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  • @momin-riyadh


    Good Job! It should be responsive and vertically centered, and aligned!

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the course is beginner-friendly and designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @sjarvis


    This solution uses no JS, instead going for a pure CSS mobile menu. The drawback is that it uses :has, which is unsupported by Firefox. I did not craft a fallback for Firefox.

    There is only one breakpoint (at 1024px) for responsiveness. Basically, it toggles between a desktop/tablet view and a mobile/small tablet view.

    Fun project.



    Good Job! Why did you add a flex property style in the body tag? Suppose you have many pages that will be rendered in the body tag. Then flex property may not be necessary for the rest!

    body {
    min-height: 100dvh;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the course is beginner-friendly and designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @momin-riyadh


    Good Job! It would be best if you focused on design. Did you check the corner border radius and vertical centre entire div in the Desktop

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the course is beginner-friendly and designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @momin-riyadh


    Good Job! It could be better in terms of button hover animation and footer text! Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the course is beginner-friendly and designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @momin-riyadh


    I just checkout your repository, and it shows me almost 90% code you write in JavaScript! Brilliant Job! I can say you need to focus a little bit on design/UI/UX. Also, your animations are cool!

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the course is beginner-friendly and designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

    Marked as helpful

  • @abyanfalah


    My main focus is responsive design so please have a look on the live site and tell me if there is anything wrong with the responsiveness.

    I use flex-column for the mobile design and turn it into flex-row-reverse for the desktop design, I wonder if it's the right way to do so. Please let me know the best practice for this kind of design.

    There is some gap on the bottom of screen on the signup screen when I check the site from my phone. Tried to tweak some of the tailwind classes but got no clear idea why the gap exists. Please let me know if spot the cause.

    Feedback on any aspect is welcome! Thank you!



    Good Job. I can see you fully consume the tailwind CSS feature! A small project shouldn't use Tailwind CSS.

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the beginner-friendly system is designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @momin-riyadh


    Good approach! It could be better! Design and Aesthetics

    • the bottom horizontal bar shouldn't show
    • not responsive
    • navigation and body do not align
    • design and aesthetics should improve

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the course is beginner-friendly and designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

    Marked as helpful

  • @nibess1


    My 4th ever project (one of my earlier ones, yet final ones), Site is slightly more responsive than the social proofs page(3rd project) I made.



    Perfect and Good Job! It should not scroll on desktop and also in mobile view!

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the course is beginner-friendly and designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @momin-riyadh


    Good Job! It would be best to consider specific widths for desktops and design guidelines for aesthetic and visual appearance/hierarchy.

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the course is beginner-friendly and designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @momin-riyadh


    Perfect! You also used JavaScript match matchMedia() Why not CSS Media Query?

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the course is beginner-friendly and designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @AkoToSiJeromeEh


    Hi guys, I just want to share that I have accomplished the 3-column preview card component. So far, so good! It has been enjoyable and fun to work on, especially because I made some modifications to the background colors, hover effects, and animations. That's all! Happy coding, everyone, and mabuhay!



    It could be better in terms of transition and animation smoothness! You should focus on scrimba courses and practice more and follow other developer code

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the beginner-friendly system is designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @iamwhitegod


    Hello guys,

    I just completed the Job Listing with Filtering challenge. I want to get feedback on filtering logic, state management, areas needing optimisation, and the overall component architecture.

    Job Listing with Filtering





    Good Job ! In mobile filter should adjust the z-index.

    You should focus on scrimba courses and practice more and follow other developer code

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the beginner-friendly system is designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • Yukine2133 180



    Decided to make a responsive website, took about 5-6 hours :/ Not perfect, but I'm kinda proud of myself, also couldn't figure out how to make that curvy bg , so without curves



    Good Job. Should focus on pixel-perfect design! It could be better!

    You should focus on scrimba courses and practice more and follow other developer code

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the beginner-friendly system is designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @momin-riyadh


    Did you check on the FHD screen? It could be better in terms of design and aesthetics! You should focus on scrimba courses and practice more and follow other developer code

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the beginner-friendly system is designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @nachospreafico


    • I am getting better at it, but I am still struggling with responsiveness. Just to clarify, I only used 2 breakpoints: max-width 425px (for mobile) and min-width 1280 (for desktop).
    • I think the javascript logic is ok, probably not the most performant, but ok for what it is. I also added a setTimeout to emulate server delay after clicking the "Subscribe" button.



    Good Job. It could be better in terms of aesthetics and design

    You should focus on scrimba courses and practice more and follow other developer code

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the beginner-friendly system is designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

    Marked as helpful

  • xsuma12 400



    I would greatly appreciate your feedback on my project so that I can make improvements. Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.



    If I have to learn something from you, it's vanilla Javascript Perfect! Good Job

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the beginner-friendly system is designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • Maria 70



    My solution for the multi-step form. I decided to code it first using only Vanilla JS because I knew it was gonna be more challenging and definitely it was! Understanding React and knowing how easy the conditional rendering works with it just made me realize how difficult it is in javascript! It was a good practice, but I can't wait to redo this challenge with React.

    I am unsure about some parts of my code and I know I need to refactor because I feel like there were points where I was repeating myself...!

    I also need to improve the Monthly/Yearly toggle, for some reason I couldn't figure out how to make it so I ended up with a regular checkbox, not at all close to the real solution...



    Hello Maria, Nice Work! Could be better in terms of following requirements

    • Complete each step of the sequence( without form fill up next steps will restricted)
    • See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
    • Receive form validation messages if:
    • A field has been missed
    • The email address is not formatted correctly
    • A step is submitted, but no selection has been made

    Moreover, you need to subscribe and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the course is beginner-friendly and designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @kunle-coded


    I had some challenges implementing the mobile version, and this largely due to the fact that I didn't use the mobile-first approach. I hope to get your feedback and also recommendations (including resources) on how to implement the mobile-first approach concept.



    Hi @kunle-coded, Its looks and works fine in the DESKTOP view! Nice! But on mobile next button didn't work and had extra space at the bottom.

    I like it and should learn VanillaJS from your code.

    Moreover, you need to subscribe and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the course is beginner-friendly and designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

    Marked as helpful

  • @Gamalielaradeya


    im using tailwind in all my project because I want to learn tailwind and its help me learning CSS and HTML faster than a normal programming, i want to share all my project for you guys

    on this project i use CDN TailwindCss because i think its still simple



    In responsive mode, you have an overflow issue in the horizontal scrollbar

    You should focus on scrimba courses and practice more and follow other developer code

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the beginner-friendly system is designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @momin-riyadh


    Pixel Perfect!

    You should focus on scrimba courses and practice more and follow other developer code

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the beginner-friendly system is designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @momin-riyadh


    Perfect In All Aspects!! You should focus on scrimba courses and practice more and follow other developer code

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the beginner-friendly system is designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @momin-riyadh


    Pixel Perfect! Good Job...

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the beginner-friendly system is designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

  • @Boyutife


    As a web developer, it's essential to take the time to master JavaScript before diving into frameworks. Rushing through the language may lead to a shallow understanding and difficulties down the road. By focusing on JavaScript fundamentals, problem-solving skills, and navigating the JavaScript ecosystem, you'll build a strong foundation for your career and set yourself up for success in both JavaScript and any frameworks you choose to learn. Remember, patience and a deep understanding of JavaScript will ultimately accelerate your growth as a developer. Please feel free to correct my work and recommend ways to get more active and productively while learning



    I agree with your javascript suggestion! And at the same time, you should focus on design and UI! I wish It could be better! When I click on dismiss button the message I should redirect to the form page again

    You should focus on scrimba courses and practice more and follow other developer code

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the beginner-friendly system is designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

    Marked as helpful

  • @momin-riyadh


    The button hover state is not perfect, and the responsive mobile view scroll should be out of the cards You should focus on scrimba courses and practice more and follow other developer code

    Moreover, you need to subscribe, and to get started, follow this link. It'll take you to the course's website, where you can sign up and start your JavaScript learning journey. Don't worry; the beginner-friendly system is designed to help you grasp the fundamentals.

    Marked as helpful
