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    Hello and thank you FM community, i have been abscent with my challenges for nearly 3 months but i am on my way to start again.

    My biggest concern are accesibility features on the page, are they correct? could they be better?

    Also i used kit, I placed the Script link as indicated but when submitting it gives me 7 CSS errors that come from it. (i realized its from this because it looks nothing like what i put on my CSS sheet), any advice on this?

    any other advice, observation and note are very welcome.

    Thank you for the time and the feedback, have a great day!

  • Submitted

    Can this really be done entirely on css?! the hover states and everything? i tried entirely on css for days and couldnt do it!

    In terms of accesibility how can this be improved or changed? considering questions are normally hidden?

    any other general feedback on how to improve is welcome. thanks and have a nice day!

  • Submitted

    is there a way to optimize the JS? i feel many things are being constantly repeated but im unsure where to start...

  • Submitted

    This was my first time working with a nodelist in JS i was wondering if there was a way to shorten the code? or to improve?

    Im also open to any feedback on how to improve! thanks and have a nice day

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    Hello everyone! this is my first project with JS so i was wondering how is it? does it work?

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    in the report it says: "Element <p> not allowed as child of element <span> in this context." ive often seen tooltips with text as spans but then how do you do it? why is it wrong?

    any general feedback on how to improve my code are very welcome!

  • Submitted

    Any advice on how to improve my code is very welcome! (pls ignore that im still blending px and rem, im learning to fix that)

  • Submitted

    i wasnt sure what to do about the background... i filled the SVG with white and layered a gradient. im not sure what would have been the ideal solution.

    (i know im mixing px and rem please dont look at it!!!!! im working on that)

    I found it specially difficult defining the specific sizes of the cards, should i be using width? or max-witdth or min-width? (asking bcs i was suggested not to use width but to use min or max and then someone said the opposite)

    Rather than just the desktop-mobile size as i resized it to smaller example 1080px the text started to overflow and if i set a static width then it overflows, but if its relative then they all start resizing at their own pace.

    Any feedback tips and advice on how to improve the code is very welcome (believe that im saving all resources on a folder!), thank you and have a nice day!!

  • Submitted

    whats the optimal solution to arrange the cards? i used a display flex in rows and put the two middle cards in one div that flexed into a column in desktop. i also considered a grid but i liked the flex better. what would you have done?

    Also any feedback on how to optimize and improve my code is very welcome! thanks and have a nice day!!

  • Submitted

    hey! its been a while, its been a while but i wanted to keep doing this!

    So i was wondering about text overflow or what its recommended to use in this cases as the text doesnt fit the container, i used this three properties in my <p> overflow-wrap: break-word; word-break:keep-all; overflow-wrap: anywhere; i dont know how common or often are this used or how correct is it.

    oh and are media querys only placed at the end? i tried placing them in other parts of the code but they didnt work

    i would like to get general feedback!, feel free to comment tips or advice to improve or optimize my code!

  • Submitted

    Oh id like a general feedback on my code, are the semantics alright? is the css well used?

    i still think i have issues with responsive sizing. and i never know if for the card sizing, for the max width its better to use px or % or vw/vh ?

    if you have any suggestion on how I can improve it, feel free to comment and give advice!

  • Submitted

    i still have some trouble with sizing and card sizes. i noticed the main card size expands to fit the width of the text, this one worked by using an specified [VW] and and max-width. is this the recommended method?

    and! i would like some feedback on my code? are the semantics alright? how could it be better?

  • Submitted

    Since im newish to this i was wondering hows the best way center an element in the middle of the screen?. ive seen some people using position:absolute and then top:50% bottom:50%, but some other use flexbox.

    flexbox only works when defining the height and width to the full size of the viewport beforehand right?

    ALSO what are the recommended units for things since i see px, rem,em vh:

    Recommneded sizes for: **Text (px or rem or em) **Container elements like this card (vw/wh or % or px) **Padding and margins (px or relative or %)

    what is root? i have seen it used to stablish variables but what is it?

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    The text keeps overflowing and i cannot seem to adecuately make it fit inside the container nor to create a scroll.

    Im still confused over responsive design and i dont think i managed to achieve the wanted solution