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  • P
    Ashley 80



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I am most proud of how quickly this project came together with relative ease. Like previous project, I would maybe experiment with a component library instead if I do it again.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The challenge I did face was the social links styling. I originally had each link in a span, and then applied the styling class to the span. (a span was used instead of an a tag as there was no need to make them actual links) However, to organize the links I used an unordered list and made each link a list item, which messed with the style. The solution was to remove the span tags altogether and just use the style class on the li tags.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    There is no specific area I feel I need help with.

    ramiadi 30



    good thing about the element "li". The code is easily readable

  • ramiadi 30



    Your code is overall well-structured and follows good HTML and CSS practices. It is easy readable.

    I have some suggestions to make it a little bit better. Note: this is small things but once you have learnt it, its good for making a website. In the svg element, make sure to put an "alt" attribute in there. This makes the accessibility better.

    To ensure that text is more responsive and readable across devices, you can consider using units like rem or em instead px units.

    Overall, you are doing a good job with this code! The structure is clean and your use of code is nicely. You have taken care of design elements like alignment, spacing and color, which shows an attention of detail that makes the design well!

  • @CodeurDHonneur


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Pour commencer, je suis assez heureux d'avoir pu réaliser la maquette.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Le respect des break points pour le responsive

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    • j'aimerais avoir des conseils sur la manière d'organiser le code css.
    • comment pourrais-je optimiser les propriétés CSS que j'ai pu utiliser pour écrire moins de lignes de code
    • Est-ce que le choix de mes balises pour le HTLM est optimal ?
    ramiadi 30



    You can reduce repetition by using more general rules. For example, instead of specifying font sizes separately for p and body, you can use e.g. font-size: 15px on body.

    Your use of media queries works fine for different screen sizes. It is good that you have taken into account larger screens in addition to small screens.

    You have already started using CSS variables, which is a good practice.

    Instead of using lots of padding and margin adjustments for placement, you can use display flex or grid to structure the layout better. This will give you better control over how elements are placed, especially on different screen sizes.

    With these adjustments, your code will be both more readable and optimized, but it is already easy to see and understand your code. Good job!
