Pretty proud of this one although I know my media queries are all over the place. Styling the submit button gave me some trouble but I learned a lot! The JavaScript was actually one of the easiest parts for me so it showed me how much I've learned so far.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I notice when I resize the window to be smaller the Base Apparel logo overlaps the other text. Any suggestions would be welcome. I'm sure there are errors in my code, especially with the media queries and maybe even the way I organized the items in my HTML.
I'm trying to get better at mobile-first workflow and media queries. I work on a pretty large screen and use chrome inspector to test other screen sizes, but does anyone have any tips? I find that once it looks great at smartphone sizes and 1440px+ I have a lot of trouble figuring out the smaller sizes like tablet and smaller laptops.