Hi everyone,
I just completed this challenge. I use flexbox CSS. Here are where I had difficult in these challenge :
- Change the color on the social medias icon (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) when we hover on icon. =>What I did is to download other icons social media in color cyan blue and I put them on CSS in background like this : `.social-media-ig a, .social-media-fb a, .social-media-tw a{ display: inline-block; margin:1rem; }
.social-media-fb a { background: url('images/facebook-square-custom.svg') no-repeat; }
.social-media-tw a{ background: url('images/twitter-custom.svg') no-repeat; }
.social-media-ig a{ background: url('images/instagram-custom.svg') no-repeat; }
.social-media-fb a:hover img, .social-media-tw a:hover img, .social-media-ig a:hover img { visibility: hidden; }
But I am not satisfied by the result because we see 2 icons one above the other.
On the footer, I didn't know how to put the FAQs, Privacy Policy, Press kit.. as it appears in the challenge. Here is my solution.. But I know, it's not perfect : ` <div class="links"> <img class="logo-C-bottom" src="images/logo.svg" alt="">
<div class="faqs"> <a class="hover-links" href="#">FAQs</a> <br> <a class="hover-links" href="#">Contact Us</a> </div> <div class="privacy"> <a class="hover-links" href="#">Privacy Policy</a> <br> <a class="hover-links" href="#">Press Kit</a> </div>
Your feedbacks and suggestions are welcome !! Thank you very much and happy coding !!
Best regards, Yous Ben