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  • Saleiux 250



    Good job! some suggestions:

    • Your card look so much smaller than the one in the example, you can align it in the center of the page with flexbox, for example, and after working with size and width for making it more similar as possible to the example
    • Add a file in your repo with an overview of your project, it will help visitors to understand what you did and with which stack
    • For this project it was not necessary but try to use semantic html in your projects, like main, section, footer...
    • I suggest you to call your .css file styles.css it will be more clear in bigger projects
    • In your folder "qr-code-component-main" you have many file that you can delete. I hope those tips can help you to improve, good luck!

    Marked as helpful

  • @GustavoHRX


    This is one of my first projects done solo without the help of external videos or copy and paste of other people's code. Did i do a good job? [EDIT]: Added Media Queries for responsive behavior, based on my laptop screen 1366x768

    Saleiux 250



    Hi! good job! something that I notice in your project:

    • The alignment of your card is on the right while in the example is in the middle! There are many ways to align items, you can try, for example, with flexbox
    • Try to be more comprehensive and detailed in your file
    • You need to create a conteiner for all your items, like in the example
    • Try to work with the width of your image, it looks so much bigger than the one in the example I hope this will be helpful, good luck!
  • Saleiux 250



    Hi good job! What I notice in your project:

    • I think you need to work a bit with the size of your card, it looks so much bigger than the one in the example
    • Add a file with an overview about your project I hope this will help you!
  • Saleiux 250



    Hi! good job! Some suggestions_

    • I see that your card is not align perfectly in the center, there are many ways to do that but you can try with flexbox for example!
    • I suggest you to use an external file for css
    • If you edit your file will be easier to have an overview fo your project! I hope this will be helpful, good luck!

    Marked as helpful

  • Saleiux 250



    Hi! this wasn't an easy challenge so good job! Some suggestion:

    • There are some items overlap with others, like the div with the class="testimonial" in mobile but also desktop design. I see that you never use position:absolute and relative in the css fyle, try them, they will hwlp you with this
    • You can use the file style-guide for using in the right way the background colours or images
    • You need to take a look to margin between section, I see some white space where there shouldn’t be
    • I suggest you to use some semantic html and comment so it will be more easy to read your code I hope that those suggestions can help you! Good luck and keep it!

    Marked as helpful

  • Saleiux 250



    Happy for your first project! You did a great job! the only thing that I can suggest you is to add a file on your repo so it will be easier to have an overview of your project!

  • Saleiux 250



    Hi! it's normal that you didn't built your website with github! Normally developers use an editor to build the code (like vs code). It's easier. After you create your code in an editor you just need to create a new repo on github and follow the guidelines (there are also many videos on youtube about that, but it is a very simple process) and after for put online your website you can use a platform like netflify that will use your code on github to deploy the site. I hope I explain in a easy way myself and you understood! good luck!

  • Saleiux 250



    Hi! good job! I think your card is not in the center of the page! there are many ways to do that, You can try with flexbox for example! Try to use the file for explain your project in the repository! good luck!

    Marked as helpful

  • Saleiux 250



    Hi! good job! some suggestions:

    • I see that your desktop version doesn't look the same as the example, maybe you have to work with width and margin, and you also forgot the footer at the end of the page
    • There is also some different with your mobile version you have to put the images before the text, for doing this you can try to use position:relative and position:absolute, try it, and also in the footer there are many element on top of each other.
    • You can try to use semantic HTML I hope this will be useful and good luck with the next challenges!
  • Saleiux 250



    Hi good job! this was not a really easy challenge! Some suggestions:

    • You have to check the responsive design because your site doesn't look too good, I think you need more @media variables, that's it!
    • Add a file in your github repository explaining your project.
    • The code in the HTML file this time contains many lines of code so I suggest you to use semantic HTML and may be some comments to understand better your own code but also for other developer that will have a look at it! Good job! and keep it!

    Marked as helpful

  • Saleiux 250



    Hi! good job! I would like to give you some suggestions:

    • Edit the file in you repo on github, this will be helpful to understand better your project
    • For the style is better that you use an external css file
    • You forgot to delete the text on the top of the page
    • You applied the background color to the class .fullbody but for match the example you should apply the background colo to the body!
    • Try to use semantic html Good luck!
  • Saleiux 250



    Hi good job! Can I suggest you something?

    • It could be better if you use semantic html in your html file
    • I see that your card text in not aligned in the center, i see you used flexbox but you can try to use it also in child elements! I hope this can help you! good luck!