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All comments

  • @vivekrajput-93


    Hi Raj.. Congratulations on your first project ...It looks good to me but It has the room to improve like you could have use { font-wieht : bold;} to make the text look better for the buttons. Change the color of paragraph as per instruction and provide some margin to it. Altough It looks perfectly fine.Well done !

  • @vivekrajput-93


    Hey Steve..Do you mind If I ask that do we have to just validate the email...I am little confused with the given instruction ...

  • @MeghaS4831


    Hi, Could anyone help me understand how we can create this website for a mobile version? Do we used media queries? In the readme file it mentions that the designs were created to the following widths:

    • Mobile: 375px
    • Desktop: 1440px I have just coded for a desktop version.



    Hi...Congrats..on first project...Yeah u can media queries to make responsive for every device by setting (max-width: any(px) you want...and select the tag(here <img>) u want to target for make it responsive...I hope I was usefull.

  • @AlanPinhon


    Hello everyone.

    I am a beginner in these challenges for frontend development.

    I would like to know after this practice:

    • How can I improve as far as clean code is concerned?

    • What kind of mistakes should I not make?

    • Any difficulties that you had when carrying out this project?

    I appreciate your comments and I will take them into account to improve the next times.



    Well done brother, u did good , but I would prefer the appyling the font-family which is given in the instruction, cos it perfectly match with component, over all looks great to me.

  • @vivekrajput-93


    Well , But lot could have done with component like <img> ,providing border-radius and for <p> you could have given some padding and its color , that could make it much better, still look great to me.Congratulations on your first project.

  • @vivekrajput-93


    Look great to me...well

  • @vivekrajput-93


    It is so exact , well done brother.
