@Michael-AlansAll solutions
REST countries API with theme switcher using g JS and CSS
Submitted 9 days agoI am open for any feedback. I am ready to improve my knowledge
Advice generator app using APIs
Submitted 13 days agohow to display error message from the API if there is any error
Submitted about 2 months agoI need feedback on how to use grid to do create the whole layout because I know its possible.
Huddle landing page using CSS grid
Submitted 3 months agoHow should I remove the with space at the end of the page. That is after the blue background.
How should I also make text insides buttons not to wrap, no matter the size of the screen.
article preview component using HTML, CSS and Javasccript
Submitted 3 months agoI will accept any feedback
News-letter sign-up with success message using javascript
Submitted 3 months agoI am ready for any feedback
Interactive rating component using Javascript
Submitted 4 months agoI would like to get feedback on how to use event delegation on this
Responsive order summary card using "max-width" property.
Submitted 4 months agoAm requesting for feedback in any place that I have flaws in my code.
Product preview card using html and css only
Submitted 5 months agoI would like to get a detailed explanation on the best layout to use for this particular project. Also how to make the image and the side explanation box to be of the same height for other screen sizes that are not mobile.