Toggling accordion
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Create accordion toggler logic
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Everything
Toggling accordion
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Create accordion toggler logic
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Everything
I made this website way more faster and I saw improvement in this topic .
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I am not 100% sure if i made this website to math "accessibility standards" so please correct me if I made sth wrong.
I think the javascript, i learned more events listeners as input, i really liked this excercise, i really don't know at this time, maybe in the future when i learn more i could change some things, but at the moment i'm happy with the result
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?the only thing i couldn't do it was the error when you put 0 in the input where they ask how many people are, i think it was a problem with my css, some classes crashing or something like that
Hola! necesito ayuda con JS, no se que es lo que no estoy haciendo de forma correcta para que se muestro los iconos de compartir 😭😭😞 también me falta optimizar el código para Mobile pero esto de que no se muestren los iconos me tiene algo frustrado por eso decidí subirlo y pedir ayuda ala comunidad. Gracias ...totales!!!
In this project, I'm most proud of the clean, semantic HTML and responsive design that adapts well to various screen sizes. The code is well-structured, making it easy to maintain and extend. However, next time I would focus more on accessibility by enhancing keyboard navigation and screen reader support. I'd also like to explore more advanced CSS techniques, such as combining Grid with Flexbox, to create more complex layouts. Additionally, I would aim to optimize performance further by minimizing file sizes and exploring lazy loading. Lastly, adding more interactive JavaScript features could enhance the overall user experience.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?During this project, one of the main challenges I encountered was achieving a fully responsive layout without relying heavily on CSS Grid or Flexbox, as I aimed to stick to traditional layout techniques. This made it difficult to align elements consistently across different screen sizes. To overcome this, I carefully structured my HTML, using percentage-based widths, relative units like em
and rem
, and media queries to ensure the layout adapted well. Another challenge was ensuring accessibility while maintaining a visually appealing design. I addressed this by thoroughly testing the page with screen readers and refining the HTML structure to be more semantic.
#Muita aprendizagem
Eu me orgulho de ter aplicado reponsividade uma forma melhor e na próxima vez , iniciarei a aplicação com o seguimento mobile first.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Enfrentei dificuldades na estilização de listas , mas consegui superar essas dificuldades aplicando conceitos de dimensão , espaçamentos , e ferrenda dev-tools foi decisiva, para terminar o projeto.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Eu gostaria de ajuda na parte de responsividade, onde embora eu tenha conseguido, é um assunto de muita importância e merece a nossa atenção.
consegui resolver os problemas usando pesquisas e anotações e projetos passados de aulas.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?não sabia usar o box-shadow e depois de uma pesquisa rápida consegui resolver. tive que rever alguns projetos anteriores para lembrar como usar o hover para o botão do link. e aprendi que o arquivo responsivo apenas funciona se vc usar tags com uma especificidade maior
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?por enquanto, trankilo. to muito feliz
Hi there, you need to add some accessibility attributes for the project. Have a nice day.