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    In the course of developing this project, I had the opportunity to explore Next.js for the first time, and it was a truly enjoyable experience. Next.js provided powerful tools for server-side rendering, routing, and optimizing performance, making it an excellent choice for building modern web applications. This project allowed me to delve into the world of server-rendered React applications and deepen my understanding of Next.js's capabilities. This project also provided an opportunity to practice problem-solving and debugging in a real-world context. Overall, it was a rewarding experience that enhanced my skills as a web developer. I look forward to incorporating Next.js into future projects and continuing to expand my skills as a developer. i know there are many improvements to be made. All your feedback and advice are warmly welcomed.

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    Launch Countdown-timer app using react, vite and tailwindCSS

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    Alhamdulillah! I've successfully completed the launch-countdown-timer project. It was a thrilling and demanding endeavor that pushed my skills to the limit. The CSS aspect, in particular, proved to be quite challenging due to numerous intricate design adjustments. Regrettably, I didn't have access to the original design files, so I had to rely on my best judgment to achieve the desired outcome. Nevertheless, I am pleased with the final result.

    I warmly welcome any feedback or suggestions you may have. Your insights will be invaluable in my ongoing journey to enhance my skills and create even better projects in the future.

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    Alhamdulillah! i've completed the advanced multi-step-form challenge. It was a really challenging and fun project to work on. every time i work on a challenge, it enhances my knowledge and understanding of different topics. unfortunately I did not have the design files. so i had to approach for the design with best guess. I am really happy with the outcome. I know there are many improvements that can be done. so I'd be happy to receive feedback and suggestions from you.

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    Hello everyone,

    Alhamdulillah. I've completed the Ecommerce Product Page project on Frontend Mentor, and I'm excited to submit it for review. As a free user, I didn't have access to the design files, so I had to rely on my best guess approach based on the provided design images. Throughout the development process, I learned a lot, particularly in working with React, Vite, and Tailwind CSS. However, I would greatly appreciate your feedback and insights to help me improve the project further.

    In order to make the most of your feedback, I would like to pose some specific questions:

    What were the most challenging aspects you encountered while building this project? Are there any particular sections of my code that you find problematic or unclear? Do you have any suggestions for best practices or improvements that could be implemented in the project? Thank you in advance for taking the time to review my project and provide valuable feedback. Your input will be immensely helpful in my journey to enhance my frontend development skills.

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    I would greatly appreciate your valuable feedback on my solution for the 'manage-landing-page' challenge. I've put in considerable effort to build this project using React and Tailwind CSS, following a mobile-first workflow. I encountered some challenges along the way, but I'm proud of the final result. Please share your thoughts on the overall design, responsiveness, code structure, and any suggestions for improvement. Your feedback will be instrumental in my ongoing learning journey.

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    Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah). I have completed the IP Address Tracker intermediate challenge from Frontend Mentor, and I'm excited to share my project with the community! This project was my first time working with map and geolocation APIs, and I found the experience to be both challenging and rewarding. Now that I'm deploying the project, I'd love to hear what the community thinks about my implementation of the APIs. Have you worked with similar APIs before? Are there any suggestions or improvements that you can recommend? Let's start a discussion and continue learning together!

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    Hello FrontendMentor team,

    I am excited to submit my solution for the todo app challenge. As a free user, I unfortunately did not have access to the design files. Therefore, I approached the challenge by making educated guesses based on my understanding of good design principles and user experience.

    Throughout the development process, I focused on creating a simple and intuitive interface that would allow users to easily add, update, and complete their tasks. I also made sure to include responsive design elements, so that the app would look great on all devices.

    While I am proud of what I have accomplished, I am always looking to improve my skills and learn new techniques. I would greatly appreciate any feedback or suggestions that you may have regarding my solution.

    Thank you for providing such a fun and challenging project. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  • Submitted

    I think i should've split the CountryDetail component into more subcomponents to make it more manageable. i know i could use react Context to make the passing of the props more organized. i just got lazy. I think most of improvements that can be done is in the CountryDetail section. i just leave it here though.