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Responsive Four Card Feature Section
#tailwind-cssPSubmitted about 1 month agoAny honestly comment are welcome!!!
Ruc's Recipe page solution
#tailwind-cssPSubmitted about 1 month agoI would like to get help on how to style for list marker like how to define list item marker width, padding, margin etc
Latest comments
- @sd3u16Submitted about 1 month agoP@vanrucPosted about 1 month ago
Hi Dear,
Your solution look good on mobile phone, except the grid of images we should show on 1 column as the design.
Seem you haven't finish work on table and desktop. Please tell us what is the most challenge for you on this solution, so we may have some suggestion on it so.
Thanks and regards, Ruc
0 - @PaiKai-LeeSubmitted about 1 month agoP@vanrucPosted about 1 month ago
Hi Pai,
Nice to have some comment on your solution.
- Firstly, as our design the body of the page will have background color : #F6F5F6, by adding background color you will see your card easier(currently as you see, white background card look shorter than other block)
- Secondly, you may review the font size, font weight of each card text content.
- Thirdly, not all of image has ring, please double check.
- Lastly, you may try to implement style for tablet to match with the design.
Hope this help, Ruc
Marked as helpful0 - @AnkitSinghSenwalSubmitted about 1 month agoP@vanrucPosted about 1 month ago
Well Done.
I just have only 1 comment. When user hover to the button, please change the text color to black.
Hope this help, Ruc
Marked as helpful0 - @xuanphu2701Submitted about 1 month agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
- Discover variables in CSS
- Finish this much quicker than the last two
- My confidence gained so much!
- Start using semantic tag
- Currently not
P@vanrucPosted about 1 month agooh, chào Phú!!!
Good job. Tuy nhiên mình có một vài comment nhỏ như sau.
- Bạn chưa load đúng font chữ
- Cho phần social link phía dưới bạn nên chuyển qua sử dụng thẻ <a> thay vì sử dụng button
- Hiện tại mình thấy bạn đang để style cho button khi active thì chuyển màu, nhưng nên chuyển nó qua khi hover.
Regards, Ruc CV
0 - @ReneOsvaldoCamachoFernandezSubmitted almost 2 years ago
Four-Card-Section component responsive Next.js Tailwind CSS TypeScript
#next#tailwind-css#typescriptP@vanrucPosted about 1 month agoHi,
Congratulation you on finish the challenge.
I would like to have some comments as below:
seem you haven't implement for tablet screen size.
Desktop version Look good, except some element space is not pixel perfect. I think it will be better if you have figma file and follow the design.
Many thanks, Ruc
0 -
- @asmaaelbahrawi1Submitted about 1 month agoP@vanrucPosted about 1 month ago
First of all, Congratulation.
Secondly, I would like to have some comment on your solution:
- you are missing design for mobile and tablet versions.
- On your desktop version:
One small note: you haven't define font-size for html tag, so it will be set as default 16px, it will affected to your calculation base on rem(like font size, width, gap, padding, margin...)
The first-p: Current font size currently is 36.8px, while design is 36px Font weight should be 275 Color is not follow design Line height should be 140%(50.4px) It should have letter-spacing of 0.25px;
The second-p: same as first-p, just different from font-weight
The desc-p: Color should follow our design: grey color #4D4F62 Line height: 140% And I think we shouldn't use <pre> tag for it, using <p> tag with proper width, padding, margin will be okay.
Your card container Display flex is correct But the flex item is a bit hard to control. I suggest some change like below:
a) card container: .container { display: flex; gap: 32px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; }
b) for flex item left and right:
- remove all margin: left, right, auto.
So your card will be more flexible.
The rest of small thing, you may try to do close as design as possible.
Thanks and good luck with your improvement, Ruc