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  • Submitted

    Hi everyone! After a long break, I finally made it back to finish this challenge. My personal goal was to not end up in the "tutorial hell" and to just start coding. That's why it took me longer than I think it would. Thank you for being awesome and spending your time helping other people like me.

    Further Information: What did you find difficult while building the project?

    It wasn't too difficult to build, but rather to build it "clean". I try to write clean and easy to read code for other developers. Please let me know if this code would be nice to work with, or tell me which would you do differently.

    Which areas of your code are you unsure of?

    I am unsure about:

    • My HTML optimization (about the structure)
    • My CSS Class names (readability for other programmer)

    Do you have any questions about best practices?

    My lighthouse report tells me that image elements should not have explicit width and height. Is this something I need to change in future challenges?

    That's all, thank you. You Rock! :)

  • Submitted

    Hi everyone! I have now completed my third challenge and tried to utilize all the previous feedback you guys gave me here or on Slack. I hope you can spend some time and revisit my code, to give me feedback. Thanks for your time!

    Further Information: What did you find difficult while building the project?

    The most difficult function for was the hover effect with the eye SVG Icon and the little icons before the currency and time left text. It took some time, but in the end it worked.

    Which areas of your code are you unsure of?

    I am unsure about:

    • My HTML optimization (about the structure)
    • My CSS Class names (readability for other programmer)
    • The way I did implement the little Icons before currency and time left
    • How I used rem instead of px as unit in my CSS
    • My image Hover effect

    Do you have any questions about best practices?

    How to handle images in button or similar thing like in this challenge the currency or time left area? What would be the most optimized way of handling this?

    Thank you, for your time! :)

  • Submitted

    Hi there! :) Thanks for your time! I really appreciate it.

    What did you find difficult while building the project?

    This is now my second challenge I have done on this page, and I am very happy so far. This challenge felt easy and finished quickly. It felt nice to build it, but I am thinking a lot of my code of how readable it is or if some tags are unnecessary or not.

    Which areas of your code are you unsure of?

    Three things are a big concern for me at this challenge:

    1. How to know which unit should be used? I am unsure about when to use px, % or go to vh, vw, em and so on.
    2. How and when to comment the right way? At my first challenge, I commented almost everything. This time only the Main elements. Is there a plan on how to do it right?
    3. I am using <main> and <section> tag just because I know there should be at least one main tag in a page but for this challenge it felt like I don't need the main or section tag, but I did it because I wasn't sure about it.

    Thanks in advance for your Feedback and your time you invest to read this! I wish you a wonderful day.

  • Submitted

    Hi, my name is Ron, and I am from Germany. At first, thanks for your time! I rly, rly appreciate it.

    What did you find difficult while building the project?

    This was my first challenge and at first I didn't even know how to start. I saw someone scribbling all the needed div boxen and color them. Because I like to work visually, I also tried it out, and it worked fine. After my little sketch, I felt rdy to start with my HTML Layout. Some time later, I was happy about my code, so I started to style it via CSS. I tried to be pixel perfect and also to have nice structure with reasonable comments, for other people who maybe wants to read my code.

    Which areas of your code are you unsure of?

    • I have used the BEM naming convention and I kind of like it, but I am not sure if this is the right way to name my classes, in case of some collaborations. Does it annoy people for its length?
    • I have made a Button with an a-tag inside. I wanted to have a Button-tag for better understanding of what to expect from it. But I am not sure if only an a-tag would be enough and easier way to create my CTA.

    Do you have any questions about best practices?

    • I am a self-taught "coder" and want to learn more about Frontend and Backend development, but after a while I don't know how good or bad my code is. Would my code be ok to work with? I want to collab with someone in the near future, but feel unsafe about my writing.
    • Question from above: Does people get annoyed of my class name length? (of BEM in general)
    • Is there an industry way of doing things? Like how I made my Button, would professional people do it like that?

    Thanks in advance for your Feedback and your time you invest to read this! I wish you a wonderful day.

    Best Regards Ron Wollschläger

    Discord: #8485 pxMahio // Email: [email protected]