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  • @AbdullahAjayi


    I'll be glad if you take a look at my html code. Could it have been better if I used article tag instead of a container div to wrap all my other elements?



    Hello Abdullah,

    Well done on completing this challenge. It looks good. Keep it up👏.

    To fix your accessibility issue, wrap your divs inside landmarks. Landmarks help assistive technology users to navigate your page easily.

    Landmark includes a header, main, footer tags, and more. So wrap your div.container inside the main tag to resolve it. I hope this helps. Cheers

    Marked as helpful

  • @JesseOlisa


    Hello Mohamed Aly,

    Well done on completing this challenge. It looks good. Keep it up👏.

    To fix your accessibility issue, wrap your divs inside landmarks. Landmarks help assistive technology users to navigate your page easily.

    Landmark includes a header, main, footer tags, and more. So wrap your div.parent inside a main tag I hope this helps. Cheers

  • @JesseOlisa


    Hello Trịnh Ngọc Đông, Well done on completing this challenge. It looks good. Keep it up👏.

    To fix your accessibility issue, wrap your divs inside landmarks. Landmarks help assistive technology users to navigate your page easily.

    Landmark includes a header, main, footer tags, and more. So wrap your div.main inside the main tag and div.attribution inside footer tag to resolve it I hope this helps. Cheers

  • @isismd


    Hello! 👋🏻

    I'm still learning and discovering CSS features, any feedback will be appreciated!

    If anyone has a suggestion on how to make that main picture looks better in mobile please let me know!😊



    Hello @Isis,

    Well Done completing this code. You did an amazing job on this challenge. Keep it up 👍

    I went through your code and I will like to point out the main picture issue. There is no need to set the height of your image at every media query screen.

    My suggestion to making the main picture responsive, and you can do this by adding a display: block and min-width: 100% to the illustration id; With this, the image will always adjust to the width of it's container no matter the screen size.

    I hope this helps😊. Again, Well done.

    Marked as helpful

  • @mdanieladla


    Hey :) I have the icons black because I wanted them to match the black of the footer, and also because I couldn't find others that I liked ;) I would love some feedback about the code. Also I have this problem and I am not able to find the solution, it's like I have space outside of the HTML and the BODY that is not in my control and I don't know how to solve that and it's driving me crazy, any tip would be wonderful. Thanks!



    Hi Daniela :)

    Great Job on completing this project. I should probably pick up a lesson or two about code organization from you because your code is well organized and easy to scan through. Well Done. :)

    However, the spacing issue is as a result of an overflow from the height of your html. To fix it, change the height to min-height.

    This is way the height of your html will keep adjusting even as a your add more content.

    I hope this helps. Cheers :)

    Marked as helpful

  • @JesseOlisa


    Hello @jaaljoodi,

    Well done on completing this challenge. I went through your code and I must say it is neatly written and very easy to go through. Keep it up.

    However, I will like to point out the code repetition regarding your button element. A class of "btn" was created in your CSS file but you didn't assign it to any button element in your html. This could have saved you from re-writing properties such as border, border-radius and others which are similar across the buttons.

    So assign the "btn" class to your buttons and only add the necessary codes to your primary and secondary buttons.

    Also, you can use the min-width property to stretch your primary button across your container.

    Again, Well done and keep it.

    Marked as helpful

  • @JesseOlisa


    Hi, Harry

    Well done on completing this challenge👏

    To fix your background image , try setting

    1. background-size to contain;
    2. background-repeat to no-repeat;
    3. add a background color.

    Hope this helps.

    Marked as helpful
