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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Proud of using scss for this project. I also think I'm becoming a better problem solver the more I do these projects, and trying to come up with ways to solve the javascript challenges.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Tying in the pieces together when it comes to javascript and visually representing the errors.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    What is your approach like when it comes to a challenge, what ways do you break down the problem?

  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Most proud my use of class list toggling along with the styling it triggered. Took me a bit working out the kinks, overall I feel like I did a good job.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Big challenge was getting the share bubble to position where I wanted it to due to added spacing that I wasn't 100% sure off. I used negative values on any added margin. I'm not sure if that's the norm, but it got the job done. I'd love to hear about any tips and tricks y'all may have used.

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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    This project gave me the encoragement to keep trusting the process. I enjoyed the way I approached this project. I always go from html to css, and leave js for last. Most of my work has been static websites, simple things. However, this project actually solved problems, similar to a machine I figured the most important thing was to actually get it working. Once that was done the rest was just trying to match the design. (I dont have PRO plan so I eyeballed the rest. lol)

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Initially the implementation of Javascript seemed daunting. Once I broke the the problem down everything else came with ease. I had to look into a couple of things, but the idea on how to get from point A to point Z was there. It was quite nice seeing it all come together.

  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Implementing javascript, this is one of the first projects I've done on this platform that consists of it. It had me using of my problem solving skills.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The visial interaction that takes place when it comes to the form validation.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Feel free to recommend tools/ resources that helped you most. Maybe they can help me to! :)

  • Submitted

    Recipe Page

    • HTML
    • CSS


    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    On the design itself the list bullet points are aligned with the list text. If anyone has any tips on how to do that please help me out. Perhaps it's a simple fix, but I didn't figure it out :(

  • Submitted

    When y'all build these projects how do you usually go about determining what a good name for classes, id's, variables etc ? Additional question what is your favorite framework / libraries to use and why ?

  • Submitted

    Feedback is always helpful, any pointers on better practices or technologies to master before looking for a job would be great to know :)

  • Submitted

    Here's my attempt to make Huddle Landing Page project

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    So I managed to use bootsrap, sass and react, learned alot with this project. I did however have a bit of an issue once I completed the project. Once completed I ran 'npm run build', then I went on to deploy site on netlify. I made a mistake somwhere. I'm guessing its something based on the directory/ command issue, bc it says netlify also runs that npm run build. (Ultimately I deployed it manually) but any resources to do this the correct way would be very helpful, so do comment them. I'd like to fix, and do things correctly. Feel free to provide any additional feedback, thanks! :)

  • Submitted

    My past projects, I have been utilizing libraries and framework. On this one I decided to keep it simple, my big challenge was understanding grid. I think I did a good job on it, and hope to later attempt it using other tools as well in the future.

  • Submitted

    When naming classes is there certain names I should be using ex. "hero", "container", "wrapper", I often notice those names when I follow tutorials. Is there a handbook that has certain naming standards? Feedback is always helpful, and appreciated.

  • Submitted

    Honestly, after numerous attempts to replicate the designs background I came to the realization that I simply do not know what to do. It should be css basics, nothing complicated, I'm probably over thinking it, but I'm still completely lost. I suppose it's important to know when to ask for help and this is one of those times.

    So hey, I'd appreciate any guidance or resource links that will help enlighten me.

  • Submitted

    I'm no expert when it comes to grid, but I'm pretty proud for trying. When it comes to breakpoints is it my job to use my own judgment or is it based on what the design calls for? Feedback is always welcomed! :)

  • Submitted

    I was having trouble trying to name variables in sass it mentioned to use $ when naming variables. I kept receiving error messages I'm not sure if I simply didn't install properly or where my error happened. I didn't find the SASS doc very helpful, feel free to comment any resources that may be helpful. Thanks! :)

  • Submitted

    I'd appreciate any feedback, helpful tips or links. I've been trying to figure out how to keep the rating circles styling to show once selected, so far no luck. Any additional feedback beyond that is also appreciated :)

  • Submitted

    I'd appreciate any feedback as well as any recommendations about how to make this project accessible.