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  • NBD• 240



    Dear All,

    Here is my 2nd, i.e. second project ever created and I am open to all kinds of suggestions and criticisim. Honestly, the task was much harder than I thought it would be and even though the result seems okay at first sight, the detailes feel a little bit messy and I don't know how to be more organised in my coding. I guess my main concerns were the following:

    1.) I'm not sure about how to name the HTML classes. I was trying to follow some kind of pattern, but the whole thing just ended up rather clumsy. 2.) By the end, I felt like I had a whole lot of random things in CSS, I'm absolutely sure I could not follow the DRY concept, how could I have been more effective? What are the key elements I should pay attention to? 3.) This is my very first attempt of making the project responsive, but I think it is kind of messed up as the image collapses way before 370px width. What did I do wrong? 4.) I really would like to deal with the JSON part and I also know the JavaScript for that, I just don't know how to START! Any hints maybe?

    Thank you in advance for checking it out,

    Wishing us all fun practicing,


    Frieden• 260



    Hey, You replicate the design really well but it's a bit small, I'll suggest that you try to use the max-width property for your outer divs. and add some padding. Second, while you using media with a max size of screen 375px in line 191 of your CSS file in the GitHub repository change it to min size as it becomes very operational and easy. Classes in your HTML file look OK what you can do to improve it is that you can avoid multiple span tags from the summary section.

    Marked as helpful

  • Kentavious Reid• 30



    This wasn't a hard project, but I think I need some feedback on my code. What did you notice about my project that could further my skills? Are there any better more efficient ways to format my HTML & CSS? Thank you!!

    Frieden• 260



    Hola amigos! try to add max width to class container. and half width to image div and text div. Your submission looks good on mobile device. Thank You .

    Marked as helpful

  • Frieden• 260



    Heyy! buddy, there is more margin between the paragraph and the heading, what you can do that reduce some margin and increase the font size of the heading? In content, every element should take the same gap as of other elements. You can achieve this by giving content class div tag, grid with gap property of 15px i guess and include button in it. About your button remove div tag and img tag from it and add span tag and put your svg in it and then write ""Add to Cart"" and apply margin right to span. Thank You .

    Marked as helpful

  • Frieden• 260



    Hola amigos! two problems first in summary description remove border and second button have some padding. A quick tip that if you adding bottom margin to every description item than what you can do that apply margin in y direction to the middle element it sets perfectly. Thank you!

    Marked as helpful

  • Frieden• 260



    Hello, buddy! your add to cart it should be a button, not an anchor tag, and you should reduce the font size of the heading when it's on responsive screens. Also what you can do with images that don't put them as background img but in img tag under div tag make them hidden or visible with media query. Good Attempt by the way. Thank You.

  • Frieden• 260



    It's pixel-perfect, nice job man! but the heading color should not be black. Thank you.

  • Frieden• 260



    Hello, Hope you doing well. In your submission, there is a minor problem your button is a dice icon and it should be the whole button with padding. The classes you give to class imgbox it should be given to the button not to div then it works well. Right now, when I click on the icon then it fetches the advice. Second, Your body should have height of 100vh then apply classes of flex, justify center, items center so your container comes in center.

    Thank You.
