Daniel king
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Tip Calculator
Submitted 3 months agoMore on code refractoring and also, when reset button is clicked, how to rest the bill to 0 and also the number of people to 0;
Submitted 6 months agoMaybe if there was a better way of writing the JavaScript.
Submitted 6 months agoI would love to know if there better ways I can implement my Javascript into my code.
Submitted 8 months agoI have challenge in the solution i found. I works well on the bigger screen but on a small screen you need to click the button twice before it changes due to the condition i give the button to satisfy the big screens.
Submitted 9 months agoWith my padding and the width. A comment on explaining that would go a long way.
Submitted 9 months agoI would love help in centering the container with margin-top and bottom set.
Submitted about 1 year agoI need help in understanding how the DOM works and how to confidently write my JavaScript code.