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    Advice generator app

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    Hey everyone! Hope everybody is having a good weekend so far! I enjoyed this project as it got me learning about something I had never previously played around with. Thanks to a quick and useful video by a well-known developer channel I found my feet navigating the basics of fetching API data.

    Please let me know what you think!

  • Submitted

    Hey all, Let me know what you think of my attempt at this project! I found it relatively simple but enjoyable! I enjoyed trying to figure out ways to implement JS. For example, I found that multiple options could be selected for rating and so created a way to store last selection in a variable and to pull the value from this variable when the 'Submit' button is clicked. A function is invoked at the end to check what selection(s) were made and to choose selection based on users last selection. Example: If user chose 1, 3 and 5 the option selected would be 5. All other options would be ignored.

    Please let me know what you think and thanks!

  • Submitted

    Hey everyone! I really enjoyed this challenge!

    What I found difficult was aligning the cards as per viewport breakpoints. In the end I settled for establishing few viewport breakpoints because adjusting the absolute position of all the elements and making sure they fit perfectly would be a big undertaking and one I found myself getting cheesed off with pretty quickly! And so if the page breaks, it's likely because I didn't cater to that viewport. Everything seems to work well on mobile but struggles towards desktop.

    How would you guys implement the design?

    Let me know what you think of mine :) Thanks!

  • Submitted

    Hey everyone, This is my attempt at the notifications page! Found the HTML + CSS relatively easy but struggled with the JS. I eventually figured out a way to update the notification count in a simple and quick way (despite initially having over 30 lines of code with my first attempt!). At first I couldn't get the notification count to reflect the total number of notifications (JS newbie here) that had been marked as read (after user clicks) and would always find the notification count reflecting the amount of clicks, not the number of unread notifications. It was frustrating to say the least peering back at the code and not knowing what to do but I think I have found a decent enough solution! Please let me know how I can make it better!

    Things I think I have implemented:

    • 100% Mobile layout
    • 75% Desktop layout
    • 100% JS for notifications

    Things I haven't been able to implement:

    • Little red dot at the end of each notification (in both HTML/CSS & JS)
    • Adjusting notifications to reflect desktop viewport
    • Notifications in desktop layout which render content properly

    Please share your feedback, suggestions, comments! Thanks :)

  • Submitted

    Hey everyone, I found this challenge relatively simple but ended up caught out by the CSS masonry layout for a while before pulling everything together to make something (I think) has some similarities to the original design. Please let me know what you think!


  • Submitted

    Hey all, hope everyone is well! I actually found this project more challenging than the "Junior" news homepage challenge I did yesterday and so this challenge humbled me! I got stuck trying to make the layout mobile ready. Apart from that, everything was basic styling.

    Please let me know what you think and 100% welcome all feedback, criticism etc! Thanks :)

  • Submitted

    After over half a year break from web development I decided to return (<2 years total experience before this break). I chose this particular challenge because I imagined it would be a decent place to start! I found it challenging, particularly in regards to remembering how layouts work and adjusting the layout for RWD. I also had to brush up on basic JS again in order to add the mobile menu.

    That being said, I think it turned out well! Please, feedback would be amazing! I struggled with getting the hamburger aligned and I also didn't do any transitions here as I don't know how to do them properly, so the hamburger remains, well, a hamburger and doesn't transform into a close icon. Any help with this would be appreciated. I also struggled with the bottom part of the layout involving getting the size proportions of the images relative to the text next to it correct. In RWD the images are too far away from the text. My method was to reduce the width of the image and I also tried to manually assign a value to the grid area with the image in to be smaller than the grid area with the text. Reducing the image width worked but it didn't adjust the grid area. As you can see from the demo, it hasn't worked! I have struggled with this in the past with mock projects and so any help clearing this up would be amazing!
