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All comments

  • P



    Greetings, Ali

    Thank you for letting me take a look at your solution for the Product Preview Card Component. I like your use of grid to switch the orientation of the two columns and your CSS to switch the hero image.

    Another method, which you probably thought of for the former, would be to use a flex box for the switching of the columns. Likewise, another element to be aware of is the <picture> elements that dynamically changes the image based on media queries as delineated in the HTML. You can take a look here in case you don't already know about this latter technique. Regardless of what you choose, your solutions worked very well.

    I might also point out a couple of things I noticed that would be an easy fix. First, I noticed that in your <img> elements, you have the rel property listed, but without a description of the image. This could lead to issues for screen readers or for other users if the link should happen to break. Something like rel = "A bottle of Gabrielle Essence Eau De Parfum" would be enough to suffice.

    I also noticed that the scaling was off on the entire component. I'm thinking that you did not have access to the Figma file which would have made getting the dimensions of your <div class="product"> easier (it was 60rem, not the 50rem that you have). In fact, you might take a look at the max/min-width settings and whether you need them if you are not making the container responsive and actually take care of the sizing in the media query. Since you are starting with the larger size, in your case 50rem, you could just put that as the width and let the media query do the rest.

    Anyway, the container sizing threw off the other sizes and proportions as well. I encourage you to compare you project with the model they give you in the starting files.

    Other things you might consider:

    1. Filling out the, and then renaming it so it is the file. This will help reviews understand your processes and struggles. It will also help you process the work better in your own mind.
    2. Try more semantic HTML, i.e., naming your containers that will have a better logical order. If a screen reader is trying to make sense of your site, I will have structures such as <header> <footer> <section> <article> etc. to help it navigate. It's also easier to others to get a handle on your structure a little more.

    In the end, your solution looks great, and your project ended up being an attractive solution. I just encourage you to make more comparisons to the original, since the exercise is to copy it exactly.

    Thank you again for letting me take a look at your work. If I can be of any help in any way, please let me know.

    Happy coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • @Joshua65676


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Myself for improving in styling

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Mobile screen, I am still working on it.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Media query (mobile screen).




    Greetings, Joshua!

    Thank you for letting me take a look at your solution for the Recipe Card Challenge. It looks like you are still in process in completing it, but so far, it's looking great.

    I would be happy to help in any way possible with the media query for the mobile screen if you fill me in on what you are struggling with specifically. Just respond to my comment and we can converse over what is going on. Again, I'm happy to help however I can. Here is my solution in case you want to take a look.

    I also noticed a couple of other issues that may be of help.

    1. It looks like your recipe is not centering properly on the page. Here is the code that is the culprit:
    body {
        background-color: hsl(30, 54%, 90%);
        overflow-x: hidden;
    .main-body {
        background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 100%);
        margin-top: 50px;
        width: 800px;
        margin-left: 310px;
        height: 1655px;
        border-radius: 15px;

    What this does is places your <main> container at an exact distance from the left and top margin and creates a height and width that are static. I recommend that you center it more dynamically by using a flex container. Something like this...

    * {
      padding: 0;
      margin: 0;
      box-sizing: border-box;   
    body {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
        justify-content: center;
        align-items: center;
        background-color: hsl(30, 54%, 90%);
    .main-body {
        background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 100%);
        margin: 128px auto auto;
        max-width: 736px;
        border-radius: 24px;

    The first part of these styles with the * addresses all the elements on the page. It removes any default borders and margins and set the box size to include any padding inside it. It's an easier way to think about the formatting and how big the content is.

    The second part turns your body into a flex box. What this means is that it will dynamically place anything in it according to the parameters you choose. In this case, we told it to align everything in a column and justify and align it to the center.

    The third part sets the margins of the of the <main> to the top of 128px (because that is exactly what Frontend Mentor has in its example) and "auto" for the sides and bottom. By setting it to "auto", the parent container, i.e., the <body>, is allowed then to move it to always be in the center. Additionally, we set the maximum width to 736px (which includes all content and padding, thanks to our earlier box-sizing), but allows it to shrink as necessary. And finally, setting the border radius at 24px is done because that is actually what the design specifies (have you opened the Figma file to see all the details?).

    Anyway, that is enough for now. Please let me know how I can be of more help with media queries, really anything. I'd love to see how your final project turns out. You are certainly on track to make it great!

    Happy coding, My Friend!


    Marked as helpful

  • @Siyam1888


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I really feel amazed to see that I could successfully design it myself.

    I would like to use more reusable CSS in the upcoming projects.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    For this one I did not encounter any mentionable challenge.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I am a beginner, and your feedback on any topic regarding semantic HTML and efficient CSS will be highly appreciated.

    Thank you.




    Greetings, Siyam!

    Thank you for sharing your solution to the Social Links Profile. You should be proud of yourself for completing this project with such a similitud to the original, especially if you are a beginner.

    I did notice a couple of irregularities that you may, or may not, have already noticed. The overall length of the project is not the same as the model. This is due to incorrect margins between the heading elements and link elements. While it looks great the way you have it, the goal is to get it like the original. Moreover, concerning the size, the submission is not responsive, that is, it does not change as the screen size changes according to the provided models. You should also have an adaptation for screen sizes of 767px and 375px. This generally handled through "media queries." Take a look at W3Schools' for more information. This will be a good primer on the subject. I hope you find it helpful.

    I also noticed that you used a <div> element to encapsulate your links. In the future you may try to use something less generic, for instance, <section> or <article>. While a lot of this is certainly personal choice, it can be helpful to mark out sections using semantically specific nomenclature. Here is a link to W3Schools' Layout elements and Techniques to see more of what I'm talking about. What I might suggest is something like:

      <main class="card">
         <header class="user-profile">
           <img src="./assets/images/avatar-jessica.jpeg" alt="Profile Picture" class="profile-picture">
           <h1 class="name">Jessica Randall</h1>
           <p class="location">London, United Kingdom</p>
           <p class="description">"Front-end developer and avid reader."</p>
         <section class="links">
      <a href="#" class="social-link">GitHub</a>
        <a href="#" class="social-link">Frontend Mentor</a>
        <a href="#" class="social-link">LinkedIn</a>
        <a href="#" class="social-link">Twitter</a>
        <a href="#" class="social-link">Instagram</a>

    Dividing it up into sections like this would also make spacing easier. You could turn the <section class="links"> into a flex container and handle all the spacing by just defining the flex's gap. The same goes for the <header> section (though you would have to put the "name" and "location" in their own <div> first. If you are curious, you are welcome to look at my personal solution of the project and how I solved it.

    I noticed that you did a really great job in making the links, <a>, look like those in the model. I might just throw this out there that you may want to consider creating buttons instead, and then turning the buttons into links. The reason for this is that, in the future, you may be using JavaScript to do something with those links, in which case, the button would make more sense.

    Finally, I noticed that your cursor changed, as it should, when it hovers over the links. This happens automatically with the <a> element. However, I noticed that the background and text of the link do not change like they should. The reason is that you used:

        background-color: var(--Green);
        color: var(--Grey-700);

    which means that it will only turn while it is being clicked on. The fix is easy (just a difference in the pseudo-class used):

        background-color: var(--Green);
        color: var(--Grey-700);

    Anyway, kudos again for doing such a fine job. You have reason to be proud of yourself. Keep up the good work and keep marching forward. I hope my comments are helpful. I certainly appreciate you allowing me to take a look at your work!

    Happy coding!


  • P



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I'm proud that I was able to make it responsive. And finally getting to use the calc() function, makes me understand it better.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I don't have much experience making a website responsive. I got to work with media queries and use the CSS calc() function to make my fonts responsive.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    All feedback is welcomed!




    Greetings, Hector!

    Congratulations on a job well done! I enjoyed seeing how you solved some of the same issues I had when doing this project. I enjoyed going through your solution and seeing your strategy.

    I did have a couple of questions, however. These have to do with your use of calc(). You wrote, for example:

    .content h1 {
      font-size: calc(20px + (24 - 20) * ((100vw - 320px) / (1280 - 320)));
      font-weight: 800;

    First, I wondered why you didn't go ahead and put the number 4 instead of (24 - 20) since these would always come out to be the same and parentheses have precedence over operands. The same goes for (1280 - 320). The second question was where you got the number 1280. I can see the relevance of the other numbers, but that one lost me.


    One observation I had was that your box shadow seemed larger than the model's. As I looked into your code, I saw this:

      -webkit-box-shadow: 12px 12px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
      -moz-box-shadow: 12px 12px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
      box-shadow: 12px 12px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);

    I think all you needed was the box-shadow, and not the additional "webkit" and "moz" versions. Did you have a specific purpose in using those? If not, the redundancy may have thrown things off.

    Another thing I noticed was that the height of the mobile version (at 375px) was not the same as the model. As I looked closer, I could see that it was the size of the image that was the problem. The picture dimensions should be smaller, but the image should crop a little on the right and bottom. This has thrown off what would otherwise be a perfect alignment.

    Finally, I noticed that to center your blog card, you made the <body> a flex container. While this works, and solves the issue with how to center the pesky attribution element at the end, it made your design just slightly on the Frontend Mentor comparison "solution vs. design." This is, of course, non-consequential and means nothing except that at superficial glance it looks like the proportions are off, which they are not. It's just that your design set a tad higher in the preview.

    Anyway, cudos to you, for creating such awesome proportions and spacing and the use of calc(). I started to use calc(), but was too lazy to think through all the math like you did. I used clamp() instead. nevertheless, you really thought through this one and it looks great.

    I hope my comments are helpful. Take them or leave them. I am learning just like you.

    Best regards and happy coding!


    Marked as helpful

  • P



    Greetings, Itchaboidavid!

    Thank you for letting me take a look at your solution for the QR Code Component Challenge. You code is easy to read and shows you know how to center the component (which can sometimes be tricky). Everything seems to be proportioned well and the presentation is effective and functional.

    In terms of offering constructive criticism, I noticed a couple of things that might be helpful. In comparing your solution to the original, yours is smaller. As I look through the code, I believe that this was the result of you setting the width of the div.container at 225px rather than the called for 320px. This would also explain why the text starting with "Soon the qr code..." does not mirror the model and why your fonts sizes are smaller than the model.

    I also noticed that the padding between the qr image and the top of your <div> container is not equal to the padding on the right and left. Personally, I solved this by putting a padding in my main container (or in your case, div.container) to make it even on the left, top, and right. Then I put a bigger padding on the bottom, something like: padding: 16px 16px 40px 16px.

    Don't forget that the Figma file (included with the download) would supply all of these measurements. It also would have indicated that the image needed a drop shadow. I tell you, these Figma files are so helpful!

    The last thing I will mention, and this is only to keep it at the forefront of your mind, is accessibility. You probably noticed on the accessibility report run on your submission, that it was lacking an<h1> or major heading. I get it that this is just a component and that, depending on how it was used, you might, or might not, need an <h1> tag. In a case like this when it is not obvious that an <h1> tag is needed, I usually put in an<h1> and then hide it offscreen. While there are many ways to do this, I used:

    h1 { display: hidden; position: absolute; left: 200rem; }

    As a postscript, I would say that, while for this simple of a submission, inline styles work well, as the projects get more complex, I would encourage you to use a stylesheet.

    In conclusion, your solution is very good, especially if you did not use the Figma file. I applaud your effort. I hope you find these comments helpful (take them for what they're worth). If you have any questions that I may be able to help with, please let me know.

    Again, good job!

    Happy coding!


  • @MelissaZhuu


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I am most proud of being able to incorporate responsive images and CSS Grid in this project. Both topics are fairly new to me, as I've only dealt with the basic media queries and making layout/ text content responsive, but haven't really applied that to images. I also have always used Flexbox for everything, and I think that understanding Grid provides another amazing option to formatting layouts.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I encountered challenges with having the browser choose the right image to display at different screen sizes. I started off using srcset and the sizes attribute to set the widths of both images, but I think that both images being so similar in width, and actually having the smaller, mobile image (686px) have a larger width than the desktop image (600px) was confusing for the browser. I later found out about the picture element where you can specify multiple sources for different media conditions, which ended up being the exact solution I was searching for.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I read on stackoverflow that you have to add the class on the img tag to style it, I was wondering how come adding it to the picture element doesn't work?

     //why not this?



    Melissa, I really liked your solution. While I am no expert, I think I may have some insight on your musing presenting in your submission.

    Technically, the <picture> element will take the global attributes, see W3Schools <picture> element. However, since this element is really just a container, anything you do to affect it is only affecting a generic container, not the individual image displayed in it.

    To affect the individual images, you have to attach formatting to them directly. The reason for this is likely that, given the parameters for display defined in each listing of an <img> or <source>, the chosen image may have to be displayed differently, with different filters, fitting of containers, borders, etc. Moreover, putting the styling directly on the individual image gives you more control over the final appearance.

    I hope you find something helpful in here. Thank you again for sharing your solution.

    Happy coding!


    Marked as helpful

  • P



    Good afternoon, Matte:

    Hey, thanks for letting me take a look at your solution for the QR Code Component. When I look at your code, it seems like everything should have worked out, but in practice, something happened when you posted to GitHub and hosted the site from there. Anyway, your basic coding looks good, both the HTML as well as the CSS, but there are a couple of things you will probably want to keep in mind as you move forward:

    1. GitHub gets kind of picky sometimes with your url references. So instead of starting your links to your images with a "./", try just the "/" and see if that helps. In the case of this project, both your favicon and you main QR image are failing to display. However, I imagine you are not experiencing a problem on your coding program because it is not as picky.
    2. Since your image is not displaying, what is showing up instead is the "description" within the image tag. the word "description" is showing up because that is the default. This is difficult both for those wondering what the picture was supposed to be about as well as for those who are visually impaired and have readers describing what is displayed.
    3. Another thing I find helpful when I review someone's work is being able to read their file. Really, you should use the template and fill in the information and then rename the and overwrite the That way, you can explain your processes and vision as you carried out the project. I also find this type of self-expression helpful to the learning process. Also, writing to the Frontend mentor prompts when you do the actual submission is also helpful. I encourage you to take advantage of them.

    There are other things that could also be helpful for accessibility, but those steps can be left for the future. Meanwhile, I think you should be proud of your submission. You did a great job. The GitHub glitch just got in the way. Oh well, lesson learned.

    I hope you find these comments useful in some way. Again, good job and thank you for letting me take a peek of your work.

    Happy coding!


  • P



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    The calculator can convert all the units in real time.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Two big challenges :

    • How to manage correctly the conversion between one unit to all others.
    • How to create the Limitations of BMI section correctly, with the grid tool?

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    • How to create the Limitations of BMI section correctly, with the grid tool?



    Good morning, Aurélien! Thank you for letting me take a look at your solution of the BMI Calculator. I just turned in my own solution of the project as well, so it is still fresh on my mind. While I can't speak to your code directly, since I haven't used React, I might share my perspective on a couple of things you mentioned under "challenges" section.

    First, concerning the conversions of one unit to another, I decided not to even try to do it. I took in the imperial units as they were and just sent them to a different function. To find BMI using the imperial measurements, I used the formula: (weight in lbs) * 703 / (height in inches) squared. Doing it this way save me from having to put in individual conversions prior to sending the data through the same metric formula. You are welcome to take a look at my solution and see how I did it, if you're interested: My repository.

    Second, I also used CSS Grid to organize the "Limitations" section." At first I tried using Flexbox, but ran into problems. Once I converted to Grid, it became easier and the individual cards stopped moving around. To get them closest to their correct position, I made the Grid with 6 columns and 3 rows. Then I named all the locations (you can see the detail in my styles.css file). Once the items were close to their final positions, I used margins to adjust them; I used negative margins if I needed to move an item to the left of its division line. Of course, once I scaled down below the 768px tablet size, I converted everything back to Flexbox and let them all align themselves. The grid container ended up looking like this: `.grid-container { display: grid; grid-template-areas: 'limitations limitations limitations gender gender gender' 'graphic graphic age age muscle muscle' 'pregnancy pregnancy pregnancy race race race'; row-gap: 3.2rem; column-gap: 3.2rem; margin-top: 21rem;

    @media (max-width:1230px) { grid-template-areas: 'limitations limitations' 'gender age' 'muscle pregnancy' 'race race'; margin-top: 9.6rem; }

    @media (max-width: 768px) { margin-top: 15.6rem; row-gap: 2.4rem; column-gap: 1.4rem; padding: 0 5.2% 0 4.9%; }

    @media (max-width: 700px) { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 9.6rem; padding: 0; }

    @media (max-width: 375px) { margin-top: 12.7rem; gap: 1.5rem; } }` I hope you find this at least a little helpful.

    I did notice that your welcome message and the blue-colored results box wasn't showing up when the page loaded. That was probably just a simple oversight or possibly an issue with GitHub.

    Anyway, I enjoyed taking a look at your project. Thanks for letting me examine your work. I always learn so much from doing this.

    Happy coding! Jeff

  • @AminXatia


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Actually, I'm thrilled to be able to re-design such a template and it makes me believe that I am on the right path and with patience and more practice, I can gain more and more and more and more experience!!!!!!

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I had some challenges with the overflows. I mean when I wanted to see the template in smaller sizes, I had this "scroll" problem that I fortunately could manage to solve and to see the template in all available sizes.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    The project was easy and what I've just re-designed is complete and without any technical issues. So I guess there would not be an appropriate answer for this question now.




    Greetings, Amin,

    Congradulations on your solution to the QR Code challenge! Very well done! I was impressed with the similitud to the prototype.

    • Your HTML and CSS is easy to read and follow. It looks like you used BEM for organizing your CSS. While this is not my personal favorite, it is a system widely used by a lot of teams and instructors - so cudos to you for implementing it so early in your submissions. I do agree with Bernardo (above) however, that you could use more semantic HTML.
    • Your solution technically correct and also uses at least one accessibility practices. One practice you might want to add is a <meta> tag in the head that contains description of the page, something like this: `<meta name="description" content="[description of page]">. I recommend this because it is also a good practice for search engine optimization (SEO). There are a lot of other practices that I'm sure you will want to investigate later if you have not already done so.
    • I noticed that you did not have any @media statements for the smaller screen size. If I remember correctly, there did exist some minor adjustments for the smaller screen size (like width/height), thought it's so forgiveable in this case since the directions do not specify anything and the changes are so subtle.
    • I would like to encourage you to complete the file and keep it with the code. This will help future reviewers understand your intention and workflows. It also may help them provide you with better feedback. If you need help writing markdown (though you can probably guess it from just using the template), I recommend the Markdown Guide. They have a nifty cheat sheet that covers all the basics and more.

    Anyway, Amin, I want to tell you again that I liked your solution and think you did an outstanding job. I hope you find something in my comments helpful. I also wish you all the best as you continue your professional development.

    Happy coding!

    Jeff Guleserian

  • @rohanvron


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I take pride in achieving a design that closely resembles the provided challenge. The attention to detail and fidelity to the original design are aspects I’m pleased with.

    For future projects, I would consider the following improvements:

    Responsive Design: While the current solution works well, enhancing responsiveness for various screen sizes would be beneficial.

    Code Organization: Structuring the CSS more efficiently and modularly could make maintenance easier.

    Accessibility: Ensuring proper accessibility features (like alt text for images) would enhance usability.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The primary challenge was centering the components and aligning items precisely according to the challenge image.

    To overcome this, I experimented with different CSS techniques, such as flexbox and media queries. I iterated until achieving the desired layout.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Currently, I don’t need assistance with any specific areas. However, I’m open to feedback on any aspect of the project.




    Greetings, Rohan,

    Thank you for letting me take a look at your solution for the QR Code Component Solution. It looks like you did a great job mimicing the design and the overall look is as intended by the challenge. Well done!

    Other positives:

    • Your HTML and CSS is easy to read and follow.
    • You solution is simple and effecient.
    • Your solution is sound technically and incorporates at least a modicum of accessibility practices. Other practices you could consider as a next step are:
      • A <meta> tag in the head that also has a description of the page, something like this: `<meta name="description" content="[description of page]"> This is also a good practice for search engine optimization (SEO)
      • Include an <h1> tag somewhere to assist screen readers in grasping the structure of the page. If you don't want to use an <h1> tag, then consider making an element visible only to screen readers. Mark these section with a class like "sr-only" or something similar. Then "hide" the element from everyone else. A common CSS pattern for the "sr-only" is as follows: span[class~="sr-only"] { border: 0; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px); clip-path: inset(50%); height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; position: absolute; padding: 0; margin: -1px; }
      • In all, there are copious methods for enhancing accessibility practices, but since these have to do with more complex HTML structures, such as forms, they are not yet relevant to this critique.

    Areas of attention Though your solution is really great, here are a couple of items that might also be helpful.

    • Use the file and fill in the sections. This process is very helpful in developing as a professional. It also gives your reviewers a better insight into your thought process and workflow. most importantly, it will help you focus on your goals and direction and facilitate you development.
    • The design of the QR Code Component, although an applaudable copy of the original, is a bit smaller than the prototype. However, I believe that this is the fault of the FM, given that they do not give dimensions. I remember doing this challenge and having to compare the browser windows to get an "accurate" estimation of the width. Anyway, I believe the original width of the entire component is supposed to be 300px, but this is certainly nothing to fret over.

    Areas of exploration You mentioned several areas that you would like to explore. Here I will try and give you some thought, resources, and further suggestions. Centering elements on the page This is acommon problem, especially for containers that don't seem act as we expect the to. Here are some thoughts that might help:

    • Make sure the container/item you are trying to center has dimension to it, i.e., a height and width; otherwise, it may be centered, but you will not be able to see it.
    • Make sure the parent container of the item you are trying to center has a position setting, either relative or absolute.
    • Flexbox works great, as you mentioned in your comments, but if I am trying to center a single item, I use this technique: -Make sure the container has dimensions as mentioned above. -Make sure the parent container has a position setting. -Set the position of the item I am trying to center to absolute and then set its position to top: 50% left: 50%. This puts the top left corner of your item in the exact center of the container. -Now use transform: translate(-50%, -50%) to move the item back and up 50%. The item will be in the exact center. Adjust the translate property if you want it at the top or bottome, etc. -This trick works every time and is perfectly responsive.

    Structuring/Organizing CSS

    Believe it or not, this is a topic that leads to a great deal of vociferous debate. Although there are many systems, ultimately you will have to land on the one that is used by whatever team you are a part of. Meanwhile, I recommend you take a look at this article on MDN Organizing your CSS. In short, BEM is the most used style from what I understand. However, the system I believe is the best, and the one I try to use is GPS CSS Methodology. The latter one is, for me, easier to read, more efficient (DRY), and prevents scope leaks better.

    Anyway, Rohan, I congradulate you on a job well done. I hope you find my comments helpful. I also wish you well as you continue your journey (don't foget to document it through the files :))

    Happy coding!

    Jeff Guleserian

    Marked as helpful

  • P



    Hey, Fernando

    Congratulations on completing your first challenge. Looks like you really did an awesome job! I like the look and proportions, the organization of your CSS and HTML, and the succinctness of your solution. Since you did so well, I thought I would try and help you out with just one observation and then discuss some of the error messages you received from the FM report.

    • I did notice that the comparison images seem to be a bit off, but sometimes it is difficult to tell if it is the screenshot resolution or a genuine difference. I do notice a spacing/font issue with your <h3> since the words on each line differ a bit. There may also be a tiny descrepancy with your margins (maybe like 15px instead of 10px) - but this is nitpicking, for sure.
    • Images must have alternative text - keep in mind that all the <img> tags need to have the alt text included, i.e., an explanation of what the image is about in case it doesn't render properly
    • One main landmark - here the report is looking mostly for a <main> section. Make sure you use as much of the semantic HTML as possible, especially a <main> section (as oppsed to the <div class="container">. Generally, I let the <body> be the "background" and the <main> be the actual page or component. <header>, <footer>, <nav>, etc. can either come before/after or within that <main> section.
    • For the sake of screen readers and accessibility, it is important to include an <h1> element with a main "title". You may be wondering why that is important in this case or what that title would even be. It is important because if anyone is using a screen reader, the reader looks for an <h1> to alert the user as to the subject. In this case there is not <h1> needed on the card, but you can list one anyway. You could use something like "Frontend Mentor QR Code," or something like that. But what about it messing with your layout and formatting, not to mention the fact that it doesn't even exist as part of the design. Well... you have to hide the <h1>, that is, make it invisible and take it out of the flow. There are several ways to do this, but here are a couple:
      • Set the display property to display: none;. This will take it out of the flow and make it invisible to the eye, but not to a screen reader.
      • Some people set position: absolute; and then put the height and width to a single pixel, and then position it way off the page (like `left: -3000px).

    Again, I want to reiterate how proud you should be of your first solution. No doubt these small issues will clean up very quickly on future challenges. I can't wait to see how well you do on the next one. I wish you the best of luck!

    Happy coding!


  • P




    I really liked the solution and I'm envious that you used SCSS. It's still on my horizon to learn, but now I know where to go for some examples. I can see that, especially on larger projects, it would come in handy for shortening the code and increasing the potential for using variables.

    As usual, your solution looks forthright succinct, and easy to follow. I stopped to take a look because I saw the comment by Mohamad that the edges were "sticking" to the side at the mobile width. However, I can't get this to reproduce. As I resize the browser window, it seems to flow perfectly and only makes the jump right at 375px. Even at 376px, I'm seeing a border on both sides without making it looked cramped.

    I do have one suggestion, though. If you could somehow take the "attribution" out of the HTML flow, I think it would make the preview and comparison slider work mor like intended. As it is, it's throwing off the top and bottom padding, making the size look distorted. I've played with this myself a couple of times. I finally decided on putting it in a container to center it, and then taking it/the container out of the flow by putting it position as "absolute." Anyway, no big deal for sure, but your work always looks so nice that it would be great if it were more evident on your solution page.

    I hope all it well. Have an awesome week. See you around!


    Marked as helpful
