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Responsive solution with shiny button and some animations! 😎
#react#styled-components#framer-motionSubmitted almost 2 years agoResponsive implementation using downshift, react-window, framer-motion
#react#styled-components#framer-motionSubmitted about 2 years agoResponsive implementation using framer-motion, confetti at the end!
#react#styled-components#framer-motionSubmitted about 2 years agoResponsive implementation using framer-motion and styled-components :)
#framer-motion#react#styled-componentsSubmitted about 2 years agoResponsive implementation with some animations and keen-slider!
#react#styled-componentsSubmitted about 2 years ago
Latest comments
- @niemalSubmitted about 2 years ago#react#styled-components#framer-motion@niemalPosted almost 2 years ago
Updated with github-pages client-side routing, react-window working on all devices for all content!
0 - @niemalSubmitted almost 2 years ago@niemalPosted almost 2 years ago
Updated with greater main animation depth, fixed animation cluttering.
0 - @KingaWochSubmitted about 2 years ago@niemalPosted almost 2 years ago
Hello there,
First off congratulations 🎉, I believe you put in some good effort in getting this done. I will be pointing out something on the mobile version:
The second tab has the footer bar floating in the middle, you might want to take a look at that!
Wish you fun and joy going forwards!
0 - P@jgreen721Submitted almost 2 years ago@niemalPosted almost 2 years ago
Hello there,
This looks pretty solid congratulations! I have a suggestion to make, at least on the mobile version:
When you click on an upvote button, the button hover-states and remains hovered. You might want to do something about that and remove the hover on mobile or just make it a keyframes animation on mobile.
Last but not least fixing the accessibility report on this page should also be a fine task to take on.
Overall solid, love it, keep it up!!!
Marked as helpful1 - @rbrecknerSubmitted almost 2 years ago@niemalPosted almost 2 years ago
Hello there,
Just want to note that in the mobile version the cross icon does nothing (is supposed to remove the entry).
Looks decent btw!
1 - @EslamGoharSubmitted almost 2 years ago@niemalPosted almost 2 years ago
The planet animations are just amazing 😍, very nicely done! I do not have access to a desktop right now so I will be commenting on the mobile version.
I have a suggestion: you can preload some images in the header so as soon as the crew page is visited for the first time, the experience looks as sharp as possible!
Besides that, this looks really solid, well done. Will get back for the desktop version if I find something that can be improved on there.
Marked as helpful1