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  • alice173โ€ข 10



    Is there a better way to align the text and icon within the button? Similarly, the reduced price and the price - is my solution a good one? How could I have organised the code better?

    Could I have improved the accessibility?

    Aimal Khanโ€ข 2,260



    You can align text and icon by wrapping them in two separate spans inside button and set display property to flex for button. Then justify-content: center; align-items: center; gap: 10px;

    For accessibilty use semantic tags of html. Put your code inside <main> tag.

  • Aimal Khanโ€ข 2,260



    In your CSS code, give body element height of 120 or 150vh by using media query with max-height: 400px; so that your solution looks good on screens with small heights.

    Marked as helpful

  • rxs30279โ€ข 20



    My first react project! Not sure if I like react as I think it would have been more straightforward in jaavascript. I like the structure components react imposes on you. Making you split up the project into small units, but this also adds additional problems. I think as you become more aware of these restrictions you can probably design your project around them. I have only just scratched the surface with react. I've not used the routing package or explored Next.js / Remix. I don't think i would have been able to complete this task without the help of chatgpt which basically wrote the app for me.

    Aimal Khanโ€ข 2,260



    In your CSS code, give body element height of 120 or 150vh by using media query with max-height: 400px; so that your solution looks good on screens with small heights.

  • Yahya Shareefโ€ข 150



    In my implementation of the REST Countries API with a color theme switcher, I've created a web application that allows users to explore information about different countries. The application fetches data from the REST Countries API and displays it in a user-friendly manner.

    Aimal Khanโ€ข 2,260



    In your CSS code, give body element height of 120 or 150vh by using media query with max-height: 400px; so that your solution looks good on screens with small heights.

  • girmtโ€ข 20



    • how to make the text appear in reverse pyramid style under the "great" text?
    • how to center text in the circle, images in the containers and align text?
    Aimal Khanโ€ข 2,260



    In your CSS code, give body element height of 120 or 150vh by using media query with max-height: 400px; so that your solution looks good on screens with small heights.

  • Aimal Khanโ€ข 2,260



    In your CSS code, give body element height of 120 or 150vh by using media query with max-height: 400px; so that your solution looks good on screens with small heights.

  • Aimal Khanโ€ข 2,260



    In your CSS code, give body element height of 120 or 150vh by using media query with max-height: 400px; so that your solution looks good on screens with small heights.

  • Jose Jimmyโ€ข 290



    Hi everyone๐Ÿ‘‹, Finally completed the Age Calculator App challenge

    I thought this will be a pretty easy challenge but it took me a while to figure out the solution, I have only tested the system manually so the chances for typos are more, if you find something do let me know.

    I know this is not an optimal solution and there are always room for improvements if you have any suggestions please free to comment below. Open to any feedbacks.

    This is the basic logic behind calculating the age and I found out this the easiest and most optimal way.

    Happy coding! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    const date = new Date(0);
    const currentDay = date.getUTCDate();
    const currentMonth = date.getUTCMonth();
    const currentYear = date.getUTCFullYear();
    const birthDate = new Date(`${userYear}-${userMonth}-${userDay}`);
    const diff = new Date( - birthDate.getTime());
    resultingYear = Math.abs(diff.getUTCFullYear() - currentYear);
    resultingMonth = Math.abs(diff.getUTCMonth() - currentMonth);
    resultingDay = Math.abs(diff.getUTCDate() - currentDay);
    Aimal Khanโ€ข 2,260



    In your CSS code, give body element height of 120 or 150vh by using media query with max-height: 400px; so that your solution looks good on screens with small heights.

  • Aimal Khanโ€ข 2,260



    In your CSS code, give body element height of 120 or 150vh by using media query with max-height: 400px; so that your solution looks good on screens with small heights.

  • Aimal Khanโ€ข 2,260



    In your CSS code, give body element height of 120 or 150vh by using media query with max-height: 400px; so that your solution looks good on screens with small heights.

  • Abiel Ortegaโ€ข 40



    Hardest part of this challenge for me was finding a way to display the correct number of days between the current date and the user input date. I kept getting negative numbers but luckily, I was able to find good solution for it with the help of others.

    I feel like my JavaScript is super messy so any feedback on how I can better organize my code would definitely help.

    Aimal Khanโ€ข 2,260



    In your CSS code, give body element height of 120 or 150vh by using media query with max-height: 400px; so that your solution looks good on screens with small heights.

    Marked as helpful

  • Bogdan Kimโ€ข 780



    I would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have!

    Some parts of the code I'm unsure of:

    • The backdrop that appears when the hamburger menu on mobile is toggled. I had to use an empty div. Is there a better way to achieve this?
    • The positioning of the main content. To name a few things, the main content wrapper uses a negative margin because the header was slightly too tall. I used a float: right on an image to stick it to the right of the container. I could have used flex, but float seemed to work just like I wanted it to, and it saved me a couple of lines. I heard from somebody on the internet that we shouldn't use float properties, so that's why I'm unsure about using it.
    • How is my folder structure?"
    Aimal Khanโ€ข 2,260



    In your CSS code, give body element height of 120 or 150vh by using media query with max-height: 400px; so that your solution looks good on screens with small heights.
