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  • @mitkokazakov


    I decided to use React for this solution. But a couple of issues occurred. In the initial load of the page in the boxes for the numbers is displayed NaN. I cope with it with && operator but then another issue pop in. When the seconds countdown it reaches 2 and never reaches 1 and 0. I think it may be from the re-rendering but I am not sure. I am open for any advices.



    Hey there, nice work.

    The NaN you are seeing on the initial load for a second is because you are setting n state with the value of timeValue when it is undefined.

    You can simply check if timeValue is defined and set the n state accordingly.

    For example: You can add following line below line number 28 of your CounterCard.jsx

    if (!timeValue) return

    If you do this, you see noting for a second (for which you were previously seeing NaN) and then the timer starts.

    Marked as helpful

  • @coderSuresh


    Hey there Awesome work

    I haven't viewed your code yet.

    But looking at preview, I found a couple of issues.

    First of all, the dark mode is not persisting when I reload the page. You can persist user-selected theme mode by storing it in the localStorage.

    Another issue is, chips showing border country on details page are not showing properly. They are cutting from bottom. Maybe you can add margin bottom to the container so give it some white space.

    And what I am going to write below this line is not necessarily a problem but I think it can be improved.

    1. I think the shadow can be decreased but it's totally a personal preference.

    2. Since some flags have more width and some have more height, it is hard to make all of them look good.

  • Haarith 150



    I'm still trying to get used to using flex-box and CSS grid. I remember reading somewhere that they are both different in some ways and sometimes you would use one over the other. So please feel free to drop a comment and help me build more confidence and websites.



    Hello there,

    To put it simply, Flexbox is a one-dimensional tool while Grid is two-dimensional. With Flexbox, you cannot control both rows and columns simultaneously, whereas CSS Grid allows you to do so.

    If you want to learn more about Flexbox and Grid, I recommend watching Kevin Powell's YouTube video where he explains these tools in detail. You can find the video at this link: Additionally, you may find it helpful to read the comments section below the video as many people have shared their thoughts and opinions on these tools.

    Marked as helpful

  • P



    I've been working on using components and utility classes on projects recently, and in this project it seemed to be more repetitive to use utility classes rather than styling everything in each individual class in the style sheet. My question is if this is a problem because utility classes work better for more complex projects, or did I just not follow through with my utility classes? Thanks!



    Hi there, great work.

    I am seeing a couple of issues with your project.

    First of all, your HTML has some validation errors. (You can validate your HTML here:

    The first issue is that we can't use any <section> or <div> inside of the <ul>. In this case, you can remove the <section class='desktop-error'> and it will work fine.

    Another issue is that it is better not to use a trailing slash / on a self-closing element. For example, you are using an input tag as

    <input type='text' ... />

    which can be used as

    <input type='text' ... >

    You can read the reason here

    The third issue is that we can't use <span> as a child of <ul>. Instead, you can put <span> inside the <li> tag.

    For example, you are showing an error message as:

                <input type="email" id="mail" name="user_email" placeholder="Your email address..."
                  class="form-input border-round">
        <span role="alert" id="emailError" aria-hidden="true">
                  <em>Please provide a valid email address</em>

    But, it is better to do it this way,

                <input type="email" id="mail" name="user_email" placeholder="Your email address..."
                  class="form-input border-round">
                <span role="alert" id="emailError" aria-hidden="true">
                  <em>Please provide a valid email address</em>

    The final issue I am seeing is that the image is overflowing on smaller devices and that is because you are setting fixed width using rem unit.

    I saw on line 75 of style.css that you are setting max-width: 100%; on img and picture tag. However, I saw no effect of using it.

    Instead, you can set width: 100%; so that the image takes full width on the smaller screen and takes maximum 35.45188rem when the device width is larger than 35.45188rem.

    This way you can make the image responsive.


    Marked as helpful

  • @linomattos


    I made the project with tailwind CSS. With the help of the perfect pixel extension.

    I have problems with the active state of the hover image. I can convert the color of the image but the eye icon has lower opacity.



    Hey there, excellent work.

    I didn't know anything like the Pixel Perfect extension existed. Thanks for this.

    I have created a pull request on your repo to solve your issue with the hover state overlay and icon. You can find it here:

    Alternatively, you can look through my solution here:

    And, if you don't feel like going through links, here is a general idea of how I did it.


            - use img_container class
            - use custom css to display overlay on hover (in input.css)
            class="img_container relative flex cursor-pointer justify-center items-center h-fit my-6"
            - making overlay with view icon 
            - bg-transparent-cyan is a custom color from tailwind.config.js 
            - that gets its value from css variable in input.css
              class="overlay absolute pointer-events-none top-0 hidden left-0 w-full h-full bg-transparent-cyan rounded-xl"
                class="absolute top-1/2 left-1/2 transform -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2"
                  alt="view icon"
            - we don't need any pointer events on this image 
            - using pointer-events-none class
              alt="Nft picture"
              class="rounded-xl pointer-events-none"


    :root {
        --transparent-cyan: hsla(178, 100%, 50%, 0.50);
    /* make image overlay visible on hovering its parent div */
    .img_container:hover .overlay {
        display: block;


    module.exports = {
      content: ['./dist/*.{html, js}'],
      theme: {
        extend: {
          colors: {
            'transparent-cyan': 'var(--transparent-cyan)' //from css variable (to be used in html)
          fontFamily: {
            outfit: ['Outfit'],
      plugins: [],

    Marked as helpful

  • @coderSuresh


    Hey there, I am seeing an issue with your project.

    When I type something into the search bar and press enter, a new chip is formed (that thing below the search bar with a cross icon).

    If you wish, you can view my solution here,

  • @coderSuresh


    Hey Abdokhalil11, nice work. I am noticing some issues here. You can solve some of those by wrapping everything inside <body> tag inside of the <main> tag.

    You can validate your HTML code through following URL:

    Go to the link, click on validate by direct input and paste your code. You can upload your HTML file also. It'll show you issues in your code (if any) along with possible solution.

    Marked as helpful

  • @coderSuresh


    Hey Jerry, Nice work. I am noticing some issues here. You can solve some of those by wrapping <section> in <main> tag.

    Another issue is, you are using section tag but not heading inside it. You should use at least one heading (h2-h6) tag.

    But if you don't want to add heading tag, you have to use <div> tag instead of <section> tag.

    You can validate your HTML code through following URL:

    Go to the link, click on validate by direct input and paste your code. You can upload your HTML file also. It'll show you issues in your code (if any) along with possible solution.

    Marked as helpful

  • @coderSuresh


    Hey there, pretty nice work.

    I saw there is a couple of accessibility issue. I have added a pull request to your GitHub to solve the issue. Please review.

    There is that issue because your code is missing the `<main> tag.

    The structure of HTML code is somewhat like this:


    You can view more Here

  • @coderSuresh


    Hey there. You did a great job.

    You can fix those accessibility issues by using the 'main' tag. The 'main' tag specifies the main contents of the document.

    Here you can see more about the main tag:

  • @coderSuresh


    To center a div, you can use flexbox. For example, you have a div with a class name container that contains everything inside a body tag. In order to center that div, you can use flexbox as:

    body {
            display: flex;
            align-items: center;
            justify-content: center;
            min-height: 100vh;

    In this code, we are giving a height of 100 vh (viewport height) which covers the full height of the screen. "align-items: center" centers the div vertically, and "justify-content: center" centers the div horizontally.

    I saw that we have a section with a class name container. To center that container, instead of giving it a margin of 10vh, you can use flexbox as shown above.

    Let me know if this helped you. If it didn't I am always here for you. Thanks for reading.

    Marked as helpful

  • MSA-new 30



    Hello everyone.. I'm new in web development.. this is my first challenge from ever.

    Here is a list things I didn't know how to do XD:

    1. How to center the card vertically in the page.
    2. How to center the content of the card horezontally.
    3. How to center the content of the card vertically.
    4. How to change the color of the horezontal line.
    5. How to make some paragraph on the same line to another paragraph inside the card.

    Please look at the picture in "Design" folder to see how the card is supposed to look like. Note: I didn't do anything about the responsive design because I wanted to finish the desktop design first. Thank you...



    Hey there, I hope this answer will be helpful for you.

    First of all, there are different ways to center things in CSS. You can use a table, you can use the grid as well as a flexbox, and a position too.

    Among them, I love to center things using CSS FlexBox because I know how to use it. You can try any of the methods and use whichever you like.

    The block of code for CSS FlexBox is:

    div {
            display: flex;
            align-items: center;  /*centers div vertically*/
            justify-content: center; /*centers div horizontally*/

    You can see this detailed guide for CSS flexbox.

    Now, to change the color of the horizontal line (while using <hr> tag), you can remove its border, give it the desired height, and change its background color. Below is the code:

    hr {
            border: none;
            height: 1px;
            background-color: purple;

    Sorry, I didn't understand your last question. Feel free to ask any question, I am always ready to help you.
