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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Media queries , did them differently this time but not the best as well

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    making the same height containers in flex , got to know about align-items: stretch

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    resposinveness . . . naaah even thats not necessary , I'm aware of min-width, minmx, clamp, I just dont know them fully hence didnt use them

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    Hey there , this was my attempt to ip-address-tracker app , for the resources I've used you can check my github readme.... as far as the data is concerned it may/may not be accurate.. not my fault , api at work needs to be worked upon...the map fails to be interactive , but i'll work on that later . . . and one more thing , the API I used didnt have ISP in json so I replaced it with country instead , what else ? idk. . . cheers!! 🥂🥂

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    Not the best code I've written , both react and scss, you can checkout my github readme for more explanation . . . anyways there are some issues I would gladly feel happy to be helped with.. like resetting the state of my cart checkout when delete btn is clicked , or my css as well . . . anyways cheers 🥂🥂

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    Hey , this was my first react app , I'd appreciate any feedback , learnt a lot of things otw , like useState() and props, learnt how to work with components . . . I initially thought of using tailwind along with this but apparently don't find myself to be really comfortable with it . . . apparently there are issues that still need to be addressed :-

    • when user click on equals to and evaluates the string , the DEL btn doesn't work(not that I have added any functionality)
    • the input value doesn't reset when a new operand is clicked after evaluating the string , leading to new unwanted string being created
    • since I was in strict mode , octal literals weren't allowed due to which large calculations can't be calculated. I didn't address these issues coz I was too tired at this point , not to mention that this was my first react app to begin with, didn't know how I could add all these functionalities so gave it a break , would highly appreciate any helping feedback
  • Submitted

    Hey!!! Frontend mentor community, this was my first time using gsap , maybe I could have done more , idk . . . for making the list-items reorderable I used sortable.js, quite a useful library , allows you to apply styling as well animations to the list items while dragging and dropping them . . . .

    I also used this keyword in my code , since I was having some trouble declaring the target , I used it on gpt's recommendation , not sure of how it exactly works but definitely going to work on it after this submission . . .

    Regarding the approach

    You'll see that I haven't used localStorage to store user data , and neither does the data persist after you close the app , thats coz , I'll be making it a fullstack web dev application and since I'll be working with databases like mongo , I don't think I need to use localStorage as of now . . . what else ? Idk . . . 🥂🥂

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    I tried considering all the edge cases, there is a slight chance that the actual age may differ by 1 or 2 days due to animation-setInterval logic ,otherwise I think I've done a decent job in handling all the errors , thought I'd use gsap but cant think of any creative animations so just make do with the number incrementing animation for now . . . cheers!!! 🥂🥂

    Fun Fact ⚡: I intentionally allowed user to input negative years 💀

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    Hey , this was my first time using sass , and I think I was okay-ish , as far as user form validation is considered , it is okay-ish as well , cant do anyhting about transparent borders as it looks ugly otherwise , I didn't put any message when any form field was empty ,rather I highlighted the borders , was too tired at that point , revised CSS many times for the best approach to the design , due to which missed out on responsiveness at medium viewports . . . feel free to help **cheers !!!**🥂

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    this was my first time working with fetch api , so i had to learn some previous related concepts as well , so yea I took my time , but nvm , I didnt focus much on design and small animations so there might be some inadequacies .. so pls make do with it now . . . . cheers!!!

  • Submitted

    Sup, not gonna say much since you guys have your own things to do , but one thing for sure , if it doesnt work in your device try inspecting and reloading, otherwise you can always check this gtihub repo . . . I went overboard on READme this time , dk why . . .cheers!!!

  • Submitted

    Henlo FEM community 🤙 , solitary_coder this side

    Loook , I've tried my very best to make it as repsonsive and interactive as possible , but still if you feel that I'm lacking somewhere , or maybe some practiises that I should have followed , feel free to share your valued opinion , really appreciate when you learn things from the community. Everybody wants to write a smart and concise code , and so do I , feel free to knock yourself out . . . cheers🥂

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    I would say that altho it looks completely ok , it is actually a total menace of soln, my html doesnt resonate very much and my css for mobile design is a whole story in itself. . .

    Regarding JS

    Regarding JS and other events , I think I've handled them pretty easy handedly., if you care to comment , do comment on the unwanted sizes of avatars in mobile design ,atlho I'm pretty sure flex is behind it . . . cheers anyways!!

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    I went quite pro on its css and honestly I think I've done a good job , but still if you think that I had added things that would have made my life easier then feel free to do so

    Regarding JS I think a simpler code was definitely available, and I think I made things a bit too straightfwd, many parameters could have been controlled without needing unnecessary code so feel free to comment on that as well

    I was thinking of adding animations but got tired , altho I think I've done a good job , followed good practices and paid great attention to detail , Once again do comment on the dos and donts I should have practised, cheers!!

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    I didnt care much about attention to detail but if you still feel like suggesting helpful css practises which would have helped in better execution then feel free to do so..

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    So I've come back to frontend mentor after a long time and honestly I've forgotten pretty much everything , I'm fully aware that at some places my page doesnt resonate with the design , so yeah , help me out on that will ya ?

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    LOOK I haven't paid much attention so there might be some things that I missed out on but besides that I think I've done fine...

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    Hey!!!! This was my take on the challenge , I think I got the design right , besides that I tried adding some animations on my own..,, idk why my stats jitters when animation is triggered...hope you can help on that , my photo animation is fine I guess...feel free to comment..Happy coding!!!

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    Hey !!!!!! This was my take on the challenge...I've added a slight animation to make it look more interesting....don't bother looking at my code I overdid flexbox.., I found a lil trouble while positioning the triangle(speech bubble),.like it looks good on big viewport but as soon as you switch it to any other viewport (except 375px), it starts losing its position....besides that I think I've done okay-ish job..

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    This was my take on the challenge , feel free to drop any suggestion that'd help me grow

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    Heyy!!!!! This was my take on order summary card component challenge , I think I've done pretty good but still feel free to point out any mistakes...SUIII

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    Hey!! There's a small problem if anyone could help me out...when I deploy my page trhu live server in vs code it behaves the way I want it to, but as soon as I deploy it through my git pages it shows some unwanted changes.. Like here my third column's content are not aligned with other two , I dont know why that happens ,there's that , apart from that I think I've done a decent job...any help would be great

  • Submitted

    Henlo, I guess now I've got a hint of what responsiveness is. But there are still some inadequacies as you can see. Like ,my image is not fully occupying flexbox, and in smaller viewports my font doesn't seem to completely match with design we were provided with. Apart form all that , I don't think I'm lacking anywhere else, but please feel free to comment on my project if you feel there is some scope of improvement.