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  • Submitted

    Hey Everyone,

    I hope you're all having an amazing week so far !

    I really enjoyed this project. It was a good chance to use quite a bit of JavaScript code. The function in relation to calculating the users age took quite a bit of time due to I kept thinking of ways to improve it or realising certain edge cases or calculation flow / ordering of code was causing issues.

    I didn't use a form and submit button on this one as I think the user experience is more seamless to just conduct validation of input with an event listener for user input, and if valid provide the output of the calculation and if not valid provide an instant error message / hint to the user.

    I would really appreciate any constructive feedback you may have πŸ™‚

    Happy <coding /> πŸ’»

  • Submitted

    Hello, FE-Mentor Crew !

    I'm really new to the <details> and <summary> tags so I'd really appreciate any constructive feedback you may have on my solution.

    Specifically in relation to the height change when a details section is opened, currently the .accordion-wrapper increases in height from the centre but id like the top of the .accordion-wrapper to stay in place and just extend in height / length from the bottom. Also any advice on how I could improve the illustration placement on desktop as well as hiding the overflow.

    Looking forward to starting my next project this afternoon ! Happy <coding /> πŸ’»

  • Submitted

    Hello, FE-Mentor Contributors !

    I'd really appreciate any constructive feedback you may have on my solution. Specifically my JavaScript code and my Button rotation animation.

    I'm impressed with the final result, but always looking to learn and improve my code skills.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far ! Happy <coding /> πŸ’»

  • Submitted

    Hello, FE-Mentor Contributors !

    I'd really appreciate any constructive feedback you may have on my solution. Keen to hear opinions and advice on my implementation of the image overlay on hover. I'm happy with the final result, but always looking to learn and improve my code.

    I hope everyone is having an amazing week so far ! Happy <coding /> πŸ’»

  • Submitted

    Hey Everyone,

    This one took me longer than I'd expected, ran into a few issue with how to structure the HTML with how the page changes on mobile to desktop.

    I would really appreciate some advice and feedback on how this could have been handled better ?

    Also any other feedback you may have on areas that could be improved or in relation to best practices.

    Thanks in advance to all the amazing mentors in this community that provide feedback its really appreciated. πŸ˜ƒ

  • Submitted

    Hello, FE-Mentor Legends !

    I would really appreciate any constructive feedback you may have on my solution. I'm looking to greatly improve my use of CSS Grid so any tips and advice of where I haven't used the best practices would really help.

    Please help me to improve :)

    I hope everyone is having an amazing weekend ! Happy <coding /> πŸ’»

  • Submitted

    Hello, FE-Mentor Participants !

    I would really appreciate any constructive feedback you may have on my solution. First time using CSS Grid in a long time so I'm sure my code could do with some refactoring I may have missed.

    Please help me to improve :)

    I will do my best to pay it forward in the future ! Happy <coding /> πŸ’»

  • Submitted

    Hello, everyone !

    I'd really appreciate any feedback you may have on my solution.

    I'm keen to learn so please help me to improve as a web dev :) Also would like to know how to include emojis in my markdown text here. Previous way's that I tried didn't work so an example would be great.

    Hope you all have an amazing weekend.

  • Submitted

    Hello Fellow Front-End Contributors,

    I'm really needing some feedback in the following areas,

    1. Best way to apply the purple filter over the img ?

    2. Should I be using a different break point/s for the media query or is this sufficient ?

    3. Is there a better way to implement this or refactor the current code ?

    4. Anything that you think would be good for me to know when undertaking similar projects in the future ?

    Thanks in advance for any help !

    I will do my best to pay it forward in the future ! Happy <coding />

  • Submitted

    **Hello to all the amazing talent on Front End Mentors, **

    I would really appreciate some constructive criticism on my solution to this challenge, especially on my implementation of the background, as well as any where that I could refactor my code to minimise how many lines I've written.

    Also how do I add emojis to my markdown comments on here ? All the ways I've been trying don't seem to work when I preview my text.

    Thanks in advance guys and girls.

  • Submitted

    Hello Fellow Programmers,

    I would love some feedback on the responsive aspects it and refactoring some of the code as I feel I've implemented the resizing in the most code heavy way possible at the moment. Plus any other suggestions any one has on best practices that I may not of implemented.

    This is only my second solution submission so the more input the better :)

  • Submitted

    My first challenge solution submission on Frontend-Mentor

    Any feedback would be really appreciated in regards to best practices and so on.

    Happy Coding To All !