 6 months ago
Markdown Editor
#react#tailwind-css- HTML
- JS
None so far. Pretty satisfied with what I have. That being said, any constructive criticism or feedback is much appreciated.
- Submitted 7 months ago
Pomodoro App
#react#tailwind-css- HTML
- JS
A good resource on dealing with shapes, svgs, clippaths, etc., would be really appreciated. I am finding it hard to find resources that I am able to digest. It just all seems complicated to me at the moment.
- Submitted 7 months ago
Password Generator
#react#tailwind-css- HTML
- JS
If someone can point me to some general article or resource that is a good read in terms of browser support for this kind of custimization (webkit, moz, etc) that would be great!
- Submitted 9 months ago
Testimonials with CSS Grids
I tried using data attributes to dynamically (sort of) color my cards and paragraphs inside it. I was wondering if there's a clean way to right the css part without copy pasting it. Maybe some sort of mapping or something similar? If anybody can nudge me in the right direction that would be appreciated!
As always, feedbacks are much appreciated!
- Submitted 9 months ago
Four Card - Pure CSS
Just want some clarifications or nudge in the right direction on why my page wont vertically align.
I am using grid with place-content: center which works for me in most cases but not on this one. I am pretty sure I am just missing something but I can't seem to figure it out.
Any feedback is appreciated!
- Submitted 9 months ago
Product Preview Card w/ Pseudo elements, Data Attributes, and more!
#accessibility- HTML
I'd like to have feed back on the way I added screen reader support through a visually hidden class that I came across with from CSS tricks website.
Additionally, feedback for my semantic usage is appreciated as well. That is something I am trying to improve as I do more of these challenges.
Feedbacks are super appreciated. Thanks!
- Submitted 9 months ago
Social links profile solution
Since this is a single page only I opt out in using h1 on the name as my main title. Also on my markup, I also just use a div for the card. But I was wondering if article is better? Since I can imagine this can be put in any website to an aside or a list of some sort since content is independent and reusable.
I am still learning the dos and don't of html semantics and I wanna make sure what I am making a habit of doing are the right practice.
Feedbacks are highly appreciated. Thank you!
- Submitted 9 months ago
HTML and CSS Foundation
As usual, mark ups and whatnot.
I used an article since I thought this can be put in any website as a standalone component. Not sure if my assumption is right but from what I've learned so far it should be. Please let me know otherwise.
Feedbacks are greatly appreciated!
- Submitted 9 months ago
Workit - Responsive landing Page
If someone could point me into an article or a yt video in regards with the following:
- Creating the arc like at the bottom of the div. I've search a bit and found that I could've use path but I couldn't grasp the values inside it so I just did a trial and error using pseudo-elements for now.
- The positioning of the founder section wherein you have an image and some text. I couldn't figure out to have a fully responsive solution so for now I opted out in doing some max-width of some sort so it doesn't look ugly at some breakpoints.
Any help in finding materials for the above is greatly appreciated!
- Submitted 9 months ago
Recipe page using Flex, Grid, and some pseudo elements
I am still having trouble with learning to properly structure my html document so any feedback on that is much appreciated!