Design comparison
Solution retrospective
**Hello to all the amazing talent on Front End Mentors, **
I would really appreciate some constructive criticism on my solution to this challenge, especially on my implementation of the background, as well as any where that I could refactor my code to minimise how many lines I've written.
Also how do I add emojis to my markdown comments on here ? All the ways I've been trying don't seem to work when I preview my text.
Thanks in advance guys and girls.
Community feedback
- @atif-devPosted almost 2 years ago
Hi Jacksen, congrats🎉 on completing the challenge. Better take care about following points.
- Always check Frontendmentor Report Generator issues after submitting the project for removing errors and warnings.
- When we open GitHub repository link, at right side you will find an About Section. There, also include live preview link of your project. It is better for someone to check your live project while interacting with code.
- Write more in your GitHub project's README file. Like, write about your working flow, findings, new learned things, useful resources, etc.
- If you are using windows 10, you can use CTRL+ period(.) for accessing emojis.
Hope you will find this Feedback Helpful.
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