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Single-Page Design Portfolio Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
#accessibility#bemPSubmitted over 2 years ago
Latest comments
- @KostczevSubmitted over 2 years agoP@tcaturani-gossPosted 2 months ago
Good code! Your design is pixel-perfect. The only suggestion I have is to consider reducing the font weight on the .dashboard__links li and increasing the margin-bottom for improved spacing. Other than that, your code is flawless. Keep up the great work!
0 - @phanthanhchungbyteSubmitted 3 months agoP@tcaturani-gossPosted 3 months ago
Fantastic job on this project! If I may offer a couple of suggestions for improvement:
Consider incorporating the checkmarks provided in the project assets alongside your bullet points. You can achieve this by using .checkmark-list li::before in your CSS, with content: url('icon-list.svg') and absolute positioning.
Additionally, styling your submit button could enhance the overall design. You might assign a class like user-email-form to your form, then target the button in your CSS using .user-email-form button. From there, you can apply styling properties such as width, padding, border-radius, background-color, and cursor: pointer for a more polished look.
Keep up the great work—you're doing amazing! Keep coding and growing!
0 - @Amanbaloria622Submitted 4 months agoP@tcaturani-gossPosted 4 months ago
Great job on this code, Aman! If there are a couple of things I could recommend, I would.
Take the bold CSS style off of your second paragraph element in the div container with the id of "content" and give it a font- weight of 400.
Reduce the #maindiv containers height to 50% or 60% to match the design a little better.
Use Flexbox principles on the #content container to center the content in the middle of the container by adding a display of flex, flex-direction column, justify-content center, and align-items center.
Try to use class="" for design changes in your CSS and id="" for JavaScript functionality so when you're incorporating more JavaScript into your websites, you won't get confused and break your code.
You're doing a great job so far, Aman. Keep at it!
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- @jeremymouzinSubmitted 4 months agoP@tcaturani-gossPosted 4 months ago
This is perfect! What's your method for getting the design to be pixel-perfect? I have tried using screen overlays, but I can't find one that works perfectly.