What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
The functionality of the share button.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?
i was confused as to how i would obtain the shape of the share-links box
I used a basic clip path to get the triangle at the bottom of the share-links box.
clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 50% 100%); and then positioned it to match the design.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?
is there a better way i could have done/gotten the shape of the box??
Congratulations SHASHIDHAR. I would like to suggest some feedbacks to make your project look better.
If you set at @media (max-width: 950px) width: 90% and margin: auto from class="part-container", this will center the container exactly. Also, the height would be better if it were 100%, so as not to overlap the container with the attribution class below.
Another thing that will be useful for you is to set part 1, 2 and 3 flex-basis: 100% in @media (max-width: 950px). So the boxes will correctly take the padding: 50px 20px 40px 50px that you set on the parts class.
You can also change some html tags to Improve Accessibility:
You can change the <div> tag with class="part-container" to a <main> tag
and a <div> of class="attribution" on the <footer> tag.
I hope you find these improvements useful. I wish you a pleasant day.
Hi there 👋, I’m Orton and this is my solution for this challenge.
Built With:
TailwindCSS npm - prettier React.js I couldn't get the sidebar to have a dark backdrop and I humbly ask for help. Any suggestions on how I can improve are welcome!
Great work Orton. It´s look amazing. Congratulations.
To get sidebar to have dark backdrop, you can put "bg-black and the text-white" to first <div> from <nav>. I don't have much experience with tailwind css, but it can be done.