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All comments

  • Megan May• 170



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Pretty proud of this one although I know my media queries are all over the place. Styling the submit button gave me some trouble but I learned a lot! The JavaScript was actually one of the easiest parts for me so it showed me how much I've learned so far.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I notice when I resize the window to be smaller the Base Apparel logo overlaps the other text. Any suggestions would be welcome. I'm sure there are errors in my code, especially with the media queries and maybe even the way I organized the items in my HTML.

    I'm trying to get better at mobile-first workflow and media queries. I work on a pretty large screen and use chrome inspector to test other screen sizes, but does anyone have any tips? I find that once it looks great at smartphone sizes and 1440px+ I have a lot of trouble figuring out the smaller sizes like tablet and smaller laptops.

    denise• 230



    Hello Megan you did a good job! Not sure if you've come across Kevin Powell on Youtube he's great at explaining CSS. He has a few playlist on responsiveness, it's helped me a lot hopefully you find him as helpful as well :)

  • Gabriel Noss• 170



    I had difficulties in making the background, I don't know how to make it the same as the model presented. If someone could help me I would appreciate it. I did the best I could. PS: Solved

    denise• 230



    Excellent job! Consider adding a background-color to body. I used the colors provided, but you could always use a color picker tool for the exact color.

    ex: body { background-image: url('/images/pattern-background-mobile.svg'); background-color: pale-blue; ... }

    Marked as helpful

  • 04leslie• 20



    Hello guys..! just completed this challenge, all feedback welcomed!

    • I don't understand why the image doesn't fit in completely at the top, and my font isn't the same. If there is anything I could do better please let me know in your reviews :) !
    denise• 230



    The approach I took on my project was for the .card { max-width: 600px } and went on to .card-image .img{ width: 100%} .card-info {width: 100%} and just made up for the remaining space with padding, and margin.

    I found this video very helpful for understanding responsiveness. Hope it helps :)
