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    Vanilla JS, CSS

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    It would be nice to get the final effect of the expanding circle borders on the winning hand, I look forward to seeing other's solutions to this.

    If I were to do the task again, I would aim to reduce the hardcoded values in CSS to allow for a fully responsive design. I started with these to get the initial layout, then just ploughed on with them... defs doesn't look like best practice.

    I think there are a million ways to tackle this game, so any suggestions for refactoring will be appreciated.

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    Vanilla JS, CSS

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    Added the ability to add your own date, and a little launch at the end...

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    Vanilla JS, CSS

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    Added a delete Button, otherwise the locally stored items would just keep stacking up with no respite in sight. The little blue divider in the cards section is all over the shop if the screen size isn't exactly mobile or (my..) desktop size. Looking forward to seeing other solutions to see how this problem may be rectified with some better CSS skills. yew..

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    Vanilla CSS, JS

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    I have an issue with the Tech page, 50% of the time it works fine, For others I get a return of null and am not fetching the JSON data correctly. not sure why... I think I will watch the tutorial now to get a better handle on the correct methods to get this site looking and functioning properly.

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    This was a great test of my Javascript knowledge. I found it difficult to use async functions and access the JSON file correctly. Looking forward to seeing other peoples solutions as I feel my JS ended up like a bit of code soup.

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    Vanilla CSS, JS

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    When toggling, as the price adds an extra decimal point the whole container is increased in size, pretty bad UI design there.. any tips on how to stop this would be great. cheers

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    Vanilla CSS, JS

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    Making the hero background images, actual background images is the wrong approach due to the overflow being hidden and not being able to z-index them above the actual hero image. I believe it would be better to create separate divs and place the images with absolute positioning.

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    Vanilla JS, CSS

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    If anyone could tell me why I cannot target the bookmark SVG in my JS I would greatly appreciate it. tried different ID's, classnames, child elements, wasted so much time trying to change the color of that dam thing. (I've left the most obvious approach commented out in the JS file. Is a stain on a project I am otherwise happy with...

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    Vanilla JS, CSS

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    I had trouble with the background image positioning, it is still not super close to the design, but I can't afford to spend so much time slightly altering values for pixel perfection. However, if anybody has suggestions for how to proficiently nail background image positioning I would love to hear them! Thanks

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    Vanilla JS, CSS

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    I had trouble positioning the svg's, obviously going about it the wrong way, any positioning tips would be greatly appreciated.

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    Vanilla JS, CSS

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    I have no idea why the overlay does not affect the coloured sections of the mobile hero image, if anyone can explain this mystery to me, I will be so happy.