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Tip calculator responsive
#bemSubmitted 2 months agothe only thing i couldn't do it was the error when you put 0 in the input where they ask how many people are, i think it was a problem with my css, some classes crashing or something like that
BEM responsive Javascript Time Tracking
#bemSubmitted 3 months agoWhichever area you see i need to practice more or some tips to do it in a different way!!.
Latest comments
- @dar-juSubmitted 3 months ago@sebamarquesPosted 2 months ago
Hi, how are you?? i must tell you that your page looks really amazing, congrats, i really dont know what to say to you, i don't have a tip for you, but i learn the way you separate your css, it's really clever, i'm going to start using it as you, thanks for that!!.
0 - @AdamZajlerSubmitted about 3 years ago@sebamarquesPosted 2 months ago
the code looks good, i only see the image you have in your repository, if you did that good job! it really resembles the excercise, the only tip i could give you is to use BEM or any other naming methodologies:
0 - P@MinamakhloufSubmitted about 2 years ago@sebamarquesPosted 3 months ago
Good job!! i see that you completed this excercise two years ago, maybe this doesnt help too much but i recommend you using json instead of creating the object in the JS file, you can fetch it from your github repository, you go to the folder where the json is and select it, then you have options to the right where how much lines of codes you wrote, press the "raw" button and that's your link to fetch it, its like a server that you didn't create it but works like on so you can fetch your data from around the world without having to write it in your js.
0 - @TusharJetagiSubmitted 3 months ago@sebamarquesPosted 3 months ago
Good job!! it looks amazing, the only thing i would recommend you after looking at your css is using BEM methodology or any other for naming things so you can use it in your css instead of using element tags. It's a methodology for making your HTML and css more readable!! good luck with your next project.
Marked as helpful1 - @jsemenborodasSubmitted 3 months ago@sebamarquesPosted 3 months ago
Hi how are you doing? i must say that you did a great job, good job,regardless i have 2 tips for you, first, using BEM or other naming method, so you dont use tags for styling, its a small project but for practice its very good, the other is to use em or rem, i see that you did in some parts of your css but in other lines i saw px or other absolute unit, its not bad to use them but most of the times its better to use relative units, everything else is incredible, i really liked it!!!
Marked as helpful1 - @SunilBaghel002Submitted 6 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I try to made next project more responsive
@sebamarquesPosted 6 months agoHi, great project!! i really liked it, only one thing, i saw that you don't use a methodologie to name your html classes, i recommend BEM, that's the one i'm using right now, there you have how to name you classes in a way that you will always remember or it will be easy to recognize, good look in your journey! and keep hard working. BEM site:
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