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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I was happy to complete the challenge despite the difficulties, I didn't reach the point I wanted, but where I left off left me very happy. I feel evolution :)

    I think I would put a little more effort into the issue of alignments and adaptability (responsiveness) of the elements, without relying so much on pressing or pushing the elements in any way or in a way that makes it seem like it happened anyway.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I had a lot of difficulty with the button icon (which wasn't 100%, but it was functional!) and with the issue of positioning and responsiveness of the elements, I feel like I lack more skill, however, I'm happy with getting to the current point. where I stopped the project. Regarding overcoming difficulties, I will definitely struggle if I rely too much on external help, but there is definitely room for improvement.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    If you can help me with this:

    Positioning of elements: Not related (margin: auto 0px / position: relative / text-align: center / flex-direction: center / justify-content: center) but in tips on how to orient myself around the screen and divide the application to the centralization. It would help a lot to have efficient tips :)

    Responsiveness/Optimization of the use of Media Queries: I feel that I use it correctly, however, I realize that it is possible to improve and clean the code more. However, I lack knowledge.

    Advice on the intelligent use of sections, articles and cards. Well, from an open point of view, with both you can do the same thing... But, when do you use them? When it's for news pages and the like and self-explanatory, however, when it's not... The question remains. Obviously I will look for it in the documentation in the future, but a technical explanation would be nice.

  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Me orgulho de ter conseguido criar sem problemas, de ter me lembrado do conceito de ''blog'' e ter feito o projeto na escala "main>art>sec", ajudou bastante na hora de organizar e centrar. Alinhas os elementos sempre é uma dor de cabeça frequente.

    Acho que eu tentaria um pouco mais incluir os inputs/btn estilizados no lugar dos ''p'' mesmo, fazer algo mais ''sólido''. Eu cheguei até a fazer a classe, e comentar os btn pré prontos.. Mas achei melhor ir com os p's mesmo.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Acertar os line heights e centralizar sem depender dos paddings e margins sempre é um desafio complicado. Pois nem sempre as centralizações padrões ''pegam'' e a gente vai ficando sem ''saida'' regular para usar. Mas consegui me virar e deu certo, fiquei feliz com o resultado.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Por enquanto não consigo pensar em nada, acho que ficou bem na proposta. Mas aceito sugestões sem dúvidas! :D

  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    • Acho que o processo de criar foi divertido, foi bem tranquilo :) 🇧🇷
    • Ajustaria o tamanho do documento AHAHAH' (Não tive muito tempo para fazer do tamanho exato) 🇧🇷

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Não tive nenhuma dificuldade significativa no desafio, foi bem tranquilo de fazer. Só tive um probleminha com a "ol" que não quis posicionar de maneira alguma a onde eu queria, então, depois de inúmeras tentativas, percebi que tava perdendo muito tempo e a deixei de lado. Mas arrumarei, futuramente. 🇧🇷

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Aceito com prazer dicas de alinhamento total e responsividade. Ambos ainda são um belo desafio para mim. 🇧🇷

  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I would try to put a button in ''Learning'' instead of creating a div with border radius and the like.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Look, aligning this photo with the other items vertically took some work, but everything else went very smoothly.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Again, not because the hell the @import of font doesn't work, if anyone knows why, let me know AHAHAHAH'

    Other than that, everything is fine.

  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I think I would make the scope to adapt according to the screen as soon as I already had the object almost 100%, because responsiveness is something that if left until the end... It could become a future headache, depending on the scope from the project. I'm proud that I managed to do almost everything without using a lot of research. Because CSS has a lot of properties and whether we like it or not... We end up needing to do research here and there. And in this project, I researched almost nothing, so it was very satisfying to finish it.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    For me, positioning elements in the center of a DIV (Using flexbox in general...) is always a challenge... So, making everything organized was definitely a challenge! But it was easy and fun to do.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    At this moment, for this project, just the "source" that I can't make work in any way! It was frustrating (I tried using font face, importing, applying inline directly to the tag... Anyway, without success!). If someone could explain to me why it didn't work, I would appreciate it, because apparently there is nothing wrong with the import entry, nor with the source ttf file, and in fact, it doesn't work.