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  • mofada 310



    Looks great!

  • mofada 310



    It looks great, congratulations on completing the challenge!

  • mofada 310



    It looks good!

  • mofada 310



    Congratulations on completing the challenge, all is well

  • mofada 310



    First of all, congratulations on completing the challenge.

    Let me talk about my opinion on your code, of course, this is only my personal opinion.

    First of all, from the page, compared with Solution and Design, your background color seems to be wrong, and some small details are not restored enough.

    Secondly, in terms of HTML code, you directly use the H2 tag. Normally, you should start with H1 instead of using H2 directly. Input and Label are used correctly, but radio group recommends using fieldset and legend to implement it.

    Then, in terms of input validation, you can use HTML's required to perform validation and reduce js code. <input type="text" id="firstName" name="firstName" class="input" required /> Using HTML's own validation can reduce your code

  • mofada 310



    First of all, congratulations on completing the challenge, you are awesome.

    Here are some areas I think can be optimized:

    1.Details and Summary

    I think maybe you use details and summary is better.

    Here's an example:

    • list-none: hidden default marker
    • after: pseudo element, it's can add icon, such as plus and minus
    <details class="group" open>
    			class="list-none after:w-[30px] after:h-[30px] after:bg-[url('assets/images/icon-plus.svg')] group-open:after:bg-[url('assets/images/icon-minus.svg')]">
    		What is Frontend Mentor, and how will it help me?
    	<p class="... text style here">
    		Frontend Mentor offers realistic coding challenges to help developers improve their
    		frontend coding skills with projects in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's suitable for
    		all levels and ideal for portfolio building.

    Here some article will help you:

    2. Responsive Images

    And then, the responsive picture can refer to this Responsive_images

    <picture class="absolute top-0 w-full">
    	<source media="(min-width: 768px)"
    	<source media="(max-width: 768px)"
    	<img src="assets/images/background-pattern-mobile.svg" alt="Decorative background pattern"
    	     class="w-full object-cover">

    If you want to known more details, you can check my solutions faq-accordion-with-tailwind-css

  • mofada 310



    I think you can use radio group replace button to implement rating

    	<legend class="sr-only">Rate our service</legend>
    			class="w-10 h-10 has-[:checked]:bg-white has-[:checked]:text-blue-900 hover:bg-orange hover:text-blue-900 md:w-[50px] md:h-[50px]">
    		<input type="radio" name="rating" value="1" class="appearance-none" required/>
    	<label class="w-10 h-10 has-[:checked]:bg-white has-[:checked]:text-blue-900 hover:bg-orange hover:text-blue-900 md:w-[50px] md:h-[50px]">
    		<input type="radio" name="rating" value="2" class="appearance-none"/>
  • mofada 310



    Your JavaScript code is well-organized and structured. However, there are some suggestions for improving readability, maintainability, and efficiency:

    • Debounce Input Events: Currently, the event listeners for input fields trigger calculations every time the user types something. To improve performance, especially with large inputs, consider debouncing the input event listeners.

      function debounce(func, wait = 300) {
        let timeout;
        return function (...args) {
          timeout = setTimeout(() => func.apply(this, args), wait);
      inputBill.addEventListener("input", debounce(function () {
        values.bill = parseFloat(this.value);
        if (!isNaN(values.bill)) {
    • Consistent Variable Naming: The variable alert can be confusing since it's a global function in JavaScript. Consider renaming it to something more descriptive, like alertMessage or alertElement.

      const alertMessage = document.querySelector("#alert");
    • Separate Calculation Logic: The calculate function is doing a lot of work. You could separate the logic for calculating the tip amount and the total amount into individual functions. This will make the code easier to test and maintain.

      function calculateTipAmount(bill, tip, people) {
        return (bill * tip) / 100 / people;
      function calculateTotalAmount(bill, tip, people) {
        return ((bill * tip) / 100 + bill) / people;
      function calculate() {
        const { bill, tip, people } = values;
        resultTipValue.innerText = `$${calculateTipAmount(bill, tip, people).toFixed(2)}`;
        resultTotalValue.innerText = `$${calculateTotalAmount(bill, tip, people).toFixed(2)}`;
    • Reuse of CSS Classes: In the showAlert and cleanAlert functions, you're adding and removing multiple classes for styling. Consider grouping these styles into a single CSS class, like .alert-active, to reduce redundancy.

      .alert-active {
        border: 2px solid #CA8073;

      Then, in your JavaScript:

      function showAlert(reference) {
        alertMessage.textContent = "Can’t be zero";
      function cleanAlert(reference) {
        alertMessage.textContent = "";
    • Handle NaN in calculate: Ensure that the calculate function can handle cases where the input values might not be valid numbers (NaN). This can prevent unintended results being displayed.

      function calculate() {
        const { bill, tip, people } = values;
        if (isNaN(bill) || isNaN(tip) || isNaN(people) || people === 0) {
          resultTipValue.innerText = `$0.00`;
          resultTotalValue.innerText = `$0.00`;
        resultTipValue.innerText = `$${calculateTipAmount(bill, tip, people).toFixed(2)}`;
        resultTotalValue.innerText = `$${calculateTotalAmount(bill, tip, people).toFixed(2)}`;
    • Complete the reset Function: You have an empty reset function. Consider moving the reset logic from the btnReset event listener to this function for better code organization.

      function reset() {
        values.bill = 0;
        values.tip = 5;
        values.people = 1;
        inputBill.value = 0;
        inputCustom.value = 0;
        inputPeople.value = 1;
        resultTipValue.textContent = "$0.00";
        resultTotalValue.textContent = "$0.00";
      btnReset.addEventListener("click", reset);
    • Avoid Global Scope Pollution: Consider encapsulating your code within an IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) to avoid polluting the global scope.

      (function() {
        // All your code here...

    By applying these suggestions, your code will be more efficient, readable, and easier to maintain.

  • John Pugh 340



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Im happy with my layout on this one, good challenge working with grid, flex and absolute positioning for background images also working with the different screen size adjustments. overall getting the json file to work with Javascript was hard work and once again i dont really understand how i finally got it to work.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    My biggest struggle with this was fetching the json file. I spent far to long trying to figure out why it would work for me only to finally realise my mistake! BEFORE: const dailyBtn = document.getElementById(".daily"); const weeklyBtn = document.getElementById(".weekly"); const monthlyBtn = document.getElementById(".monthly"); AFTER: const dailyBtn = document.getElementById("daily"); const weeklyBtn = document.getElementById("weekly"); const monthlyBtn = document.getElementById("monthly");

    something so simple can cause so much time and effort!!

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Im not sure how semantic this ones going to be as i think i might have used divs more than i maybe should have. interested to know if anyone has any better ways to do this to make it easier to understand.

    mofada 310



    Congratulations on completing the challenge, the hover effect is great.

    I can't help you with semantics because I think I have problems with semantics too.

  • P
    SMHN 200



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    1. I used Tailwind CSS and advanced features like safelist in the Tailwind.
    2. I implemented the Javascript part easily.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    1. Some classes in the Tailwind features were not rendered, because they are not available on the HTML, but you can use advanced features like safelist.
    2. I used Tailwind CSS component features too.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I like to write clean code, fast easy and I made lots of ID selectors, may be there is a more efficient way than making a whole bunch of ID selectors.

    mofada 310



    The HTML code you provided already has a good structure and semantics, but there are still some areas that can be optimized:

    1. Semantic tags: Consider replacing some div tags with more semantic tags, such as header, section, article, etc., to improve readability and accessibility.
    2. Optimize the alt attribute of images: Currently, the alt attribute of the img tag is empty, which is not conducive to SEO and barrier-free access. It is recommended to provide descriptive text for each image.
    3. Reduce duplicate code: The use of lg:hidden and lg:flex on image tags may cause unnecessary repeated rendering, so consider unified management.
    4. Optimize style class names: For some style class names, such as UL and UL__item, you can consider more descriptive names to express the purpose more clearly.
    5. Icon optimization: The favicon icon can consider adding different size versions to meet the needs of different devices.
  • @replayzor


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I am proud that i did it

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    No challenge

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?


    mofada 310



    First of all, congratulations on completing the challenge. I found some small problems, of course, this is just my own opinion

    I think the tailwind color naming should follow lowercase, like this text-color-blue-100, so you should define it like this

    colors: {
        'dark-grayish-blue': 'hsl(217, 19%, 35%)',
        // or like this
                blue:'hsl(217, 19%, 35%)'

    Then in the desktop you seem to have missed the triangle part, you can use svg icon or use css to draw it, like this:

    #tooltip:before {
        /*Triangle line*/
        position: absolute;
        bottom: -9px;
        left: 50%;
        transform: translateX(-50%);
        border-left: 12px solid transparent;
        border-right: 12px solid transparent;
        border-top: 12px solid hsl(217, 19%, 35%);

    Finally, your tooltip prompt box seems to have a problem with the position. It does not appear where it should appear. Perhaps you can use js to get the coordinates and display them.

    Marked as helpful

  • P



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I am proud that outside of Tailwind CSS, I used custom CSS to create responsive grid views for multiple screen widths. Specifically, I used grid template areas to make these responsive layouts.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The challenge I encountered was that nearly every testimonial looked different. For this, I targeted each testimonial card using the CSS :nth-child() selector and applied its specific style.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Did I miss something? Is there anything I can do better? I am open to any constructive feedback.

    mofada 310



    First of all, congratulations on completing the challenge. It's done very well, awesome!

    First of all, from the HTML semantics point of view, it's awesome, I can't fault it. Secondly, you also added hover animation, which is a good attempt. And responsive matching, it's perfect, awesome
