Bálint Korpai
@kemenyfa-szuAll solutions
Interactive dashboard component
#accessibility#angularSubmitted 11 months agoPlease leave a feedback if there would anything that I should look up to provide a better solution in any means. Thank you very much!
Advice generator
#accessibility#angularSubmitted 11 months agoI use Prettier plugin in VSCode to format my files. when a line is too long this happens:
[blockqoute tag] (sorry, when I write it as a normal tag, it is removed after the form is submitted) {{ boolean expression ? componentProperty.value : "Default text" }} [/blockquote tag]
The code above results the following: " Advice text " but I want this: "Advice text"
Is there any other method than a hard coded ...
[!-- prettier-ignore --] [blockqoute tag]{{long interpolated expression}}[/blockquote tag]
... to get rid of the spaces between the quote sings and the text caused by the line breaking in the html?
Thank you in advance! Have a great day!
Intro section with hamburger menu and navigation bar
#accessibility#bem#angularSubmitted 11 months agoAs I am a beginner in Angular I would be glad to receive some feedback, tips on how to structure my assets folders, and in general how good or bad is the path that I am walking on ot learn this framework.
Credit card information form with validation built with Angular
#angularSubmitted 12 months agoAny feedback is welcomed.
Responsive news landing page
Submitted about 1 year agoAs I am still new to web development, I happily accept any suggestions, corrections on my mistakes and good or bad practices.
Responsive Intrinsic Landing Page
Submitted about 1 year agoI still struggle whether to use margins or flex/grid gap properties to align the elements. I did not find proper rule of thumb for it. If you can give me an advice on how to determine it, I would appriciate it very much