Alberto José
@alberto-rjAll solutions
Accessible Tip Calcutor App (SASS + SEO)
Account deletedI would like to receive feedback on the:
- Accessibility approach I have adopted.
as seen by recruiters or employers.- Or any other feedback you may have. 😊👍
Animated Time tracking dashboard
Account deletedAny suggestions on how I can improve are always welcome 👍
Advice generator app with Skeleton Screen
Account deletedThere's always something that can be improved, so if you have any suggestions about that, I'd really love to learn from you. 😍 👍
Animated Calculator App with Theme Switcher
Account deletedIt would be a pleasure if you could help me make the components mentioned above accessible. Of course, it would also be a pleasure to learn from you about any of your other suggestions for this solution.
One subject that I found interesting, but didn't bother to implement, is about restricting the maximum values for a calculator.
And also other important things that you might know that I forgot to mention and implement. Together we'll go far, so feel free to share with me too, buddy!
Any suggestions on how I can improve are always welcome 👍
Animated Newsletter sign-up form
Account deletedI'm trying to improve my documentation skills, so if you could read my README and propose improvements, I'd certainly appreciate it. 👍
Animated Article preview component
Account deletedI'm trying to improve my documentation skills, so if you could read my README and propose improvements, I'd certainly appreciate it. 👍 🚀
Stats preview card using Flexbox and CSS Grid
Account deleted👍 Hi, if you have any ideas on how I can improve the background on the image to match the design, please let me know.
Single price grid component
Account deleted👍 Any suggestions on how I can improve are welcome!
Social proof section using CSS Grid
Account deleted👍 Any suggestions on how I can improve are welcome!
Responsive landing page using CSS Grid and CSS clamp()
Account deletedThe background image of this solution does not match the design of the desktop device. So if you have any suggestions on how I can improve it, please let me know.
Testimonials section using CSS Grid
Account deleted👍 Any suggestions on how I can improve are welcome!
Animated Four card feature section using CSS Grid
Account deleted👍 Any feeback on how I can improve my CSS Grid or the animation are welcome.
Responsive Recipe Page Using CSS Media Query
Account deletedIt would be nice if I could:
Implement the design of this challenge without using CSS Media Query.
Animate each recipe section when the user is scrolling on the page, just using Vanilla JavaScript.
Animated Social Links Profile
Account deleted👍 Any great feedback is appreciated!
Responsive card by nature using CSS Animation
Account deleted.
Accessible and Responsive Age Calculator App Using Flexbox
Account deletedEven though I had a perfect score with Lighthouse, I still believe that there is always something that can be improved in my solution.
So if you have any suggestions on how I can improve it, please let me know because learning from others is always a pleasure for me.