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  • Topdog 0



    Amazing, your placement of elements on the page was very precise and clean.


  • Topdog 0



    Good design:

    1. “We are launching soon” text could be bumped up to help with some visual hierarchy.

    2. The space between “We are launching soon” and “subscribe and get notified” could be reduced to encourage some proximity.

    3. The text “Notify me” could be a bolder to give some good contrast, and the border on the input field should be the same color as the “We are launching” text to give some unity to the design.

    4. The social icons could be smaller as to not compete for attention with elements that matter more.

    Good design 👊🏼

  • @Akwatek


    As a newbie, I had a serious challenge in putting my overlay, is there any advice on that? Anticipating your feedbacks.

    Topdog 0



    The parent div holding everything(the image, equilibrium #3429, eth data, date and author section) should be given a “min-height”, then its display would be flex.

    It would be very good to give the sections(image, equilibrium #3429, eth data, date and author) different divs in the parent div.

    Hope this insight helps!

  • Ruthwik 190



    :) I have tried updating the active chart(the one with cyan color) with respect to the date. So, it keeps updating based on the day ;)

    Qn. I have one question with importing the json file into javascript. I have come up with a solution that uses assert statement which works for all the browsers but not in firefox. Can some one help me with the solution that works for all the browsers?

    Topdog 0



    Try using the fetch api to import the json file to your JavaScript file. This will work whether it is located locally or remotely(on a server).

    Hope the insight helps!
