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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I am most proud of my curiosity which led me to go beyond the project's requirements. This allowed me to create extra pages for each product model, add a sorting feature, and develop home, men, women, about, and contact pages.

    Next time, there are a few things I would do differently:

    • Better Planning: I would spend more time planning the project and creating detailed sketches of the pages. This would make the development process smoother and reduce the need for big changes later on.

    • User Testing: I would do more user testing throughout the project. Getting feedback early would help me find and fix issues quickly and make sure the final product meets users' needs.

    • Code Optimization: I would focus on writing cleaner and more efficient code. Regularly improving and optimizing my code would make it run better and be easier to maintain.

    By focusing on these areas, I aim to improve my process and deliver even better results in future projects.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    For this project, I set the goal of using only vanilla JavaScript, which presented several challenges:

    • Integrating Features: One major challenge was ensuring all the features worked seamlessly together. To overcome this, I debugged each component, focusing on how they interacted. By breaking down the project into smaller tasks and tackling them individually, I successfully integrated all features.

    • Designing the Layout: Designing the layout for various pages was another challenge. To address this, I researched several e-commerce websites to gather inspiration and best practices. This research helped me create a functional and visually appealing design, and also provided new ideas for future projects.

    • Implementing Cart Functionality: Developing the cart functionality required precise handling of JavaScript events and state management. I tackled this by breaking down the cart operations (adding, removing, and updating items) into smaller functions, ensuring each part worked correctly before integrating them.

    • Adding Sorting Features: Implementing the sorting feature for the men's and women's pages involved manipulating the DOM and handling user inputs. By focusing on user experience, I ensured the sorting was intuitive and responsive.

    By addressing these challenges and learning from each step, I completed the project successfully and gained valuable insights for future development work.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I would appreciate any feedback on my project. Learning from feedback is incredibly valuable to me, as it helps me understand what I did well and where I can improve. Your insights can guide me in refining my skills and making my future projects even better.

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    While working on this project, I found it a bit tricky to manage things with React, especially handling the transition between the main page and the success message.

    Since it's my first time using useState, I'm not completely sure about how to use React hooks like useState and useEffect.

    I'm wondering if there are some good ways to organize components, manage state, and handle component lifecycle methods that I might have missed. Any advice or feedback is welcome!

  • Submitted

    Hey there!

    I recently completed the Single-page developer portfolio challenge on Frontend Mentor, and I'm seeking feedback on my solution. I'm excited to share my progress and learn from experienced developers like you.

    One aspect I found challenging was implementing the form validation functionality. Ensuring that all fields were validated correctly and displaying appropriate error messages required careful consideration. Another difficulty was achieving the optimal layout for different screen sizes. It took some effort to create a responsive design that looked good on mobile and desktop devices. Additionally, I added a three-column layout for the project section.

    I am unsure if my form validation implementation is the most efficient and effective way to validate the input fields. I would appreciate feedback on whether there are better approaches or potential improvements.

    I would like to know if there are any best practices I may have overlooked while implementing the form validation or any other aspect of the project. I am also curious about any suggestions for optimizing performance or improving the code structure to make it more maintainable and scalable.

    Thank you in advance for any feedback! Happy coding everyone!

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    Hi, dear all! This is my solution for this challenge. It was enjoyable to work on it and to brush up on my APIS knowledge. While working on this project, I'm wondering if I'm using the correct HTML tags. I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts on this. Also, if there is any feedback, I would be delighted to learn from it!

    Happy coding, everyone!

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone! How is your day going?

    Here's my solution to the sign-up form. This project was exciting because it focused on practicing the form, which needed practice.

    Speaking of best practices, I was wondering if I had structured the HTML correctly because I'm trying to use fewer divs.

    Any feedback is more than welcome.

    Have a successful coding week!

  • Submitted

    Hi everyone! This is my solution for the elearning landing page. While working on this project I found it difficult to position the hero image for the desktop layout. The thing that worked in my case was to use the transform property. It would be helpful if you could suggest a better method for this. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Happy coding guys!

  • Submitted

    Hey there, Frontendmentors! How are things working for you? Below is the project's solution. Because it's been a while since I've used Grid for layouts, I enjoyed it. Although I do not have any specific questions to ask, I would appreciate any feedback you may have. I am always open to learning things from a different perspective.

    Have a fantastic day everyone, and Happy Coding!

  • Submitted

    Hi everyone! How are things going? I had a great time working on this project. I could figure out how to make a slider in JavaScript. One of the challenges was to adjust the website's height and position the image behind the bootcamper's image. If the website is opened on a desktop, some space may be visible on the left side. Could you please give me some advice on how to resolve this? I hope you have a great week! Happy coding )

  • Submitted

    Hey everyone! Here is the solution for the intro section with the dropdown menu. I'd like to ask about the best practices for using the overlay in the mobile view. To be more specific, is it acceptable and semantically correct to place a div before the header? I'm open to any feedback. Thank you so much! And happy coding )

  • Submitted

    Hi, everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. This is my contribution to the challenge. Changing the color of the svg icon was difficult for me while working on this project. If you have any suggestions, I would be thankful if you could share them. Another new moment for me was figuring out how to make the social media share links visible when they click the share icon. Any feedback is welcome :)

  • Submitted

    Hey, guys ) This is my solution for this project. I found it not so complicated but I'm not sure about some utility classes that I used for the colors. When I checked the CSS file it showed me an error "color Parse Error )", and here it is: .text-white { color: hsl( var(--clr-white) ); } .text-green { color: hsl( var(--clr-soft-green) ); } .text-light-blue { color: hsl( var(--clr-light-blue) ); }. I'd be happy to receive your feedback! Thank you a lot!

  • Submitted

    Hi everyone! Here it goes my solution for the Base apparel project. Could you please take a look at it and give me feedback related to the Regex pattern that I used for the email validation. Could it be done in another way? Thank you so much in advance!

  • Submitted

    Hello, everyone! Finally, I finished the landing page, and it was a lot of fun. This was my first experience with utility classes and custom properties. I used them occasionally and would appreciate feedback on how to improve them. Please feel free to make any comments or provide feedback.

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    Hi there! After finishing this project, I realized that I had made it more difficult for myself. I made a mistake with Figma's design details. Then, in the HTML, I added redundant divs. Another difficult moment for me was trying to fix the card. I mean, when I checked it in Dev tools, the container was in the moving state for the mobile view. I'd appreciate any feedback to help me improve my code. Thank you very much!

  • Submitted

    Hello there! This is my first completed project here! I found the overflow property to be useful while working on it. I'm open to any advice or suggestion! Thank you so much!