Implementing my knowledge to this solution
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?HTML structure and class naming
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Everything
I am a 2nd year student and I am learning C and C++ programming at university, I also have Linux, databases and mathematics. I have recently started my adventure with websites and decided to learn it on my own
I’m currently learning...HTML, CSS, Js, React, Python&Flask
I am not 100% sure if i made this website to math "accessibility standards" so please correct me if I made sth wrong.
I saw that sometimes generated password is shorter than value but in console its looks good and I dont know how to overcome this issue
Implementing my knowledge to this solution
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?HTML structure and class naming
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Everything
Hello, your solution looks good! If you want, you can try adding a gradient to the main square so it looks more like a design. However, I think everything else looks perfect. Wishing you the best in your future projects!
background: radial-gradient(circle at top center
Very well done project and good luck in your next projects
I am proud of not giving up and adding all the features that were mendatory .
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?playing with the custom button was a bit tricky :)
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Whatever you think i should do better.
Hello, good job with the website, but it seems to me that it does not fully match the concept of the task, because the data on the website should be updated automatically and the reset button should clear the data fields.
ifInput.addEventListener('input', () => updateButtonColor()); ifInput2.addEventListener('input', () => updateButtonColor()); customTip.addEventListener('input', () => updateButtonColor());
You can make listeners for input and build a function that will update the content. You only need a few "if" statements, and you will be much closer to the concept of the website, and one more small detail that you can upgrade, so you can delete the arrows on your inputs, and it will look much betterinput{ all: unset;
I hope You find it helpful and good luck in next projects.
use the json file i make search on google and use tutorials to find the solution
First of all, explaining all this in a message is quite hard for me, so I apologize for that. However, I can give you some advice: you should watch some videos on YouTube and read articles about similar problems. Personally, I learned this by trying to display the data on a blank template first, and then gradually adding divs and other elements to the website just to see how it works in the simplest way. I found this video that shows how to do it maybe will help
Very well done project and good luck in your next projects