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  • P
    pablodev 430



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    How are you guys? In this challenge I confess that I saw things that I hadn't styled until then, such as the checked button or even the input range (it took some work) but here we are in fits and starts.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I had a lot of difficulty working with the inputs, until then I hadn't seen this type of stylization so I had to watch a lot of videos, but I think it turned out well for a difficult solution.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Any feedback, but I mainly want to improve my lines of code as tips to improve the readability of my functions.

    pablodev 430



    Good afternoon,

    Thank you very much for the tips, I really need to refactor my latest solutions, as it was difficult I focused on actually being able to finish, now the next step is refactoring, but you have already made it easier for me by observing the points to be improved, thank you very much for the patience of typing here!

  • P
    pablodev 430



    Hello, I don't have much to say about your solution, I really liked how it ended, it was a little more similar to mine, I just think your github folder could be more organized, I know it's annoying to do this for every solution, but I think it's a good practice.

    Congratulations on your solution!

  • P
    pablodev 430



    Good man, congratulations on the solution!

  • P
    pablodev 430



    ey @Safi200, whats up?

    Well, I have some suggestions for you and I hope they help you!

    • You used display flex to style and insert each card in its position, but when entering the live site URL I noticed that there were some cards that were out of place, when looking at the root solution, it is possible to see that an approach with display: grip could give you bring more code clarity.

    • Your CSS reset is covered in comments that I believe are not necessary, one of the topics written in the book "clean code" is to eliminate comments, "they are smelly, delete them", because anyway, we all know intuitively that This is a reset, right?

    • This in this case is not a tip but feedback, I really liked the way you carried out the responsiveness, it was so calm and smooth! Congratulations, maybe this is due to the fact that I use display flex in the card div

    • Document your code, I know it's boring to do code documentation, the README is very cumbersome, but believe me, make it routine after finishing a solution, code documentation is something very important, companies will notice how organized you can be be with your codes!

    • I couldn't figure out why, but the cards are becoming distant when I put them on my second monitor, the card profile is exceeding the screen size, as if something was unfinished

    Anyway, it was a great solution, maybe I'll learn from you how to achieve smooth responsiveness, keep coding!

  • P
    pablodev 430



    Hello Viniciu, how are you?

    When I entered your website, everything was ok, but when reducing the screen to a mobile device, I noticed that your footer was on top of some elements, perhaps this problem is because you are using the absolute position in both elements ( main and footer), you might want to take a look at this, anyway, congratulations on the solution!

    if this comment helped you in any way, don't forget to mark the comment as useful, thank you

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    Hexerse 460



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I was proud of not using too many static qualities. As well as researching on how to do forms and validations.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I faced challenges like how to do a form validation, email validation. How to make the website reactive what ideas I needed to use for the errors etc.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    If there is anything that you think might be useful please write it down ! I want to write good and efficient code !

    pablodev 430



    Whats up @Hexerse?

    Congratulation for your sulution...Its pretty good!

    I'll try to give you some tips that might help you.

    • if you removed the attribution from your code, it would be nice to remove the script tag from the top of your HTML, I was a little confused when I entered kkkk.
    • Maybe it would be nice to tidy up your repository and make it minimalist, with just what is necessary, the design folders are still there, as well as the README-template
    • In addition to coding, keeping your lines clean and easy to understand, showing how organized you are, in technology companies this is very important taking into account that you will work in a time of development, so always try to think about how organized you are (take a look at your read me there on github)!
    • Your CSS ended up with almost 300 lines which gives the impression that it was a lot of work, maybe you should take a look at your code and analyze if there is any redundancy or if you could do it in a less complicated way, thinking like this, Little by little you will improve your lines of code!

    Anyway, congratulations on your solution, I know that many observations may seem boring, but treat them as sincere help because I spent a while looking hahaha, if I helped you, don't forget to mark my answer as helpful! thank you bro

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    Christina 190



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I am happy the way the app turned out.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The positioning of the social media overlay was very challenging.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I am happy to hear ANY feedback for improvement. Thank you in advance!

    pablodev 430



    Hi @codercreative, how are you? I loved your solution!

    Here are some tips

    • Tidy up your github repository, I know that sometimes it seems boring, since we are always making solutions, why do I always tidy up the documentation and my folders? Speaking for myself, I always like to observe how organized the developer is with their code documents.

    • Your index is so cute, really good! (I know it's not a tip but positive feedback lol)

    • One thing I love to do after finishing my CSS styling and run the entire code with my eyes again and reduce redundancies, your code has more than 400 lines so maybe it would be cool to try to optimize your lines, this makes your lines more readable and with easy maintenance

    • The last thing is that maybe it would be cool to center the content in the center of the screen, when I open it in the browser it is half way up on the screen, giving the impression that it is undergoing maintenance, maybe it would be cool to align it using the flex display on your main content and align-items: center, but remember that the body needs to be at height: 100vh!

    These are the tips I found, congratulations on your solution, keep it up Cris! ❤️❤️

    Marked as helpful

  • @BarrosLucasJavier


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    No comments at the moment

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    No comments at the moment

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    No comments at the moment

    pablodev 430



    Olá lucas!

    Eu fiz uma solução igualzinha a sua porém o meu footer não deu certo e eu não faço ideia do que está acontecendo, você conseguiria me ajudar?

  • @Isabela-Fernanda


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?


    Neste projeto eu usei flex e grid para deixar o site responsivo e melhorar a exibição em diferentes tamanhos de tela.


    In this project I used flex and grid to make the site responsive and improve display on different screen sizes.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?


    Não tive nenhum grande desafio neste projeto, quase tudo que eu precisei para resolver este desafio eu já havia usado em projetos anteriores.


    I didn't have any major challenges in this project, almost everything I needed to solve this challenge I had already used in previous projects.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?


    Eu gostaria de receber feedbacks sobre qualquer ponto que possa ser melhorado.


    I would like to receive feedback on any points that can be improved.

    pablodev 430



    Hi Isa, I really liked your solution! ✨✨

    I don't have many tips for you unfortunately because I think you're on the right path, but as a personal matter I think that putting landmarks in HTML tags makes your code documentation much more intelligible, you know? If someone else reads your CSS they will know clearly what you are going to be styling, and when I went to look at your codes I had to go back to the HTML to understand, here's a personal tip

    Congratulations on your solution!!😊⭐

  • P



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    using semantic html

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Aligning the cards on desktop view. Overcame by using grid

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Use of semantic html

    pablodev 430



    Hello Martin ✨

    I liked how it ended, I took a look at the codes and it looks very good too, one thing I'm starting to take a look at in my lines is the way the texts within my website shrink, you know when it's something that slides across the screen in a way loyal to subtlety? for example, when I reduced my browser window to view your website, the title jumped in size, which suggests that at some point the size was changed, but imagine that it slides across the window decreasing its size? in a fluid way? I don't know if it was clear, but Andy Bell, in a very good talk, says a little about this.

    Anyway, I thought your solution was very good, in terms of accessibility, especially when talking about HTML! better than mine haha!

    I hope the comment brought something helpful, if so, don't forget to mark my comment as helpful!

  • alvarozama 360



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    This was the first Frontend Mentor project where I took a mobile-first approach. I think the look of the preview card for mobile and desktop screen sizes is well accomplished. Also this didn't take as much time as I thought it would, even though I could still invest a little more time in polishing some bits.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The whole going from mobile to desktop was a bit of a challenge. However, the trickiest part was changing the img element's src according to the screen size. Ultimately I found a simple solution, but it took me a bit of time to figure it out.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Same as last time, the breakpoints for media queries are still something I struggle with. Also, for the sake of brevity, I just used the breakpoints for 475 and 1024px screens, so the transition from one to the other is really messy. I intend to work on implementing a solution to make the whole transition more steadily responsive.

    pablodev 430



    Hello buddy 😊

    Congratulations on completing your solution and especially for using the mobile-first method!

    In HTML maybe you should use the picture tag.

    It will load the image according to the screen size as in the example below:

    <picture> <source media="(max-width: 1020px)" srcset="images/image-product-mobile.jpg"> <img class="photo-perfume" src="images/image-product-desktop.jpg" alt="perfume photo"> </picture>

    Maybe it would be interesting to change some <P> to <span> to leave only what is really paragrade as <P> which in this case is the descriptive text of the perfume.

    Speaking of visibility, when I opened the live site in my browser, the perfume box was not centered, maybe you should set an auto margin or use flex-box!

    A practice that can help you is to define a pre-reset of the CSS, as it already comes with some pre-styles that can hinder you.

    Finally, I recommend that you tidy up your github folder, delete what is not necessary, write your documentation and readme.

    If these tips helped you, please mark it as "helpful"

    Congratulations my friend!

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    pablodev 430



    what's up dude!

    I took a look at your codes, but I had difficulty understanding your documentation, maybe you should put into practice the documentation of your codes, being an important part of a developer when we research someone we always look at the documentation, the README file always helps with this, I entered on your website that you created to sell clothes and I thought it was incredible, but, again, there is no documentation, I hope this tip helps you, good coding!
