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  • Eric Salvi• 1,330



    Feedback is always great but please be kind to my React code if you do.

    I recently heard of Codux by Wix, a visual IDE for React components and as soon as I saw this tool, I wanted to build something. I decided to build this Frontend Mentor challenge as my first one using React.

    I also learned a bit about TypeScript while using Codux since TypeScript is primarily used with this program.

    Give me some things I could have done differently when looking at my React code.

    Thank you, everyone.

    PS. I know about the accessibility landmark warnings. Codux is challenging.

    maia• 300



    impressive, Eric! i have very little understanding of what Codux, React, IDE, TypeScript are, but that makes this all the more impressive! that H accessibility one has gotten me in the past, definitely interesting that they want you to go in order. well done as always!

    Marked as helpful

  • maia• 300



    love that you were inspired by my little idea, and that you actually timed it down to the millisecond! no notes on the implementation, looks perfect to me!

    Marked as helpful

  • maia• 300



    this looks so awesome, Eric! i was feeling a bit out of my depth giving feedback, not really having an understanding of how axios works. (i'm still trying to figure out exactly where the advice is coming from!) but then I read your readme, and I'm honored you learned something from me! :o) box shadow looks awesome! and i totally know what you mean about the colors- i often feel that way with the front end design challenges, that the colors are either slightly off or not used. well done as always!

    Marked as helpful

  • Yui• 50



    I used CSS grid for some projects before but it's been pretty rusty and I needed to brush up on it. I think I could apply the basic CSS grid concept well but I'd love to hear if there is anything that I could improve on!

    maia• 300



    well done as always Yui! i like how you used grid areas/grid template areas.. i still don't quite get how those work yet! also cool how you did grid within a grid. excited to see your next submission!

  • Eric Salvi• 1,330



    I always welcome feedback.

    This was my first time using mixins even though I have been using SCSS for some time now. I never needed or thought about them until today. I know I need to do more with SCSS to full unless its powers.

    Is there anything else you would have done when using SCSS?

    maia• 300



    letter-spacing: -0.21px; this made me smile because LOL i relate. don't think i've ever gone 2 decimal places though, that's commitment!

    love the SCSS stuff. definitely found myself noticing how much i was repeating myself in a way i wouldn't have to with SCSS, and the mixins thing is so cool! got to try that next time. well done as always!

    Marked as helpful

  • Yui• 50



    I tried to do a mobile-first approach this time. I think the result isn't bad but I wasn't sure if I was doing it the right way. If you see any aspects that I could improve I'd be more than happy to hear that!

    maia• 300



    great work Yui! i love your simple js here. taking notes!

    excited to see your next submission!

  • Eric Salvi• 1,330



    Any feedback is helpful and welcome.

    I couldn't get working was because I had my modal set to -20px on the top and after the user submits the form, the top ends up being set back to 0. This way I could have the modal slide down slightly.

    I ended up removing the code but I had it when the modal section had the class added from JS that says "modal-open" is when I was resetting the top. Why could I see the animation in the console but it was not triggering at all once the modal appeared?

    maia• 300



    The modal is such a nice touch, looks really good.

    Testing your solution did make me realize a difference in our approaches, where you did validation with javascript on submit and I did it with the logic in the :invalid pseudoclass based on the input type email. I imagine these approaches could be combined so that the user could know the email was invalid before even hitting submit.

    Marked as helpful

  • Eric Salvi• 1,330



    This is my 2nd submission for this component. For the first submission I used SCSS for the first time and for this 2nd submission, I used TailwindCSS for the first time.

    Any feedback is great feedback. One thing I didn't like about using only Tailwind was that the HTML markup using many class names was a bit hectic. I do prefer a very clean HTML file so this was a bit painful but I do see the benefits of using Tailwind.

    maia• 300



    good idea to include a screenshot of mobile as well!

    super interesting to read your index.html code with the tailwind css. i think you managed to keep it really organized looking despite the mess that tailwind makes.

    you mentioned you did the social icons with aspect-ratio, tried to find it because those caused me lots of trouble, but i couldn't find it in the tailwind! need to get better at reading this code. looks really good though.

    only issue i see is that it appears your Open Sans font isn't implementing? i think what is showing on my screen is my system sans-serif.

    nice work!

    Marked as helpful

  • maia• 300



    Excellent Eric! i'm not sure whether this was really in the design or just my own idea, but one feedback is that from what i could tell, the background was a radial gradient instead of a linear one! Looks awesome though :) I also like how you imported the Google font with the URL, i'd been doing it by downloading the variable ttf. gonna try it that way next time!

    Marked as helpful

  • maia• 300



    Great work on this Toyin! It looks perfect! In your code, I like your semantic class names, I'm going to work on using those next time. Something else I want to try next time that we both didn't do is organizing your css into sections with commented out headers. Another one of those is deleting any commented out lines as a final clean up before submitting. Excited to see your next one!

  • Yui• 50



    My main goal for this challenge was to use Flexbox but I feel I didn't make good use of it. So if you find someplace where I could use Flexbox instead of what I am using right now, I'd be happy to hear that! Otherwise, I'd appreciate your feedback/advice :)

    maia• 300



    I like how you styled your attribution credit on the bottom left. Mine was confusing my vertical alignment so I just commented it out LOL. also, I like how you organized your CSS with commented out headings. I'm gonna try that next time! Looking forward to seeing your next submission!

  • maia• 300



    i like how you organized your css with commented out headers, i'm gonna try that next time! nice work Tina!
