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  • P
    Franklin Gomezβ€’ 160



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I am mostly proud of being able to get everything to look how it should be by using Flexbox for the first time. Next time, I would pay attention to using more semantic HTML.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Not really any challenges with this one that I can remember.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?


    LENI4Cβ€’ 130



    Your site's dope, as for best practices I think one thing you could've changed in your HTML was the div you created then gave a class of main, there's an actual tag with the name of main, it's a semantic tag that'll function just as the way your div with the class of main worked the main tag is the ideal tag to use in that scenario then in your CSS : .qr-info { margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-left: 20px; } I saw you already used the shortcut way of using these but you didn't here, i.e .qr-info { margin: 20px 0 20px; padding: 0 20px; } Or even better you can use the logical properties i.e

    .qr-info { margin-block: 20px; padding-inline: 20px; }

    Marked as helpful

  • Big-Norjβ€’ 100



    Not responsive at the moment feedbacks are welcomed

    LENI4Cβ€’ 130



    I went through the code and i noticed that there's a media query does that translate to you can make it responsive but don't want to yet or you don't exactly know how to, then I noticed there's no icons in the page to get icons you can look up ionicon's site (, click on the usage link in their site then paste the script tags just above the closing body tag in your HTML then go back to ionicons and search any icons of choice

    Marked as helpful

  • LENI4Cβ€’ 130



    This is a solution to the Huddle landing page with single introductory section challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

    Users should be able to:

    • View the optimal layout for the page depending on their device's screen size
    • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
    • Semantic HTML5 markup
    • CSS custom properties
    • Flexbox
    • CSS Grid
    • Mobile-first workflow

    I plan on taking on the intermediate Huddle page challenge next and for that I'll need to learn SVG and how to use it in building a website, so that's definitely what i'm going for next.

    LENI4Cβ€’ 130



    @hitmorecode, i fixed it already

  • Andrea Recuyoβ€’ 70



    I am unsure of using div for everything, for an experienced frontend developer, what would you use instead of div?

    LENI4Cβ€’ 130



    Honestly I think it'll still be div πŸ˜‚, and it gets down to personal preference too, there's section, aside and main, they're all divs-ish i.e they serve as containers, only difference is their semantic meaning, and to replace a div what I'd use is section and the way I use it would be in a scenario where I have this huge block that has many other items in it and has a display of flex already so they're displaying as columns (i.e the items in the block), I set the block to be a section then I nest divs inside of the section because that is a section of the page and that section has other divs in it, the section can still be replaced with div and it'll work just as fine, but it semantically makes sense to make it a section. really hope this made sense and was able to answer what you asked

    Marked as helpful

  • LENI4Cβ€’ 130



    this is niceeeee, how are you able to get your own version to match perfectly with frontend mentor's design

  • OLLEMSβ€’ 40



    i dont know make this mobile, some help please?

    LENI4Cβ€’ 130



    I recommend checking my repo (, it sounds like self promotion but I promise it's not and if you don't like that idea you can go to YouTube and just search responsiveness full tutorial for this I'll recommend Brad Traversy's video on responsiveness

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