Hey guys,
I'd like to apologise to anyone who's only interested in the rating card component. Just click through the pizza creation, on the finish page you can see it as a popup, if you choose to give a feedback.
Because that's what this component turned into. A pizza app. Somehow. I wanted to practice React so I kept adding new things to it and this is what I ended up with. Design wise it's not the fanciest (I'm really not a designer, sorry) but that wasn't really the point here anyway.
I added a couple of features: a pizza creation function, signup/login function with Firebase (password reset as well), a light-dark theme, a contact form and a pizza-loader animation (thanks to my sister for the pizza images she made for this and for the home page background). And finally there's the rating card component as a modal, which was the original challenge.
I learned a lot in the process: I got a tiny bit better at Framer Motion, I wrote a bunch of React code, used context and Firebase for the first time. I even managed to reuse some things from my other projects (like the mobile menu) - it felt great that I didn't have to do it again from scratch.
I appreciate if you take the time to look at it. I take any sort of feedback regarding accessibility, React best practices, css (a bit messy at the moment), animations, how to make things more reusable... anything.
If there's anyone who's a pro at Framer Motion and can give me a hint on how to do exit animations, I'd love it.
And lastly I hope it isn't inappropriate to upload this app here. It really started out as the rating card component, just got carried away.
Anyway, happy Easer/have a good weekend everyone!^^