@raygdevAll solutions
- Submitted 14 days ago
Using vite with vanilla js, html, and css
#accessibility- HTML
- JS
I would like help with two areas...
I added functionality for the up and down arrow keys to be able to navigate the accordion giving focus to the next button that needs it (or the previous depending on the button). It almost acts as a focus trap when reaching the very first or very last button element in the article. However, tabbing away will focus outside of the accordion as it should. Would this be considered expected behavior or does something need to change?
The associated panels are just paragraph elements. According to the authoring guide, it doesn't appear that there is any hidden attribute on them to indicate to screen readers that this is a hidden panel element. Does this need to be added? I didn't add a display or visibility property to the selectors. I only changed the height to
to give thehidden
effect. Is this ok?
Are there other things I can do to improve my accessibility?
- Submitted 3 months ago
Sunnyside agency landing page using react with scss
#react#sass/scss#bem- HTML
- JS
I Think there are a few things I need cleared up
- Does the html (jsx) look properly structured for something like this? I had read that it isn't a good idea to directly style a semantic element so I chose not to. But I think it would have been a lot cleaner in jsx had I done it. Is this a true statement or is it preference?
- Is there a better way to make the nav bar positioned without using absolute positioning? Or is this the way to do it? It seems challenging (depending on the relative parent) to obey the padding and margins. I had to do a little bit of calculating and adjusting as the screen grew.
- This is my first time really trying BEM. I do like the idea of it, but I think my naming could use some work. And it was also challenging to figure out how to name other nested elements based on it. I saw a few different styles of BEM, but not sure if I'm using the hyphens and underscores correctly. Any suggestions on that to clean it up would be greatly appreciated.
I'm sure there is more I will likely think of later.