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All comments

  • anderu 230



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Refactor the code with useReducer and useContext for better view. But the drag and drop function only work for mouse drag action. Touch screen no work.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Drag and drop function to move the todo item

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Currently use localStorage to save todo list item, but want to learn about a way for frontend to interact with backend to store data



    Hi! Pretty Solid Project, i have some recomendations You could save in localStorage your currente light/dark mode, so it will stay the same even when tou refresh the page Also i recommend use a library for the drag and drop, like you said, it doesnt work with touch screens, i use hello-pangea/dnd is solid and easy to implement Or you can use react-dnd if you want to suffer

  • @C3SC0-V4113


    Hi! Im in your website but the form doesnt seem to work, been trying to use enter to submit, but it doesnt change anything, also ive found some errors in the responsive design, since it doesnt seem to look good in displays smaller than 768px or higer than 1400px If you want to use a drag and drop library i recommend hello-pangea/dnd, its really good and easy to implement, i tried react-dnd, but i dont recommend it Also, i read some of your code, you could use some customHooks to avoid to much prop passing

    Marked as helpful

  • @C3SC0-V4113


    I Love how you implemented your animations in the project, it looks really cool! The drag and drop doesnt work, since you are using html-css i dont know how can you implement it, but i think is important to add a property to the object you are saving in local storage, i used one called "order" Another think you can add to the localStorage is save the current dark/light mode, if im in light mode and refresh the page, you could get the last mode from the localStorage

    Marked as helpful

  • @C3SC0-V4113


    Hi! Love the animations and life you give to your solutions! However i find a flaw and its the search is not working properly, you have and autocomplete text input but even if you select an option doesnt work properly. i was seeing this text input changed the url when submited (also returned the theme to light mode), i try to test if the search of the country was based by url parameters, but launched a router error, if you are using react router dom you can add custom error screens so the flow of the page is nos disrupted, remember that you have to do some configurations depending of you deploy service

    Also there are some design preferences a would like to say The detail page doesnt look equilibrated, and seems heavier in the left side of the screen Also you didnt use any of the icons the original design has

    Marked as helpful

  • Vinz 290



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I am proud of getting work on Typescript although i am very beginner and also i am proud to use React for this project.

    i am open for suggestion. Thank you

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    i always struggle on typescript , but i will learn a lot .



    Hi! Im seeing your project and is looking cool! However there are some flaws:

    • There is a scroll in the x-axis in any size of the screen, you can solve this with the css property 'overflow'
    • Your toggle theme button only works in the logo, i think is better if the letters also are clickable
    • And the search overwrites the region decision, so you have only name search or only region search, but not both combined, i solved this by doing the region by API and the name using the filter option of javascript
  • @C3SC0-V4113


    Hi! im seeing that you can only use or the select region, or the name search, but not both at the same time, you could add a filter option based on the region using filter method of javascript, since the data is kinda small i dont think will slow down

    Marked as helpful

  • Ved Jain 380



    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Using an actual javascript framework like next.js was actually really fun and a lot easier than i had initially expected it to me, the only problem i encountered during this challenge was deploying it on github. I still need to add a few things i missed and am definitely planning to add them later.



    Hi! Im seeing some errors in the solution, in mobile the inputs overflow an break the design, you can fix it using flex and media queries to adjust their width when the screen is smaller, also im seeing that you can only filter using or the select input or the text input, and not both of them, you could filter the countries using the filter method of javascript in the future, this can also help you to filter countries when nos typing exactly how the country is named. Overall good project! Nice for your first NextJS Project

    extra: You could add parameters to the url to mantain the state of the search :)

    Marked as helpful
