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- @lucapizzarottiSubmitted about 4 years ago@JesusAtao96Posted about 4 years ago
Hello Luca Pizzarotti 👋
Excellent work on this challenge 🎉🎉🎉.
- On screen devices > 800px and < 1500px the landing does not look good.
- The image is not resized correctly, using media query you can fix it.
Just that and it will look excellent, Happy coding 😊.
1 - @KlekarSubmitted about 4 years ago@JesusAtao96Posted about 4 years ago
Hello Karel Klečka 👋
Excellent work on this challenge 🎉🎉🎉.
Add on the body, header and your other elements with background-color
transition: background-color .5s
, now press the dark / light button and the background color change is smoother ✨.Happy coding 😊.
1 - @NismaELagderSubmitted about 4 years ago@JesusAtao96Posted about 4 years ago
Hello nisma ahmed 👋
Excellent work on this challenge 🎉🎉🎉.
- On screen devices> 1100px the stars change size because you use% in the grid-template, try to use fixed values.
Happy coding 😊.
0 - @GoatBassSubmitted about 4 years ago@JesusAtao96Posted about 4 years ago
Hello Eduard Garcia 👋
Excellent work on this challenge 🎉🎉🎉.
The header and the filters are not centering on screen devices > 1450px, try to fix it.
Add on the body and the header
transition: background-color .5s
, now press the dark / light button and the background color change is smoother ✨.
Happy coding 😊.
1 -
- @wildsrinconSubmitted about 4 years ago@JesusAtao96Posted about 4 years ago
Hello Wilder Rincon 👋
Excellent work on this challenge 🎉🎉🎉. Just add
transition: background .5s
on the body and the header class, now press the dark / light button and the background color change is smoother ✨.Happy coding 😊.
1 - @abiodunolunuSubmitted about 4 years ago@JesusAtao96Posted about 4 years ago
Hello Abiodun Olunu 👋
Excellent work on this challenge 🎉🎉🎉.
Try to integrate a debouce for the input search, this makes the request be called when the user stops typing. Currently in your solution for each letter written a request is being made and that is bad for a real project,.
Your backend will appreciate it very much ✨.
Happy coding 😊.