I'm proud of making the app work well with TypeScript, it's something I'm new at. I think I will work more on this project and add Storybook as well.
Latest solutions
Crowdfunding product page using React and Storybook
#react#redux-toolkit#storybook#viteSubmitted 8 months agoWeb Components + TypeScript + Hooks solution for "IP Address Tracker"
#typescript#web-components#reactSubmitted 11 months agoTip Calculator App - second take, with React and TypeScript
#react#redux-toolkit#typescriptSubmitted 11 months ago
Latest comments
- @florianstancioiuSubmitted 11 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
- @florianstancioiuSubmitted over 1 year ago@florianstancioiuPosted over 1 year ago
I updated my solution so that a new advice would load on mouse click.
The reason why the click seemed to not trigger a HTTP request was because of HTTP caching, I had to cache bust every fetch request. The click was triggering a request, except the data from that request was always the same because of caching...
0 - @ElenaLaura366Submitted over 1 year ago@florianstancioiuPosted over 1 year ago
Hi Laura,
Here is my advice on the eye section of the challenge:
You can overwrite the existing
div with this HTML structure:<div class="overlay-wrapper"> <div class="overlay"></div> <img class="icon" src="" alt="Eye Icon" /> </div>
Don't keep the eye icon inside the
div because the opacity property affects every single child element. Use the z-index property to get the.icon
in front of the.overlay
.Note: The z-index property only works if there's a position property on the element as well.
Here is some advice that will help you write better CSS code overall:
Install prettier in Visual Studio Code (I asume you use vscode). Follow a youtube tutorial if you can't get the hang of it with the written text, prettier is a must have for a beginner.
instead ofpx
, here is a video about it. And here is how to use rem in a nutshell: you set the font-size of the html tag to 62.5% which makes1rem
equal to10px
for all child elements
html { font-size: 62.5%; } body { font-size: 1.4rem; } /* =14px */ h1 { font-size: 2.4rem; } /* =24px */
- Instead of doing this in CSS:
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; }
Use a modern CSS reset like this one here.
Marked as helpful0 -
- @Jo-cloud85Submitted over 1 year ago@florianstancioiuPosted over 1 year ago
Well done, the new design looks fantastic!
Great work, I'm speechless!
2 - @muubaraqSubmitted almost 2 years ago@florianstancioiuPosted almost 2 years ago
Hi Mubaraq,
Here are some tips to make your code more readable.
First off, install prettier for vscode (I'm assuming you use Visual Studio Code, if not, please install prettier for your text editor of choice). https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=esbenp.prettier-vscode
Secondly, try to separate the JavaScript logic in different files (You can create a
for the slider and acart.js
file for the cart), writting all JS code inside one giant file is a big mistake and should be avoided. -
Thirdly, writting HTML strings directly to DOM is prone to security exploits like XSS. You can aleviate this by using
tags or by using a template engine. Here are some resources on using the template tag: https://javascript.info/template-element , https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_template.asp
(Don't lose too much sleep over the third tip)
Now let's address your issues:
- Updating the total cost price- I get a nan on the total cost price of the product
The reason why you get
is because the string starts with a$
, and that turns intoNaN
. The simplest solution is to remove the$
character usingproductPrice.substring(1)
.// If the product is not in the cart, add it as a new cart item const cartItem = { // ... totalPrice: Number(productPrice.substring(1)) * Number(productCount), };
- Deleting a product from the cart - the remove button doesn't seem to be triggered. Was working fine before
The reason why it didn't work is because the click event is targeting the image element, and the image element doesnt have the
class, so we have to look for the nearest/closest element with that class.To fix it, replace this line:
if (event.target.classList.contains('remove-button')) { // ... }
if (event.target.closest('.remove-button')) { // ... // And comment this function call bellow, otherwise you will get an error: // updateCartTotalPrice() }
As a last note, don't create functions inside event handlers, create the functions in the global scope. Also, don't create event listeners inside event listeners.
// BAD addToCartButton.addEventListener('click', () => { function updateCartItemCount() {} function updateCartItem(cartItem) {} function updateCartTotalPrice() {} cartIcon.addEventListener('click', () => {}); });
// GOOD addToCartButton.addEventListener('click', () => {}); function updateCartItemCount() {} function updateCartItem(cartItem) {} function updateCartTotalPrice() {} cartIcon.addEventListener('click', () => {});
I think you will still face some issues after tweaking the code using my advice, especially with the cart. Please don't take my advice the wrong way, I'm only trying to help you out. I hope this will help you a bit in your journey, keep on coding!
Marked as helpful2 -
- @florianstancioiuSubmitted almost 2 years ago@florianstancioiuPosted almost 2 years ago
Hi there,
As I mentioned in the solution description, I revisited the challenge and updated the github repo with scroll triggered animations. I followed David Omotayo's article on LogRocket.com about Framer Motion. In that article, he suggest using a different library for detecting if an element is in viewport, I didn't went down that path, I realized that Framer Motion has it's own built-in
hook that does the same thing as the library he suggested, and in the end, I used only Framer Motion.That's all, Florian