@Michael-AlansAll comments
- @AndreyDimitrov3Submitted 7 months ago@Michael-AlansPosted about 2 months ago
Great job!, but you should make the weekly, daily and monthly buttons to be active when they are clicked. Like their color should be changed to white as the challenge requires.
0 - @Hlm19966Submitted 3 months ago@Michael-AlansPosted about 2 months ago
You did a good job but I have some suggestions on how you can improve your site. Your code only stops the user from submitting an empty for, which is not all. It should also check if the user has entered a valid email address by checking if the email address includes "@". Then in the side of CSS, you can set the body to flex, align items and justify content to center, then give your body a height that will enable the page contents to be vertically centered. But if that doesn't work, reduce the size of the elements used in the site because they seem to be big.
Good luck!
0 - @damiro3017Submitted about 2 months ago@Michael-AlansPosted about 2 months ago
Your work is excellent and I also learnt from it which will help me improve mine. Keep it up
0 - @kenyyodeSubmitted 3 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
Progress... recently started learning javascript, so I am so proud I was able to even do this at all
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I had issues placed the active state of the share container very close to the container that had the name and date on larger devices.
I tried using media queries and percentages to keep it within a range.
@Michael-AlansPosted 3 months agoYour work is nice, but you should always use the CSS variable to declare all the colors you will use in a particular style sheet. For example,
:root { --VeryDarkGrayishBlue: hsl(217, 19%, 35%); --DesaturatedDarkBlue: hsl(214, 17%, 51%); --GrayishBlue: hsl(212, 23%, 69%); --LightGrayishBlue: hsl(210, 46%, 95%); }
You can check my work for better understanding.
0 - @carter212-starSubmitted 3 months ago
- @SherzodToshpulatovSubmitted 5 months ago@Michael-AlansPosted 5 months ago
use semantic HTML while coding, It helps browsers to load your site very well. For instance, you should use <header> element for the caption.
<header> <h2>Reliable, efficient delivery</h2> <h2>Powered by Technology</h2> <p>Our Artificial Intelligence powered tools use millions of project data points to ensure that your project is successful</p> </header>Also use CSS variable to declare all the colors for your project first.
:root { --Red: hsl(0, 78%, 62%); --Cyan: hsl(180, 62%, 55%); --Orange: hsl(34, 97%, 64%); --Blue: hsl(212, 86%, 64%); --VeryDarkBlue: hsl(234, 12%, 34%); --GrayishBlue: hsl(229, 6%, 66%); --VeryLightGray: hsl(0, 0%, 98%); }
Marked as helpful0 - @AramHagenSubmitted 5 months ago@Michael-AlansPosted 5 months ago
The layout looks good on mobile screen sizes which is a great one. Also the use of semantic HTML like main and footer.
0 - @Musty325199Submitted 5 months ago@Michael-AlansPosted 5 months ago
- It doesn't scale well in mobile screens, so try using responsive layouts. Setting a max-width for the container(main).
- Use media queries for the image to become of full width on smaller screens.
0 - @Nma01Submitted 5 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
The use of media query.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Getting the media sizes right.
@Michael-AlansPosted 5 months agoI encountered the challenge of getting the image in a circled form but I overcame it by setting the border-radius of the image to 50%.
Marked as helpful0 - @SUJAY-HKSubmitted 5 months ago@Michael-AlansPosted 5 months ago
The use of flex container in the whole body of the page is a great one and the use of justify content set to center together with align-items set to center.
1 - @lndrumondSubmitted 6 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
Fiz todo projeto sozinho busquei ajuda e pesquisas só quando eu realmente fiquei sem ideias ou não conhecia certos comandos e para que servia.
Procurar anotar direito tudo passo a passo, pois depois de uns dias que fiz e precisei ficar off percebi que não tinha comentários e anotações o bastante para entender tudo.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Desafio que enfrentei foi a centralização da div e section, um pouco confuso fiz algumas voltas e superei pesquisando jeitos de centralizar corretamente.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Como estou na fase inicial do aprendizado, então em todas as partes ajuda é bem vinda.
@Michael-AlansPosted 5 months agoit doesn't resize very well in mobile view. Next time, set a container for the whole elements and give it a single max-width. By doing so all the elements will respond well in mobile views. You can as well check mine.
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