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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I think it is difficult to take care of both mobile and desktop at the same time.

  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    This project is a bit complicated. There are still many functions to be implemented on the basis of responsiveness. It may be easier to use a framework to implement this project.

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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    In the process of completing this form, I will try to find the best solution. In this process, I learned a lot.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    In the process of completing this form, I encountered two problems, which made me a little entangled. I don't have a good solution. Here are the problems I encountered and the solutions

    1. The input tag is added with required. At this time, the pseudo-class selector :invalid will take effect directly during initialization, resulting in an error message being displayed as soon as the page is opened. I think this is not good.

      • Method 1: Add the novalidate attribute to the form, and then check it yourself through js. This is too troublesome.
      • Method 2: Use :foucus + :invalid to display the error message, which is only displayed when focused.
    2. email has two checks required and type=email. Any failure in any check will make the pseudo-class :invalid effective, and there is a requirement to check the email format in the requirements. So here I can only use js to distinguish the check type and modify the corresponding text.

    For the above problems, if you have a better method, please let me know, thank you

  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I learn html tag details and summary, and in tailwind css , add open class with details

  • Submitted

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I have a question, when I click, I can't check radio. So I use js to slove this question, what else method to slove this question?

  • Submitted

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    1. did here other way to implement?

    group-[:invalid:focus-within]:block, I try to write group-invalid:focus-within:block but it's not working。group-invalid:block or group-invalid:block It's not working.

    1. did some method can change marker position? such as marker:mt-1
  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I feel so confused without a design draft. Should it be 1px more or 1px less? What is this color? It makes me too confused. Forget it. I am tired. I will destroy it.

  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    In the recipe page project, I used tailwind css for development, and I learned more about responsive design.

    I also learned more about the semantic tags of HTML and the styles of :marker.

    In the grid and native table attributes, I used the latter because I have hardly used the native table. Through this project, I also learned more about the table.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I encountered several small problems. First, the list-style of li is controlled by css

    Then the style control of table makes me feel very embarrassed and entangled

    Finally, I also encountered a problem with responsive design. I don’t quite understand whether I should develop the mobile terminal or the PC terminal first. According to the responsive design of tailwind css, md @media (min-width: 768px) { ... } should only take effect on screens above 768. So should I develop the mobile terminal first, and then develop the PC terminal based on the mobile terminal?

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?


    There is a small flaw. I used the native table to implement the Nutrition at the bottom. The field on the left has no padding.

    1. I tried to add padding-left, but it caused the field on the right to move.
    2. Add padding-left to the field on the left, and then set the width, but fixed width will have problems on mobile. So is there any other better way?

    2. question two

    I still have some doubts about responsive design. In tailwindcss, I can use the md: tag to operate responsiveness. I don’t quite understand whether this means that the mobile terminal should be used first?

    For example, the cover: h-[200px] md:h-[300px] at the top, the mobile terminal or the default is 200px, and the PC terminal or when the width exceeds 768px uses 300px

  • Submitted

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    There is no design drawing reference, which caused me a lot of trouble. I tried to put the setting drawing as the background and put it at the bottom for reference.

  • Submitted

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I learned how to use box-shadow in tailwindcss.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    1. question 1 Which font did I use?

    I found some fonts in assets/fonts folder. But I don't known which is best.

    2. question 2 Is there a problem with the semantics of HTML?

    I think I need to optimize the semantics, please help me

  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I am learning to use tailwind css. This is also my first time to challenge the frontendmentor platform. I am very satisfied with my restoration level. I think it is 90%.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I have two questions:

    • Question 1: How to write box-shadow in tailwindcss better? I was lazy here and used the existing shadow-2xl.

    • Question 2: I can't write hsl color in tailwindcss. I converted it to RGB format and wrote it.