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  • @mowzayo


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I improved with my javascript but i need to learn to write it better without help.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    adding js to places i had passed, it was like re writing the logic.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    java script writing.

    Steven 150



    Hello, and good job on completing the project. Here are some improvements I can recommend. You can center the title with text-align instead of hard coding a padding left. Some colours and spacing can be adjusted to match more on the design.

    JavaScript wise, I noticed your functions could be a little bit too long-winded. You can try to break them down into descriptive methods to improve the readability so you don't have to describe everything with comments.

    User experience wise, I noticed there is no validation on the bill input and I can't tell which tip option is being applied. The number arrows could make the input negative which can yield unexpected results from a user's perspective.

    Other than those, I like the tip amounts are changing based on input change.

    I hope these comments can help.

  • P
    JJorgeMS13 250



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Me enconto poder manejar mas Grid y como este reto me llevo a usar javaScript, posiblemente mejoraria para el desarrollo tuviera mas cosas reutilizables.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    El desafio que encontre fue como cambiar los datos desde JavaScript puro y lo logre utilizando funciones, if y forech, etc.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Me encataría saber si hay la posiblidad de mejor en mi codigo JavaScript

    Steven 150



    Looks good

  • @mthsimao


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    That challenge was to create a page with sign up and then one success message, my difficult was email validation, but, learning more javascript I could make the email validation with js.

    Steven 150



    Looks good, good job.

  • Steven 150



    Hello, Veera. Good job implementing the design, but the functionality of the tooltip needs work. The tooltip is not centred above the share button. The tooltip should not appear on mobile but should show the icons on the left side of the share button.

  • @fitalvojosephine


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I'm proud of the power of Grid Layout, especially the grid template areas with mobile-first responsiveness.

    #MoreFeedbackPlease :)

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I face challenges without a Figma design layout, so I read other codes and apply them to my work. This helps me improve my coding skills and maintain DRY standards. I've noticed a big difference when we don't use Figma for design guidelines, such as padding and font sizes. I'm a slight perfectionist with pixel-perfect design to meet industry standards. Despite this, I enjoy using Grid Layout."

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    So far none.

    Steven 150



    Looks good, nothing to add

  • Steven 150



    Looks good, just need to add more padding to the card component

  • Steven 150



    Looks good, just need to adjust the spacing

  • @Saldanha97


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Aspectos positivos: Estrutura HTML bem organizada: Utilizar uma estrutura HTML semântica e bem organizada é fundamental para a acessibilidade

    Estilo consistente com CSS: Ter um arquivo CSS separado e bem estruturado ajuda a manter o código limpo e facilita a manutenção. Utilizar classes e IDs de forma eficiente para estilizar diferentes partes do site é uma boa prática.

    Responsividade: Garantir que o site seja responsivo, ou seja, que se adapte bem a diferentes tamanhos de tela, é essencial nos dias de hoje. Isso pode ser feito com o uso de media queries e práticas de design responsivo.

    Acessibilidade: Certificar-se de que o site é acessível para todos os usuários, incluindo aqueles com deficiências visuais ou motoras, através do uso adequado de tags semânticas, contrastes de cores legíveis, e navegação intuitiva.

    Steven 150



    Looks all good, just need to adjust the spacing, font family, font size and colour

  • Steven 150



    Looks good

  • Steven 150



    Looks good

  • Steven 150



    Looks all good, just need to some box shadow to the card and adjust the description text to match the design more
