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  • Jasser Gharb• 20



    Hey there, thank you for checking out my solution. This is my first time using this platform and I am somewhat new to Web Development. I have a few questions I'd like to ask:

    • What would a proper VueJS Web application look like? As in the file structure, code structure, ect..
    • How can one effectively approach project planning?
    • Also I have an issue with the button not changing color when hovering it, any clue on why?
    .calculator-submit button{
    border-radius: 100px;
    border: 0;
    background-color: hsl(259, 100%, 65%);
    .calculator-submit button:hover{
    background-color: hsl(0, 0, 8%);
    cursor: pointer;

    Thank you in advance.

    web weaver• 310



    Great job on your solution! It's wonderful to see your enthusiasm for web development and your willingness to learn. I'll address your questions:

    • Proper VueJS Web Application: A proper VueJS web application typically follows a specific file and code structure. It's recommended to organize your files into components, views, and other relevant directories. Maintain a clear separation of concerns, with components handling specific functionalities and views serving as the main pages. Also, make sure to leverage Vue's reactive data system and utilize features like computed properties and lifecycle hooks.

    • Effective project planning: Project planning is crucial for successful development. Start by defining clear goals and requirements. Break down the project into smaller tasks, create a timeline, and allocate resources accordingly. Additionally, consider using project management tools, establishing regular communication channels, and conducting periodic reviews to track progress effectively.

    • Button color change issue: The code you provided looks fine, and the button should change color when hovered. However, ensure that there are no conflicting styles overriding the background-color property for the button in other CSS rules. Additionally, check if there are any errors in the browser console that might be affecting the button's behavior.

    Keep up the great work, and don't hesitate to ask any further questions you may have. Happy learning and coding!

  • web weaver• 310



    Great job on your project! I can see that you've put a lot of effort into it.

    Here are some suggestions for improvement:

    • Font size consistency: Consider increasing the font size of the heading to maintain consistency with the overall design. This will help ensure that important elements stand out and are easily readable.

    • Responsive layout: It's important to work on the responsiveness of the layout, especially for tablet and mobile sizes. Currently, the layout overflows and remains the same across different screen sizes. You can address this by using flex-col on the .card div for smaller screen sizes. This will help the layout adapt appropriately and provide a better user experience on mobile devices or narrower screens.

    • Semantic <form> element: Instead of using a generic <div> for the actual form, I recommend using the semantic <form> element. This will improve the accessibility and structure of your code, making it more understandable for both users and search engines.

    Overall, your project is looking great! Implementing these improvements will enhance the design consistency, responsiveness, and code structure, taking your project to the next level. Keep up the fantastic work!

  • codezol• 420



    i haven't used vanilla js for making a website for a while since i was using react, but looking at it react is really cool it make a lot of things easier and cleaner, i think that a lot of thing can be imporved so it will be great to have any kind of advice.

    web weaver• 310



    Great job on your project! I really appreciate the effort you put into creating a sleek and professional design. However, I have a few suggestions for improvement:

    Responsiveness: It would be beneficial to work on the responsiveness, particularly for tablet sizes. Ensuring that the website looks and functions well on different screen sizes will greatly enhance the user experience.

    Consistency in item placement: While the design is visually appealing, there are a few instances where the placement of items could be more consistent. Taking some time to align elements and maintain a cohesive design throughout the entire project would make it even more polished.

    Missing product image gallery: It would be great to include the gallery that opens up when users click on the product image.

    Increasing cart height: Consider increasing the height of the cart to make it more prominent and noticeable.

    Keep up the great work! I'm confident that implementing these improvements will take your project to the next level.

    Marked as helpful

  • FranA• 340



    Hey, please check out functionality of my page and let me know how would you improve it :)

    E-commerce product Page tailwind



    web weaver• 310



    Fantastic design and immersive interactive experience! Kudos on your great work! Just a couple of suggestions for improvement: consider opening the full-size image gallery when users click on the large image, with corresponding changes when they click on the thumbnails. Additionally, enhancing responsiveness would further elevate the user experience. Overall, exceptional work and a delightful user experience!

    Marked as helpful
